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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. Mega fish and Great write up again, can't wait for the next Installment 👍
  2. I found medium for 6, large for 4 Size 5 I think Was either 😁 Only thing I find annoying about the d rig bits is the fact it's not easy to get a swivel or bait screw over the top, if you spot a large ring bait screw I would be interested
  3. There are some exclusive lakes that can be booked in the UK might be worth looking into one of those
  4. Could convert to a bike trailer quite easily I would think, looks great though,
  5. https://britishaquafeeds.com/product-category/bulk-basemixes-pop-up-mixes/
  6. British aqua feeds do a designated colour pop up mix and wafter mix too, I should think they are the same mix dna bait use for there's
  7. This was the moment I decided I needed to get better organised 😁
  8. This time away has made me realise what I need to do this year, I have the plan and am ready to rock, tbh i got lucky catching one first time out so it's given me the green light to fish how I want and believe it should work out, OK, I like the old spurs Motto to dare is to do 😁
  9. Thats good then they do make good reading 👍 I just find it very easy to lose confidence in my approach, like now I've got a plan and I plan to stick with it, I am confident now as it seems to be working, but I wonder how I would react in that situation, I guess we will see 😁
  10. I'd be happy with that one stunner again, did you work out what was causing the hook pulls? And did you change anything? The reason I ask is because I probably would have gone mental and changed everything perhaps needlessly 😁🤣
  11. That's quite sad isn't it, I bet he couldn't get an acting job cos everyone thought he was a drug addict 😢
  12. No i was still to young to be In that video they were big kids to me 😁
  13. I've got a Sonik vader spod reel and it's a bit noisy and doesn't feel that great tbh, I would also go with diawa simply as i a always find them good quality products, I have 3 old emcast evos and if they died tomorrow they would've still given me many happy years of service
  14. It's no wonder I went my own way listening to this again 🙄😁😁
  15. Trouble is I thought zammo was so cool it sent me on my own unique journey 😎😁😁😁😁
  16. I only know because I saw zammo do it on Grange Hill 🙄🤔
  17. That's a good idea might try that thanks probably need to do something with them 👍💡
  18. Well the old Jrc has been modded, currently laying on it and not one cable tie has broken so far, it was old and saggy now its, tight and limber again, couple of things I discovered it does seem to leave loads of sharp bits once you trim them, and also it's worth fitting them all loose to start with then tightening them down all at once, good job well done I now have a quick, light overnight chair again
  19. I've also acquired some cable ties 😁 Might try and panel beat the frame a bit too while the cover is off, it was a little bent at the foot end 😱
  20. I don't think it adds or takes away any enjoyment for me really, I just like to know, the weight isn't be be all and end all, I'm just happy to catch, I do only tend to weigh them if they upper doubles + though just incase, because the 20lb + fish seem to have eluded me since my return to fishing last year, 😁
  21. Another day another stunner, great stuff yonny
  22. I have an old saggy jrc cocoon and access to a supply cable ties, I might give it a go whilst on furlough,to see if I can't revive it 😁 And if they support me they will be well rated 😇
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