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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. We could sell those ones like footballers always stand In front of with Nike and carlsberg etc, but with a Camo background and insert your own sponsorship deals here, would be great for the fishing industry and us 😁 We could also sell the seaside ones where you just hold the fish and put your face through a hole and it's like your an old strong man holding a fish 💪😂
  2. We all do that don't we 🤔I always want to try and work out where the fish is being being held aloft from that's good angling isn't it 😂
  3. Me :I've caught one mate you couldnt come and help us with the photos could you,? Imaginary friend :Yeah course I will Me :Cheers I need a bouquet from Morrisons the £10 ones, she's well worth it 😂😁
  4. Always like to find some sense foliage, if I ever get to catch another wouldn't mind trying to get some flowers in the shot 😂
  5. That makes sense I guess, I popped over today, ended up clearing a tonne of weed out of a swim in the vein hope I can make 3 spots from it, I never realised just how much was in there, I was meant to do a quick bait up and do the shopping,I had to shop later on after the opticians lol, took ages and I still don't think I've got it all, I might have to Don the waders next time, still spodded a load of pigeon Conditioner over the areas in the hope it gets things started, will have to do that again a few times I think before its ready for action, i disturbed something massive though made a couple of big swirls, may have been a cat I think, or an alligator didn't look like a carp, The way I thought was that 2 nights before should leave enough time to clear me out then I could just top up enough for a bite at a time when fishing, and include the hookbait, the spot I did today is pultable so fairly easy to get right, I do think maybe get the spots gleaming a bit first might not be a bad idea though reckon they could be silty for a while, lots more particles required first I think, For a while today I thought about keeping a few swims going lol, I think 2 or 3 may be too many, if they all need that much work, the weed rake worked well though and I had a good workout win win 😂
  6. Thanks, I will give it a try see how I get on with it, I think it should certainly be more user friendly to cast with I think 👍
  7. Ummhing and ahhhing about what to use for pre baiting My initial plan was 3 times a week Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and I was thinking heavy with particles Sunday (pigeon Conditioner) , lighter with bigger particles, maybe just maples, nuts or pellets, and some boilies Tuesday, then just boilies Thursday so there is usually something there but getting towards fishing time it's mainly boilies so they probably will be gone so I am not fishing over much old bait But then I keep thinking about the pesky nuisance fish, millions of rudd, some tench and bream, so while they might help me clear some spots they would probably also eat most of the particles and pretty dammed quickly too, those rudd are everywhere, just boilies would slow this down but would also make spot clearing harder work, then comes the finacial impact of just boilies, I can't afford much more than 20kg of boilies this month so if I was to just to do that I am probably only looking at a few handfuls of bait per spot per visit not sure that will make much of a difference I can handle feeding the tench and bream with some particles or pellets if it helps get enough bait out but want to avoid those pesky rudd who are a right nuisance unless the kids are there 😂 You can also get 25kg of skrettings pellets for 35 quid I could use a liquid to get the right signals on them at least and 11mm ones should be rudd resistant ? Any thoughts will be considered I would like to use quite a lot of bait over the next few weeks I think, Having written this all down I am starting to think pellets might be easier to work with quickly, as they don't need a lot of prep, can be pulted, spodded, spooned and will breakdown, but at least the carp have an option to get there first, and alongside boilies and chops etc I can make the signals go a bit further, I can always just start the spots with a load of pigeon Conditioner and work from there hmmm
  8. There is probably a mad cat lady feeding it somewhere, there's always one 🙀
  9. Would it be possible to sneakily bait it for a little while? and still fish a favoured peg for a bit, might just help tip the balance right in your favour when the time came to have a go on it 👍 I'm not going to fish my baited spots for a while just keep them topped up with freebies, so they can always find something there then wait till the time is right (hopefully)
  10. I think it's almost time to start with a cunning plan for Sept , find a spot or two this week start baiting them regularly for when I am off in sept, smash it, how's that for confidence 😁
  11. I have an abundance of mono but no spod braid at the moment for my other spod rod, was thinking of using 12lb or 15lb hydrotuff with a shock leader, just to try it 😲 Do you have to allow for the stretch in mono? I am assuming not unless you are really hitting the clip hard as it shouldn't stretch that much should it?
