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Everything posted by jh92

  1. Sounds good 😆 the reservoir i fished last I was putting out about 1kg per rod per day 😆 spent a small fortune on bait over a couple months but it was well worth it, i had a really good go this year and had some cracking fish and a new pb 😁 I want to roll bait for next year so looking into getting a motorised roller/air dough gun and industrial mixer. There was a set on Facebook marketplace which was 2 rollers 20mm and 16mm, automatic cutter, a gun and mixer for £1000. Basically fill the gun up and its ready to roll 😂 Tried to get it but it was already sold 😂
  2. I haven't been on the bank for a while but hoping to get out over the weekend, do you think they've started slowing down yet?
  3. New weather front coming in tomorrow, low pressure, big winds and lots of rain. My last session was supposed to be my last for a while but I think it might be too good to miss. The reservoir I'm on can produce some big fish during storms 😆 checking the forecast I can get setup in the morning before it arrives 👍
  4. jh92


    My take on it is, a social is going with a mate or a couple mates or even meeting a few at the lake, all set up close to each other and you have a get together, food and a few bevvies. I do find certain types of waters attract a certain type of angler. There's a lake near me that if you ain't in their little circle, you are pretty much ignored. Usually over stocked puddles with big fish. Not my sort of water anyway lol The reservoir I'm fishing at the moment, everyone I've met has been friendly and helpful. We all share what we've caught, how many wraps, what bait, where any under water snags are etc. Trying to put each other on the fish.
  5. Thanks mate I will keep an eye on them. My esp ones are in the post but picked up some korda sub line ones from a shop. I'm quite chuffed with them I'm now hitting 30 wraps with ease 👍 could probably go even further but I will lose all accuracy 😂 I do have question for anyone that does fish at distance. What is the best sort of rig to be using? At the moment I'm using a blowback rig with a 20mm/16mm snowman bait. Size 4 korda krank x hook with esp tungsten loaded semi stiff braid, about 9" long. It's what was doing the business at 20 wraps but wondering if I should use a stiffer boom section?
  6. Very nice mate, have you seen what sort of stock it holds? Looking wintery where you are already 😂😂😂
  7. Thanks mate I wasnt sure if the knot weakened after each fish etc. That's cool though I set should last me a while then 👍
  8. Thanks mate I will get some ordered. Just so I'm on the same page, you didn't reattach the leader with a fresh knot after a fish or anything?
  9. When using a tapered shock leader, how many times/fish can you use it for until it needs changing? Looking at the esp 15lb - 40lb tapered shock leaders 👍
  10. I will have to try it without the storm poles, just on a more sheltered water 😆
  11. Awesome, I thought I was doing something wrong 😆
  12. It's a nice bivvy, it didn't let in any water during the heavy down pours I had yesterday. I did have a bit of condensation this morning but that can be sorted with an over wrap. That being said it dried out pretty quick. I'm really happy with it. Bargain for £100, I will give it a clean when I get chance then give it a good spray with fabsil. Got the vents up on the back this afternoon, really nice. So much so I best stay another night 😆😂 I might be missing something but I don't understand how the rod straps are supposed to work, the storm poles are in the way? 🤷‍♂️😂
  13. Yeah mate comes with a full front and clip in groundsheet. Didn't even know you could get repair tape, I will have to look into it 👍 I'm not sure once you've broke them all down if there was a way of folding it all up neatly. I've done what you've done just rolled it up and wrapped them strap around it all. I'm sure after a few goes it will be easier 👍
  14. Some of the stitching is coming away on the top right corner of the door, can probably stitch it back myself but if I'm not fishing directly into the wind when it's it should be fine. Managed to get it down to £100. So will look into getting an over wrap because I got it nice and cheap lol. Just had a little play with it, nice and easy to set up, packing it away is a different story, will have to find a video for that 😂
  15. Awesome mate I will give it a test tomorrow. I will also fabsil it when the weather dries up a bit 👍
  16. After going through some reviews I'm gonna go for the axs bivvy. Hopefully it will stay water tight without an over wrap. I may look into purchasing one in the future, but I'm lazy, if I can get away without using one I will 😂 I'm mad I had to pull away from my session but hopefully pick the Bivvy up this evening and get back to the reservoir tonight or for first light tomorrow morning. Need to be off the reservoir for 8am Sunday 👌
  17. Just seen one of these but without an overwrap for 140, do you use an overwrap with yours?
  18. Just looking for that sort of design, looks really easy to set up. I will check out the sonik axs now 👍
  19. One of the spokes has ripped away from the fabric, might seal it up and sale it as spares/repairs. I'm no good at stitching things up 😂
  20. Just looking at some options, can get a trakker tempest dpm4 with a skullcap, like new condition for 230 (no groundsheet tho) the Camo colour looks pretty cool lol Theres also a cyprinus typhoon m4 for 200. Comes with a zip in groundsheet. Also like new condition. Thoughts?
  21. One of my lakes is a 8pm to 8pm and 8am to 8am, nothing worse than getting there for 8 and trying to get everything set up and rods out etc before dark 😂 I'm glad I went today but realised I need to seal my Brolly, water has been [censored]ing in. Bedchair wet, everything is wet 😂😂
  22. Yes mate I've just got up into Somerset this morning, looking at the forecast the weather is gonna be stormy this evening and again tomorrow then overcast with a few showers for the days aftwr, low pressure with southerly winds at about 10 - 15mph. Hopefully it gets them down on the deck 😆 I plan on staying right through to Saturday and pack up when it's dry. Can't be packing up when it's wet is my excuse 😂
  23. The weather is looking good for a bite I reckon. Southerly winds and wind gusts up to 35mph. Some thunder and a lot of rain.. My mate bailed out but I will still be going 😆
  24. My JRC stainless steel bank sticks are still going strong after 15 years of abuse 😆👍
  25. I will probs give the layers mash a miss then, better find someone with some chickens 😂 Can't beat some vitalin, I will give them a go, thanks 👍
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