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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. I like my 6ft rod it doesn't get used enough but if you want a "fun" rod then it's perfect for stalking and getting around with minimal fuss, I do agree you can do stalking with 12 footers but it reminds me of the olden days with my little ledger rod and peering over the edge of the bank watching a dog biscuit right under the rod tip, and also its amazing playing a fish with the rod arching right round to the handle, While I do agree I got bored quickly with 10ft rods as they are limiting for all round rods and much prefer my 12 footers, it's nice to have a little fun rod that is easily transportable when you just have an hour or two
  2. 2lb tc in my opinion, if you are fishing close in you want it to be forgiving,I have an old 2lb tc greys stalker and was planning to use it this year again, 😬
  3. I'm in the middle but would've said Neen until I went to Stanwick lakes in the olden days on a carp. Com social( 3 of us in winter and it froze) 😬 now I just call it the nen when people call it the neen to be contrary 😁
  4. Would you say nen valley or Neen valley carp? 😏 Absolute stonker of a common though and an excellent write up to match, they make great reading these write ups πŸ‘ will look forward to the next one
  5. I did wonder what a fishing chair wheel was, I thought whatever will they come up with next πŸ˜‚ You could maybe have a look at car seats, maybe one of those might fit, is the other one lost or broken? Maybe a pic of the other side may help as someone may be able to see what could replace it
  6. http://www.baitbuckets.co.uk/shop/18-litre-round-camo-bucket-internal-tray/ I found this one with a tray πŸ‘
  7. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/263864572321 I did spot this whilst having. Look at buckets, you still need to buy a bucket for it but looks pretty good for what you want it for and you would have some pockets for stuff and fit should be easier to carry πŸ‘
  8. It does seem a complete rip off really 50 quid for a bucket lol, What you could do is make one πŸ€”bit of plywood on the lid some foam and a bit of material should be fairly easy and more importantly a lot less than 50 quid πŸ‘
  9. I hadn't really payed much attention to this before but I did see its rated to 25 stone, that's a pretty strong piece of furniture really, would want to try one to see if it's comfortable and practical first though I think,
  10. Funnily enough I had the avid stuff, so I also gave it a go splices nicely but didn't want to go through the eye, I used a size 4, on my travels of the interweb today I found some IB HOOKS JUNGLE ROPE 25lb spliceable hooklink braid 50m for Β£15, I've taken A Punt will let you know what it's like, they seem to do some quite cool rig bits on there site actually, worth having a look I think πŸ‘ Let me know how you get on with the ridgemonkey stuff
  11. Spliceable hooklinks? You've got me interested lol I started researching but not sure where to start who makes good ones please?
  12. Quite surprised how well a 10x15mm proper job is holding that lot up, perfect for bag rig pop ups, I think this combo may work even better with a bigger hookbait too
  13. Looks better I think πŸ‘
  14. BMG do a krank chod hook which I happen to have a packet of 😁 I will try and knock one up later on if I can the out turned eye may improve on your rig , I may have a curve type hook too πŸ€”πŸ˜‰
  15. I used 5000 emcast evos and found them OK, depends what you want to spend really
  16. Unfortunately that's true, you can't catch em all πŸ˜•
  17. That must've been a tough call to make, but another good decision, I found a few dead ones last year and it does make it tough, do you know what the cause of death was?
  18. That is an absolute stunner and a great story to boot, excellent stuff
  19. Will have a look into it I have some curve shanks in my hook collection πŸ˜‚ I found a good way make it easy to thread as well the fox easy splice needle, because it's so thin goes through hooks, aligners and small rings with ease I didn't get on with it splicing but I've found a good use for it now 😁
  20. The pva bag rig I was using started to annoy me tonight I really want to use bait screws but d rig aligner says no, or maybe yes but I will annoy you first so back and be faffy, so back with a fresh twist uncoated braid, tungsten aligned multi rig, that will do for now 😁
  21. I did that last year too the littlun bought one home From school and I didn't have any bamboo, mine wasn't just a Nash one it was a broken Nash one 😁
  22. I used my spod rod at my last daughters birthday, I sat on the stage like a knome with a pinata tied to it while the kids whacked the hell out of it 😁
  23. Great read yonny and some great fish too excellent stuff, hope there are more installments to come πŸ‘
  24. Don't you have then reel the dog in though to get it to come back πŸ˜‚
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