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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. I do think it may affect your confidence in some way subconciously though, i am still enjoying the challenge tbh and actually the main pressure I have is that It is a tough challenge I have set myself, but I've learnt tough lessons before and I think I can do it again, but looking at some lakes these days where people are having hits makes me think would I enjoy fishing a lake with a higher stock more as I would probably catch more ,I guess the end result will tell me whether it was worth it 🤔 I have a Thursday night planned for this week and I can't decide on st Ives or having a break and fishing a day ticket for a night to try and break that particular duck
  2. I couldn't keep away from thinking anti eject so I've gone for a reverse combi rig I've tried a few different patterns but think I like the chod hook middle one best it sits best in the water I think
  3. Does anyone else think social media may be adding pressure to there angling in some way ? As we all know I haven't caught a proper carp(I don't count park lake) this year and I keep seeing all these people with carp and having red letter days and proper chunks and seeing everyone else's great results etc and never the struggles they go through I think in some ways it makes me feel like I must be always doing something wrong or doubting my ability even though deep down I don't think I am doing loads wrong and I am learning every trip but I can't help thinking as much as you can learn on social media does it all knock your confidence as well if you aren't getting the results everyone else is ?
  4. I just think Its important to be different size 4 has cropped up an awful lot though
  5. Having looked at your responses to this question the contrarian in me is thinking smaller hooks may be more effective because they are different 😁
  6. Which bank tackle hooks are you using smufter ? I've recently grown quite fond of the long shanks, although I do like the continentals and wide gapes too I also mainly use a size 4
  7. Bait bucket (empty ) carrier bag insterted like a bin bag and baby wipes, wrap it in a couple of scented nappy bags and tie it head height up a tree so someone walks into it 😀
  8. Definately will do,I can't wait to see what Rambo is doing next have you read bivvy tramps if you like these you will love those also
  9. I've just read the first one it was a great read,very enjoyable
  10. Dannygooner made me realise I forgot my fake crocs last weekend,no wonder I wasn't organised I didn't have my go faster shoes 🙁😬🥺😬🥺🙁
  11. Just sellotape a starlite to it job done pukka😀 I do agree though that is a product you could DIY build just remember though you would need a 2.5kg weight to compete with the fox one 😉 Do you think the fox ones may make planes divert or attract UFOs as they may be seen from way up, smufter would be ground control with his buttons 😀
  12. I would think at that price it should be rechargeable,you could have a fish disco though or "fishco" for short that may help catch them 😀
  13. I just quite enjoy thinking about rigs tbh,I am pretty certain some will be working more effectively than others I still believe we get done a lot more than we think,however I noticed a small flaw in this one when I water tested it and that is I don't think the uncoated braid would sit very nicely on the bottom as it seemed to rest above it and may just end up looking like a bird's nest after a few bream have wafted past it could use a few small blobs of putty but you may be right the multi is probably more suitable
  14. I still think there is something more satisfying about using something you have made yourself though, I love watching Dave lanes blog for that reason, he is always cutting things down or making things that are fit for a specific purpose that's proper carping to me
  15. Hi guys I got thinking last night about rigs and wondering about reversing the standard combi type coated braid hooklink, I've kind of come to the conclusion of using the coated braid section to create a D and have a stiff section a couple of inches after the eye then stripping the coating off to have a suppleish semi stiff boom section with a few inches of coating left to stiffen the loop end and keep it tangle free with the usual anti tangle sleeve, I just thought most rigs we seem to use nowadays have a stiff boom section so this may be different to what a modern day carp is used to, I was primarily trying to make an easy snowman rig and I figured this may make it tough for the carp to eject Also this one should be PVA friendly which should help keep it tangle free Just an idea feel free to have an opinion on it as I am really just guessing at present
  16. I hadn't seen this thread until now, this sounds like something I would like to try and make, Had an idea about the stiffness could you not place some lower diameter pipe or maybe a length of cane inside the pipe and use the foam to lock it in place as well? This may just stiffen it up enough, only major downside is the added weight
  17. Amazon are doing quite good deals on kindles this weekend my paperwhite screen got broken this week But I got a kindle fire for £35 to replace it it will do for bedtime reading
  18. I wore my fake crocs in public today they do make very handy beachwear, I was like David hasselhoff running after the kids in those
  19. I am still not sure I could commit to crocs long term secretly they are comfy and useful but they do make me not want anyone to see me wearing them, I get a guilty feeling when I slip them on 😁 When you go to discos dayvid? Do you rock around the Croc? 😯
  20. Are you a crocoholic dayvid? My 2.99 ones broke the first night I wore them the little strap ripped off one of them, still use them though they are handy
  21. Just make sure you wear a knotted handkerchief whilst sitting on your deckchair then
  22. I think an actual boat is different to a bait boat, Sea Fisherman would be pretty stuck without one and you still have to physically go out there not just sit on a deck chair with a controller it's still putting in a lot of effort to achieve the result
  23. Totally agree i love having time to think and drift off on a tangent, people always seem to think you need to be with others to be happy and the old dont you get bored or lonely while your fishing on your own? and I think nah its when I am most at peace sitting with my thoughts,
  24. I guess what it all comes down to with tech is where you draw your own personal line, I don't really have an issue with others using it, I don't really see someone choosing to map a lake with a deeper as cheating, in fact I wouldn't really say its cheating to throw out a fishspy on a spot you have found to check what's really down there, however driving a bait boat to a spot you couldn't cast and bait to is a slightly different thing, and maybe using a bait boat to map the lake may be different again, I guess I've decided if you cast it, then it's kind of OK
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