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Everything posted by B B

  1. I follow the fish locker too he’s a knowledgeable angler, the two huge Tuna he had a couple of years ago on his 16ft boat while fishing for porbeagle was great to watch 👍
  2. I used to fish for smoothies with a bass rod, baited with peeler crab rotten bottom to an old spark plug or bolt which snapped most of the time great fun, the rod must have been made of fibreglass showing my age there 😄
  3. It do look bleak, but looks stunning 👍
  4. B B

    Weather ?

    Getting milder nx week from Sunday Il give the fish a chance to get used to the changes in the weather then maybe fish the Wednesday 🤔
  5. B B

    Weather ?

    Hows the weather where you are ? Well in South Wales been -3 for a couple of days but seen no snow yet
  6. Hope you get out soon Buzz, post some pics be great to see them 👍
  7. How do you stay warm ? and do you use one to them huts on skis ?
  8. On my last winter carp trip to Linear I done my usual lap of the lake with a spinning set up and to have a chat with my fellow sufferers 😏 , you get more info with a spinning rod in toe and Iv noticed that a lot of the lads are teenagers and most of the time common sense goes out the window in that age group. Every time one of the big tackle manufacturers puts up a winter video they should issue a warning about bivvy heaters it’ll take just 2mins some of the sponsored anglers have a a big following and coming from them they might take the info on board 🤞… A warning on gas bottles would help. 🤔
  9. BBQ’s can be deadly.. I recall a tragedy of a young family camping on a camp site they had finished eating in the evening and it started to rain the father brought in the bbq inside as it was new and most of the heat had gone they got a early night and sadly the mother and two kids didn’t wake Happened years ago but I’m still shocked recounting it.
  10. When your up in the early hours its dark or any time really and it’s cold, windy, wet and you reel in hopefully with a fish 🤞 I do not want to be fumbling about with cold fingers in a damp bivvy making bags mate. I want to use the sticks loop a bag on and hopefully hit the clip 1st time if not wind back in and repeat … and their was a couple of repeats on my last trip 😔 then you got the bird life that could wipe out your best laid plans…. But I enjoy it all 😂
  11. That’s so funny 😂 I tried the Korda bag stems but found them to rigid for my liking, I also use the tidy stem’s their a bit more pliable and fox leads as you do. 👍 Il tie a rig up later and see it 1st hand.
  12. Well i reckon I must say that’s a lovely background to the pic The knot looks bigger any problems with that ? and if I can be picky the loop when it’s open like in the pic could any debris catch in it ? but saying that I use a loop in my mainline to pass it over the leader or am I’m just over thinking it 🤔
  13. When I make my bags up with the lead free i wrap the the soft leader around the bag makes a tidy bundle then lay them out in a sandwich Tupperware box with a small amount of ground bait in the bottom … just got to be careful you don’t take a bite out of one 🤔 iv never thought to have a big loop in the lead free leader let us know how it goes 👍
  14. That was a interesting post 👍 The first bag of bait i bought was frozen Richworths tutti, awww what a smell we used it on carp societies horseshoe and had some fish on it Mainlines Cell changed my results every one was using it on Linear god knows how much they sold of it.
  15. I missed this post Wow what an exciting time for you hope the sun shines on you project. I have a shovel an pick and willing to travel if the digger plays up. I followed a blog on the YouTube of a angler digging his lake and the stocking of the carp https://youtube.com/@SouthWestCarpHunter
  16. B B


    A friend of mine was telling me tonight me that his mate who was new to carp fishing at the time got asked by a bailiff if he could look inside his bait bucket to do a bait check, the very popular day ticket water had put a ban on spoding maggots that week and had a limit of 4 pints, the angler agreed so the bailiff checked the bait bucket and asked if he could check inside the bivvy the angler gives the ok he steps in and said ok to look inside the luggage 😳 the angler agreed but said no to a small bag. The guy didn’t have any maggots My reaction was there’s no way I would allow him to search my bivvy, bait bucket and bait bag yes I’m ok with that but what if he insisted has he the right to ? Anyone had the same experience ?
  17. I intend to do some sea fishing locally for the cod this winter, in my angling past I’ve sold my gear from sea fishing to freshwater to sea boat fishing and back again. All the best Keith just be happy with your fishing 👍 @ the mods can’t we have a sub forum for the sea angler’s among us ?
  18. We’ve all had to do it one time or another, hope your Mrs has a speedy recovery…. Just don’t spend to much money on gear you don’t need on your lay off from fishing 😉
  19. Congratulations.. got to be the best pb Iv ever heard 👍
  20. Just had look in the freezer for any bait for a upcoming trip on Monday lots of odds and sods in there.. Sweetcorn, a pint of maggots, 2 ish pints of hemp and the same of ground bait with small bag of 2mil pellets. I’ll pop in the local tackle shop Saturday with the just the right amount of money for 3 pints of mags…so I don’t get tempted 😏
  21. Hi crusian the title is a take on the Lord of the rings films, one ring to rule them all. I had a solid fibreglass as a kid that was a upgrade from a handmade stick of bamboo with the eyes made out of bent hairclips Like the song says …’O happy days’
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