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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. Just be at home and be safe, I'm sick of the covid heroes that think they know best, believe me. Its fine till its someone you know that dies from it
  2. Run out of time on the end, had to settle for a Consolation breakfast from mcdonalds I think I am done in that swim for now its been nice while it lasted but I feel like I know it too well lol, I thought that this morning when grabbing my rod and lead in the standard way to avoid the over hanging tree after wrapping up the rod, I've become too comfortable and have stopped looking elsewhere, it's good to know but I need to delve deeper to find the bigguns, I can always revisit at times but I don't want to end up just going through the motions, I've had a nice run and had 11 carp to 28lb 4oz from it so in hindsight not a bad bit of graft 😁 but time for a fresh view 👍
  3. Well it's been a funny old night, I got here had shows on both my spots, couldn't have been much more confident, messed up getting a fairly simple cast on the money too often but they were right in the end, nothing til this morning, when my right hand rod tore off and yet another hookpull, then just as was writing this my left hand rod rips off, massive scrap but I got it in but as it drew closer I knew something wasn't right somehow I have managed to foul hook another one in the belly, must have just been grazing on the spot swam into my rig, I know I can't really moan I've had some real nice captures lately, but I do feel I've also had my share of bad luck too, 2020 what a year eh, still time to get another one I need to pack up and get sorted out the rods will be the last thing back in the car standard 😁
  4. Well I am back home now until tea time, but I have a pass out for tonight again, I think this little campaign is coming to an end that area is starting to see a bit of pressure and I am starting to feel precious about the swim and dont want to be like that tbh, plus I want to try and crack the big part of the lake I did leave a bucket though for one final fling tonight 😁
  5. Well I managed to land one in the night, few scary moments really tried every trick to dispatch the hook into something, I thought for a moment it had snagged me up but a little pressure with the rod down low seemed to get it moving luckily,it went completely the wrong direction to usual really threw me off kilter they usually head straight for the pads , it was caught on a ronnie rig from a spot that usually produces but I don't always fish for some reason so quite pleased I moved it there last night 🤔😁 23lb12oz mirror which I thought was much bigger, looked big I though lt, pics to follow Otherwise fairly quiet night and morning so far
  6. I had put my middle rod on a ronnie rig with a curve shank absolutely nailed the bottom lip one 20+ mirror in the retainer from a little spot I've often ignored but seem to catch from when I don't 😂 Now I just have 2 wafters out there till sunrise 😬 I think they need a longer hair next tbh
  7. Thanks nick Well I've changed hook to a wide gape and still had a hook pull so I guess it's not the hook, i think it has to be the bait screw tbh,and having the bait to close to the hook, I have two options can either switch to the swivel bait screw or go back to using a hair instead of a bait screw
  8. Another day another hook pull 😭 Lots of signs still lots of rolling in the general area, just hope I get to right the wrongs I'm having a bbq to smoke out the mozzies, 😁
  9. I keep thinking this is the one this weekend, every weekend I think that lol, when is one of those bigguns going to get netted? . surely I havent used up all my lives and they have slipped my grasp, I'm getting proper addicted at the moment, I want to be there all the time, I am buzzing like an old fridge, because I am going today to try and tempt one, I have an overnighter locked and loaded, just the usual anxiety that the swim is available now, just need the green light from Mrs P and I'm away they saw bait Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday this week, cos I am letting my foot off the gas, so they know its there just hope they visit today 😬 Tight lines all