  12. This was a dusk shot, This was an early morning shot, used the video light on both, just to brighten the scene up
  13. I think 2 would be best probably, I get by OK with one, the video lights are much better though for throwing a wider beam of light out, can't recommend those enough tbh, for 17 quid and being rechargeable too bargain, the ridgemonkey is a better bivvy light though 😂
  14. My ridgemonkey is slightly adjustable it has a few brightness settings, admittedly it would help but it's not as bright as my video light, so I would always use that first, it does brighten up the area a bit though better than nowt
  15. Have a look at the settings see if you can get multiple shots done on a timer, makes life easier https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07D1MWM8D/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_1YumFbSV37R82 I use one of these video lights but it fits on my camera, you may be able to get a bankstick adapter for one though but this will really brighten up the scene, you also need to lose the headlight, that won't be helping your pics
  16. Couldn't get a mesh bag 21 wraps so fished a single for a couple of hours, nothing unsurprisingly, 😁 The family kept me busy though, we. Bagged up on rudd,a few roach and the mrs had the biggest of the day a perch about 10-12oz, we had a bacon sandwich on the bank, and are now home as it is way to hot out there, nice morning though, I might start using the kids rods to pass away the hours those little okuma vibe rods are perfect for kids and daddies 😂
  17. Taking the kids for a spot of rudd fishing tomorrow, they have never used a rod and reel before so it may be fun, the misses is also coming to spectate, can't wait, I might sneak a pva bag snide rod out just incase, but really looking forward to it, can't wait to have a bash at all those rudds, bought them a couple more drennan crystals today and another disgorger, and I got them 1/2 pint of finest white maggots so we're all set, going to try and go early as its going to be a scorcher 😎😁
  18. That is a good way to look at it tbh, it's all about thinking long term, we are never going to win everytime and if you set yourself up to win over a season rather than 1 race, you will be better off, I also agree with the reckless and confidence, I used to spend 2-3 hours studying 1 race and even then I might not find something worth betting on, discipline is probably the thing you also need for this, confidence, discipline and being able to detach your emotion from the event, With smoking I daresay it comes down to the desire to really want/need to do it, I gave up because I wanted to get better at bmx racing and it was my breathing that was suffering for smoking so I did it, but I think hypnotherapy done well would be a great way to actually stop as you are reprogramming your brain to stop not just stopping and hoping you can break a negative cycle
  19. I only ever messaged a few tbh they never seemed to get back to me,😁 what I needed was self belief and a method of knowing when and when to not pull the trigger the issue I believe was self doubt, I had the tools I just subcontiously self sabotaged my good work with some bad 👍 I'm totally with you on the mindset thing though and mental preperation is probably the greatest tool you can get on your side,
  20. I do agree there, it can definately send you up the wrong path sometimes, and it's very easy to make mistakes, there are things you can do though to improve your chances, though I will pm you some bits, so we don't take this off track too much 😁
  21. I've dabbled with using hypnotherapy before you can get loads of apps now, that you can just listen to, I went through a phase of using them to send me to sleep, funny though I do believe they helped, I was trying to become a better gambler(outcome investor) at the time and not make so many mistakes, if anyone is ever trying to get rich from gambling btw, stop thinking of it as gambling,just the word gambling has negative connotations as we are all programmed to believe this from an early age, so you may self sabotage yourself, I read loads of things abiut it also, one of the most interesting was Dr Howard Sartin, where he made some prisoners who were gambling addicts become less addicted and more successful, he did this by sharing a more successful method to follow, which helped them win more but also changed there mindset and reprogrammed there thoughts, rather than just making them stop, which is usually quite unsuccessful, I went through all this myself, I had to ask anyone that I cared about who was concerned, and people were concerned about it, but I asked them for permission to become a winner, sounds mad I know but for a while it really worked, and before you all say we'll why aren't you rich now 🤔I got sent off track trying to chase easy money by becoming a tipster, then I got into trading and other grey areas, and in the end I decided my family and work took up too much time to really focus on this and it became too much and had to go 👍 Bit this doesn't mean you can't apply things to your fishing, I've read about Terry Hearn staring at pictures of the fish he wants to catch so he can visualise them and get them in his head Sports people use methods to visualise things, like the rugby kicker that goes into a trance when he gets a penalty, he is visualising the ball going between the posts, So confidence in fishing is probably the only edge you need to be successful at it or you know as good as you can be with your skill set 🤔 (I never found a hypnotherapist that wanted to help me become a successful outcome investor only plenty that wanted to try and stop me gambling ) 😁
  22. Can you fish floaters on there? Just thinking with this weather you may be able to get them feeding on top of the weed or around the edge of it maybe Something visual in your bait like sweetcorn may help them find your spots too, I might also consider this as a good option too may take a little while but would probably pay off in the end 👍
  23. Or even better a nice blob of oozing paste 🤔 They are probably best used in a bag I would think 👍
  24. That vid does make the impact leads look pretty good, I like the way the whole weight lifts at once, I might get some 😁
  25. I'm not disagreeing with that either, I'm certainly not naive enough too think we aren't being lied to constantly by media and goverments etc, I just worry that anger and a lack of middle ground is a bad thing for everyone, it's also probably easier than ever to make up big lies and remain hidden with social media all you need to do is feed the extremes and watch it soak into the mainstream,
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