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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. Its about obsession mainly this week 😁 Thanks guys, hopefully it pans out well πŸ‘
  2. Well is this going to be the day, I'm excited, nervous, tense, worried that the spot I've been baiting for a month will be taken when I get there, I can but try and pray it is free , it feels ready and I need to be there, bait is prepped, done some fresh rigs, charged everything, I will be getting there as soon as I can, praying those fish that visited the other day are keen for another feed, I feel a bit like braveheart ready for battle 😁 Now I've just got to get there, littlun has a stay and play at school then I'm hoping to sneak out this afternoon, this is what it is all about the buzz, the anticipation, I blooming love it 😍
  3. I've really got into proper jobs lately I just find those seem to really work as they should smell amazing and I know they will still be up in the morning, I have yellow banana ones, Camo brown black pepper + ones,beige devil's dung and cheese, and white scopex special dumbells, at the moment I favour banana and BP+ though,
  4. Kids and the misses caught Plenty of rudd and roach caught some pretty good ones too, biggest about 12oz or so, there were definate sightings of carp in the location and fizzing on my spot infact I've never seen it so alive 😭 had a few savage liners but no takes, next time isn't far away though and they look up for it πŸ€”
  5. Going to finish off the school holidays with an afternoon rudd bashing, went to the seaside yesterday had a lovely day out bless em, been a funny old summer but they seem to have got through it, I am also hoping to place one rod on the dancefloor 😁
  6. I did a slightly unusual defrost last week added a couple of cups of boiling water and glugged them at the same time and left them overnight,not. Enough water to cover them but enough to leave some excess, i was quite pleased with the result tbh bit washed out but oozing with gloopy stinky goodness then I soaked up the excess with pellets 😁
  7. You could use just about anything to catch a fish, whether or not it will be good for it is another matter, if its a utility rod then it's probably branded as a spomb/marker rod to have one rod that is suitable for both uses, personally I think it may be quite stiff for use as a fishing rod and would guess the test curve is about 3.5lb to 4lb, I probably wouldn't if I didn't have to. but if needs must its a rod that will handle casting OK, I would play fish very carefully though as you may find you suffer hook pulls as it may be quite stiff Hope that helps πŸ‘
  8. There we go quite pleased with this one other than the leaf I didn't spot πŸ™„
  9. Well just as I was packing my stuff up my middle rood burst into life, I was especially pleased as I had redone the left and middle rods this morning with fresh mesh bags and more bait and also moved the middle rod alongside the left hand rod, I did wonder how my left rod hadnt gone last night as there was loads of activity,but this morning the rudd had stopped crashing out and that seems to be the sign there is no bait left, so I bought it in, that came in tangled with a lilypad leaf on the hook so then I knew lol. I thought that spot was the main dance floor so by getting 2 baits on it one of them would definately be in play, The rod literally banged round and the indicator smashed into my rod , I was fishing with a tight clutch but even then the fish had still managed to get into some pads luckily I walked backwards and it started to come my way, really tried everything to beat me though everything it could find to get stuck in it tried, fought like an absolute demon, and had a paddle to match, managed to go round the line on my left hand rod but eventually got it in the net, it was an angry old mirror carp and it was hooked solidly in the bottom lip, the new rigs worked at least, it weighed 23lb and saved me from a blank, so confidence is growing and the hard work is starting to pay off 😁 Will add a photo later on
  10. Well I just just landed one, didn't even realise i had a take, I went to look at my other rod that had bleeped and the indicator was off my right hand rod and the line was bowstring tight, unfortunately it was also foul hooked in the side of its cheek πŸ˜• so I got it in after it decided to swim out the pads, rested it for a bit, treated the wound and let it go, it was a right knarly old one a real old mirror with a kinked back about 18lb, Hopefully there is time for another proper one, Both my head torches have died already and I don't have a power pack with me, didn't pack enough milk, going well so far lol 😁
  11. Well the rods are out, the bivvy went up first just before it rained hasn't really stopped since, got plenty of smelly bait out, bit all over the shop though but enough where it needs to be , happy with them all though, chicken flatbreads for tea tonight, then I might get in the scratcher cos it isn't that warm 😁 Confident tbh already had 2 occurances on the left hand rod, wind is hacking through, it's got to happen surely 😬
  12. Good luck Highy hope you smash it today
  13. I've been granted permission for a quick overnight baiting night again tonight woop, gonna be a wet and windy one though so I might take the bivvy and my proper sleeping bag 😁 Why do I always feel like a kid at Christmas, everytime I can go fishing, long may that continue I say, love it 😁
  14. I did once get spotted riding my bike home at 2am whilst dressed as a nun That must've confused them πŸ˜‚
  15. I think that in hindsight I should've done things better and differently, I've been regularly getting bait on the spots and I'm pretty certain it's all being eaten but I'm not convinced it's been getting seen enough by the carp, we will see time will tell and all that, but we just got to hope some good fortune swings In our favour soon mate, I'm sure it will stay positive πŸ‘
  16. I agree, I'm all about creating the brand now 😁I've sunk into a little rabbit hole again πŸ˜‚πŸ° I realised my pre baiting could've been much more effective, I'm not going to go into too many details as for once I want to keep it under my hat a little 🎩 but going forward it will be hopefully much more effective 😁
  17. We I am now kicking myself for not pre-baiting Tuesday, I went yesterday but someone was fishing locally so couldn't drop the bombs I wanted too, hopefully he will be off today and I may have some extra time before work due to the fam going out 😁, so I am taking the marker rod for a chuck about see if I can't find something new to work on also, πŸ‘
  18. Well the tungsten sinkers project was short lived, they worked on trimmed pop ups but not the whole thing 😁 I have just done something very satisfying though I've cleaned out my tackle box, I didn't realise just how many packets of toot I had accumulated, my at home tackle box is quite full, but for now the one I take with me is lovely and organised 😍
  19. Thanks for that I may look into those, you did remind me I bought a load of tungsten sinkers for another one of my little projects ha ha, I might have a play with those tonight πŸ˜‚ There is no I in team πŸ˜‰
  20. I do like the look of there particles actually the spod parti mix looks good, I think I might get some of that next time then just add a few more bits to it πŸ‘
  21. Last night I set myself a challenge to make a simple pop up rig that can be used with a mesh bag, and also be used low and still be fairly stiff, I've also gone off putty as something seems to bee eating it, a couple of times now it's been gone in the morning when I've reeled in 😒 Hydrolink is great stuff, you can overcome so many things with it, for simple hinge rigs it's perfect, I found I could make a nice simple rig with stiff rig hooks, chod hooks, curve shank and trig hammers, and it's completely height adjustable easily, My phone camera is cracked so apologies for the pic πŸ“ΈπŸ˜…
  22. Let me know how you get on with it, Nigel sharp seems to be doing well using it πŸ‘
  23. I think if nuisance fish ate them i might take a risk but its not worth it, I got my pellets from blakes baits last week, brilliant service, really quick delivery and there dry particles and pellets are keenly priced too will order from them in the future I think
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