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Everything posted by crusian

  1. On my local tv it said you can still go down your allotments ( good for your mental health and getting exercise ) , so why can't I go fishing ? , especially as I can drive straight to the lake without any social contact . Pushing a loaded barrow around the lake is my exercise , and I don't want to interact with anyone , just the wildlife - I'm antisocial , go away I'm fishing ! . 🤔
  2. Or Bruce Willis in his dirty vest . 😁
  3. 🤣 Good for you , Elmo . 😁
  4. Ahh , you don't let stuff fester inside your head , you just get it out there ? . I guess it helps that if your compass is a bit wonky one day you're a big fella . 😁
  5. Hello Elmo Very sad to read that your anxiety has flared up . Have you been given any stress busting exercises to do when your head gets in a mess ? . 😃
  6. You busy little beaver , Highy . So where have you cast to , Highy ? , hopefully not out of bounds into your neighbours garden ? . 😁
  7. Hello Yonny I have been told that the packaging was due to come from China , so now it's delayed . Apparently the bags the freezer bait are sold in breathe , and therefore would not be suitable for shelfies . Maybe you need another bait freezer if your Wife and little Lad keep insisting on eating , not that there's much food left in the supermarkets ! . 😃
  8. Thanks , Framey . The mat should do me just fine then . 😃
  9. Hello , Blue . I'm thinking about buying a Korum Fast Mat . In your opinion how big a carp would you feel happy putting in the mat ? , on the water I'm on at the moment the heaviest they go is high 20s . Ta . 😃
  10. Aristotle , Confucius , Elmo , all great thinkers . 😁
  11. " Don't fold me handles in " 😮. Well that's it then , Oscsha , banned ! . 😁
  12. Hello Paul Shame you didn't catch anything , but interesting that you chose peg 6 which Big Bass had suggested . You watched the lake for signs as was suggested , maybe switch to a coated braid ? ( listening to others on the forum , I want to be confident that my bait is properly presented at all times ) ; personally I prefer a pop up to keep my hookpoint above any chod , especially at this time of year . At least you want to revisit the fishery . 😃
  13. crusian

    Dogs and fishing

    Has anybody considered a black Newfoundland ? . No need for a bait boat , your dog can swim out in the dead of night and drop some bait and your rig into tight places ! . 😁
  14. crusian

    Dogs and fishing

    The dog does look adorable , Smufter , but , it doesn't look too impressed by you ! . 😁
  15. Hello Paul I am having some success in the shallowest ( 3-5ft. ) part of my lake ; this part has a healthy growth of weed , and I guess ( as I haven't compared it ) a warmer water temperature than the deepest part of the lake . You don't show wind speed , and personally I would seek shelter if it's a cold wind of any strength as I can't fish competently if I'm not comfortable . Tight lines . 😃
  16. crusian

    Dogs and fishing

    Now if you could only train her to " ave a word " with anyone casting across your lines . 😁
  17. Ooh , that's a lovely looking Roach , looks scale perfect . 😃
  18. I see Elmo has gone for some mealworms to give him some protein . 😁
  19. So do they put something special in Cotswold tap water , or are you into " blue smarties " , Chill ? . 😁
  20. Do French Do French molehills smell of garlic , adding to their attraction ? . 😁
  21. Well surely it will only take a couple of minutes to make your lady pregnant , then your work is done , and off you go fishing ? . 😁
  22. You cunning , cuddly , rascal , Elmo . I hope you have your own laptop / computer away from all seeing eyes ? . 😁
  23. Hi Yonny . I've gone for the 14mm Pop Ups , 1 x White and 1 x Pink as I was advised exactly as you say that a 12mm would need some help supporting a large hook , so I thought I would rather trim . Yes , I was told the same about the shelfies , what great timing for me , it's much easier to sneak some shelfies in than explain why I've turned my bait fridge on . I guess that your Mrs has come up with the lame excuse that if you want to eat then she needs to buy food and store it somewhere 🙄 . 😃
  24. So how do you then weigh your fish , Blue , a separate weigh sling ? . Oops ! , just read your earlier post . Which weigh sling do you use please , as you have obviously trimmed your gear down very carefully . 😃
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