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Pete Springate's Guns

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Pete Springate's Guns last won the day on November 19 2021

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  1. Yeah, it can be a challenge choosing a new bait. I was in the same situation myself a few years back, considering all the different options…..But once you’ve committed and are happy you can forget about it. I was sorry to hear that Nick had closed down. Never used Retro but met Nick on the Mangrove years ago-talented angler for sure.
  2. I’m a Rollin Baits user-very happy with them over the last 3-4 years. My understanding is that The Dark Spell is a summer bait (higher water-temps). I really rate the Game for all year round use though I do also use the Optimum in small amounts during the colder months. However, if I was stuck with a shelf-life I’d go with Trent Baits, Freshwater Shrimp purely on results and friends recommendation.
  3. tbh, it would be nice to treat myself to a few other unnecessary bits and pieces but the rate that my ticket price is increasing and the cost of fuel to get there makes any other purchases prohibitive😬
  4. I’m pretty much with you on this. However, time waits for no man and as I’ve aged I’ve had to invest in a decent Bedchair and Chair; opting for the Solar SP C-Tech versions for both. Not cheap but I’ve been impressed with the quality and my back has thanked me for it. In actual fact, I believe the chair to be a real aid-I can watch the water for hours in comfort!
  5. Made the decision to go with the Inception 6000’s. They arrived today and first impressions are very positive. They are light, compact with a smooth clutch and balance the Sportex rods nicely. Bargain too; £130 for 3, free delivery and a bulk spool of mono which I’ll use as backing. It’ll be nice to have a dedicated set up for each of the 2 waters I’ll be fishing, without having to swop reels between the big water rods and the lighter set-up👍
  6. Cheers. I’m erring towards the 6000’s. I’m intending to pair them up with my old Sportex 12ft 2 3/4’s, reckon they should complement them nicely.
  7. I’m struggling to make a decision between the Inception 6000 and T-Rex 7000 for a set of 12ft rods, fishing predominantly upto 70 yds. Clearly, range isn’t a decisive factor, I’m more thinking aesthetics and balance! Plus a significant overall saving of £100 on a set. Anybody able to help with first hand experience, I’m unable to find any in the flesh.
  8. Double strength Tamari soy sauce. Vecon & Fish Sauce
  9. My standard approach for bottom baits/wafters is a supple braid with line aligner. Like Yonny says, its what I’ve got confidence in particularly when a small pva bag of crumbled boilie is attached👍
  10. Caught on all of those except Walnut. You can also add Macadamias. Tigers are the timeless classic for me but a Brazil takes some beating as a hookbait! Just a pity they’re all banned on my waters and I would rather lose a kidney than my Gold card🤣
  11. Cheers👍 As a Teacher my holidays are fixed so I fish mid-week during holidays and then return to odd weekends during term time. I’m a habitual watcher of the weather but in practical terms I go when I can.
  12. Think you might be on to something Yonny. In the last couple of years on 3 different waters I’ve had most of my better results in ‘poor’ conditions; high pressure, warm often sunny days. I’m not one for keeping extensive records but I also know that the moon phases have been ‘bad’ too🧐
  13. Instead of ‘pulling’ the needle through, try ‘pushing’ the leadcore off the needle.
  14. It can be very difficult to access any information about the NW region in particular. If you are prepared to travel your options increase significantly but I’m guessing you already know that!
  15. If using it as a long running chod I’m happy using the camflex. But I’m using braid mainline so need something to protect the fish.
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