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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. You can buy the floats that go on your handle if that helps
  2. Yep quite common round my way tbh, If not pub it's those were having a social types, if you get a gang of youngish anglers then it's snorting and drinking and smoking all day long that can ruin an antisocial a bit 😀
  3. If you want a really cheap but better than 50/50 basemix have a look at quality baits they do some good but cheap mixes Cm60 is loosely based on the cell I believe
  4. You will soon be casting 7 wraps like a boss like me 😮😬😁
  5. I've recently become a fan of distance sticks tbh,having fished without them for years I was sceptical but I've never fished so accurately Ngt ones £8.95 money well spent in my opinion
  6. I meant then bowling back to there bivvy before getting the rods out,
  7. Very sad news,but unfortunately i think it's all too.common nowadays everyone seems to want to be part of the yahoo crew or something,and going to the pub all day seems acceptable still I do take a 4 pack of beer fishing with me usually but never feel the need to get smashed I just enjoy unwinding after a hard day to get to the lake,
  8. That's kinda where I may be heading tbh,Ive been using longer rigs lately and they just make a mess in the rig wallet
  9. My rigs never stay that organised,I try but somehow they like having an orgy while I am not looking 😮
  10. I've got the 10ft Vader's tbh if you don't need to cast to the moon they are good for the money, but if you can a 12 ft set may make make a better all rounder,I did see some Shimano tx1's on offer last night at a good price on one of the big sites they looked nice, not used them though I have quite a lot of ngt luggage and find it quite good enough for what I need, it's robust, cheap and will carry your stuff, cyprinus do good reasonably priced brollys and bedchairs, But Facebook market place seems to have some good deals on second hand bits too so well worth looking there also
  11. I probably have too but when I found I had foul hooked one that had probably just swam straight into the rig whilst feeding I thought how silly if I had used a bottom bait it would've hoovered it up no worries
  12. I'll second that very impressed with mine, super sensitive and reliable so far
  13. I was talking about a Chinese takeaway and that was fact it was in the local news and everything
  14. That's nothing the police raided one near me a good few years ago and found loads of dead cats in the freezer katsu curry anyone 😀
  15. https://www.carpology.net/articles/rigs/d-rig-in-detail
  16. I would just go for a d rig with ring and baitfloss or a bait screw tbh
  17. That is how I did my rigs on Thursday with just the hair stripped but I added a 1cm split in the coating to make a supple hinge
  18. I learnt a lesson last night used a simple knotless knot rig with a snowman absolutely nailed it,I think the main thing I've learnt is using the hook with the right bend in the shank/eye for what you are trying to achieve,if you want to get an angle on your hook use an inturned eye and the silicone will do the rest I didn't use any though I didn't see the need it was stiff enough with semi stiff coated braid The lesson I learnt was don't fish pop ups over particle, my guess was the foul hooked common must have been feeding so hard it went straight into the rig would've probably caught it properly in a bottom bait or snowman
  19. Don't get me wrong I appreciate a big group of anglers like say from on here as an example and calling it a social but but when did a guy going fishing with his mate become a social ? I think that is exactly what I am trying to say thanks i also don't like any phrase with done bites in its done me a couple of bites meaning i have caught a couple of fish from here previously 😀
  20. I hear this phrase all the time and it really bugs me, What does it mean really ? I want to fish with my friend We want to get really drunk and camp Me and my mate have got some weed and we're gonna smoke it together We don't want to fish effectively because we need two swims next door even though the fish are far away I don't really even like being that sociable in the bank, I am polite and do chat but I much prefer to watch the lake and will actively seek solice in anti social swims 😀
  21. Of course they used propaganda during Brexit they all did to try and get people on there side, Sadly I fail to see what I said that was funny,
  22. Doesn't every one already think they are a bunch of c bombs, I am surprised they are that vein still 😀
  23. Not really , It's called propaganda the Nazis did it lots to make the Germans hate the Jews, much the same as the ukips are doing to try and make us hate eastern Europeans in the same way,it's probably easier than ever with social media to make stuff up and get it in the public eye and it's probably untraceable too, but if you read enough bad tweets or articles you will be slowly getting brainwashed day by day
  24. Trouble is the system isn't working,firstly why is most crime caused because by addiction or out of desperation So this backwards government would rather let criminals run the recreational drugs business,they would make a load of revenue in tax by legalising certain drugs, take the power back and be controlling it, probably saving the NHS time and funds in the process this would also help the police as they would have more time to solve other issues, and probably be able to fund rehab facilities to help people rather than punishing people for being addicts, Council tax is a joke with the majority not going to where it should ,the schools aren't getting enough funds last year we had to go in and do maintenance work ourselves to keep it tidy as they just don't have the funds They are taxing people to the hilt and affordable property that's a joke,and all that affects a child's upbringing me and my wife have to work full time to keep a roof over our head,and we're still just scraping through because house prices are through the roof because of the property boom caused by rich people forcing the prices up with there need for a weekend retreat and a portfolio of buy to lets, all good solid investments but homelessness is massively increased because if it, There are better ways but they are turning a blind eye to it,
  25. Typical sweeping statement designed to pigeonhole someone who happens to have a slightly different viewpoint than yourself, I am surprised you didn't mention Enoch Powell then, And who would supervise all this work when there is an overcrowded prison system and a lack of prison officers to look after them already ,one things for sure though the eastern Europeans would be the hardest working bunch in there
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