  10. When I first started reading this I thought you Carpmaster are making it harder than it needs to be, I totally agree these days keeping it simple is the key to everything, I learnt the hard way last year 😁 Find the fish, Feed the fish, present a bait they can eat, and keep refining it until you think you understand what's going on, and stack all the little % in your favour, I bought a fishspy, I sold it after trying to use it once,was a right chore,didn't connect properly and didn't seem to help, I just needed to scratch that itch but it turns out I was better off before just using a lead and or marker float, I might be presenting my bait in what appears a great substrate but the reality is it may be less than perfect,I can't see it so I won't know 100%, but I am happy with that, ignorance is bliss sometimes, if you feel confident you will fish well, seeing too much will make you lose confidence or make it seem impossible. I do remember something you said to me a while back, it is better to do the basics well rather than overcomplicate things and do them less well (or something like that) 😁 But for me the difference has been staggering between this year and last, and all because I've been consistent and kept it simple, learnt from the blanks and learnt from the triumphs, So as someone who has been down this rabbit hole and still peeks occasionally, keep it simple, they are still carp, just slightly different to some others Good luck
  11. I might try it next time I had already done a few before I spotted this, Personally I think I've done better since I simplified the rigs, the less there is to go wrong the less I worry about them 👍
  12. Yes that was a bit of a rushed one this is more like the finished article, I find floss and microswivels too time consuming and annoying lol, I much prefer the ease of a bait screw tbh this is what I use for a wafter rig around 5 - 6, inches
  13. Quite like that I think, seems to turn quite nicely and actually does OK on the old palm test,
  14. I got a few rig bits in the post today, got some size 4 bank tackle wide gapes (beaked. Point) I'm not going to change two things but they do look quite good so I may make one up to try later, they seemed very sharp out the pack I though with a little tickle they could be super sharp I think,
  15. Ive put hydrotuff through its paces for 2 years and it hasn't let me down yet, great line Sounds like a challenge that place, I can't really advise much otherwise other than enjoy it 🤣
  16. Well if like me you get savaged my the pesky little twits, you may want to take protection, I went to bait up last night, man I got savaged in those 20 minutes, they were out in force after a day of good weather, wear protection, stay safe, don't get vampired Someone told me to put a piece of liver in a bowl as they will suck that dry instead anyone tried it?
  17. Don't suppose you know what battery I need for my mozzie light do you mine didn't come with one for some reason?
  18. Can you get them to sound like this though 😁 https://youtu.be/VDnio2axqNI
  19. I accidently fired a boilie at a rolling one the other week it reacted quite badly too it and crashed Into the pads 😬
  20. I've fished hard waters where I've really struggled but I made it too complicated for myself and tied myself in knots,this year I am keeping it simple and feeding them consistently and it's the one thing I have always done and been confident of 👍
  21. I find it easier to catch them if I feed them 😰
  22. I have caught fish on them and they have been fine, and the way yonny explained it actually made me think it might not be such a bad thing to have some flex as it could almost act like a shock absorber when the fish lunges , I think it would take quite a lot of force to straighten one out, but I have never noticed a hook do that before so maybe that was why it puzzled me and made me worry a bit
  23. I have similar questions lol at the moment I use 18mm pretty much exclusively with 11mm pellets, In my head I'm feeding the nuisance fish off with the pellets and the 18mm baits are being eaten by the carp 😂 I have used mixed sizes and 12mm baits to add more individual items when fishing and also caught tench 🤔 but if pre-baiting whilst there will be more free items I think using 12mm or 15mm you are more likely to be feeding the nuisance fish the good stuff 😬 I find if I use an 18mm hookbait with boilies and pellets I don't catch tench and bream, I actually think they get preoccupied on the pellets and leave the bigger baits, I've seen them rolling but haven't actually caught one for a while 😱 If you forced me to go higher or lower than an 18mm I would go higher, I would happily use 20mm+ baits and if you create the right situation they will trough like pigs, I would say they would have to move more to find a spread of 18mm than a spread of 12mm as they will be less concentrated so that's how I decided not to mess about also 1 size is easier to distribute with a pult or throwing stick Hope this helps basically big is easier lol 😁
  24. I found out by accident there is a lot of flex in the smaller sized trig hammers, I was tightening a knot down and it opened up quite a lot almost like it had a potential weak spot,
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