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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. Rob has been in touch if you can PM me your phone numbers I will send you over the bank details to pay with
  2. I would have felt the thing I walked straight into if I had hair still 😂
  3. A baldy bang on the head today walked into an oven door handle just as I was packing up at work.
  4. Got the look, could have the build but nah not my type of thing really, I have thought about going to St John's occasionally as a volunteer but never quite found the time.
  5. My mate knows him and just said he is a decent bloke but is usually a little slow responding if at all, I will keep trying I'm still hopeful it's OK 👍
  6. He hasn't called back yet, I've just messaged the guy that runs the lake I fish as he probably knows him as its next door and I'm pretty sure they have done work together on the track and stuff, hopefully if we can join the dots and we can get an answer one way or another.
  7. Mine is so short now you can't see the grey
  8. I will keep chasing this week and hope i can get an answer one way or the other
  9. I haven't bought much really. 3 matrix hockey sticks (ebay bargain) and some mcf bike chain indicator chains to go with them. And a new head shaver I am now super bald 😂
  10. Yep, hoping he calls back soon tbh I want this monkey off my back now
  11. I've just called and now left a message on his phone as the forum is back up and running, hopefully he calls me back and we can get it sorted out
  12. Thank god the forum is working again, I kind of missed you all 😉
  13. 2oz and 3.5oz heli leads 10 of each 2 marker leads MP lead shed great value leads tbh And some breakaway leads off ebay for deweeding
  14. Good luck, hopefully you are onto something now. I've been doing a big bucket a week, I doubt it last more than a couple of days though. I am going Saturday so it will get another hit when I leave hopefully, but I am tempted to leave it alone for a bit longer, I reckon all the pads will be putting people off and I might start another too. Don't want to have all my eggs in one basket this year. Especially now I've found a good cheap particle source near my home 😂
  15. I would say the mix is working for me one spot was like glass primed and ready I think , the other you have to be precise to get a drop, anywhere around it is virtually floor to ceiling weed that spot got the majority today hoping to increase it slightly, but it was progressing nicely soon be ready I think, then quick scrape with the rake to improve line lay and it will be game on.
  16. I haven't been for a couple of weeks already feels like a lifetime, going tomorrow to clear some pads and stuff will have buckets of bait and hopefully do some spot clearing, this will hopefully help next time I get to fish and also I feel like I am fishing even when I am not because I'm thinking whether they have cleared the spots yet 😂 Next best thing is to be preparing for something.
  17. This is my latest batch of boat mix, hoping to drop it off tomorrow, just needs salt, garlic granules and a healthy dose of molasses to season now. I actually started baiting a spot in the weed where I had seen some fizzing last week, will be interesting to see if it's cleared at all.
  18. https://www.geminicarptackle.com/shop/tidy-rigs/ These might be good for you, I've used the booms before and they are great tbh,
  19. I went goody shopping today. White squid supreme goo Esp claw hammer hooks Tungsten beads for my rigs 2 large helisafes Gas, Went to the animal feed place and bought some garlic granules for my particles.
  20. Nothing yet, I am trying still, I've just messaged them through their website again.will definately call this week. I've been a little busy this last month with work and kids and in my spare time walking, I racked up 600,000 steps as we are doing the million step challenge at work. I got a little competitive 😂
  21. Just emailed him again, I just looked and have his number so if I don't get a reply I will give him a call over the weekend
  22. Performance is the slightly bigger one, works a treat tbh
  23. Try taking the spool off and any washers etc and put them back together again sometbing may have got dislodged might be something simple hopefully.
  24. No matter what I use they seem to get me. I did use jungle formula this weekend but they still savaged my legs, tried the Avon before and that didn't seem to work that well for me either, but I know it does for lots of people. I went shopping for a new paddling pool this afternoon and ended up in go outdoors, bought a fox exocet marker float kit, I decided I needed a marker float again for baiting up with the boat as it will be easier and quicker to chuck it out to my spots raise it and have a visual marker to aim at.
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