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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. Isn't Yeast is an active ingredient though, it helps things ferment and bread rise, and beer taste great 😁 So I am guessing that marmite or yeast extract is a product of fermentation of some kind,and the yeast is the catalyst to create the enzymes, amino acids, or to aid digestion, or whatever else it may do I may be wrong though like I said I am no expert 😁
  2. To be fair to it, I do still use it and it has taken a lot of abuse, it was a good weed clearing reel for a while but I do wish it was better
  3. Buy cheap buy twice though, I made that mistake 😳 I've not Managed to break the plastic clips on my emcasts yet and once I accidently left it clipped up and got a screaming take, wasn't much fun trying to get it unclipped with a carp trying to rip the rod out my hand but it didn't break 👍
  4. Sounds like a badly written no fixed leads rule, which was basically to stop people tying them onto the line or fixing them on with shot, a heli set up isn't really a fixed lead set up either as long as the rig can seperate from the leader if the line breaks, then it could be the best option
  5. Surely a leadclip is still as much of a running rig as an inline and with the added bonus of being able to ditch the lead if needs be, sounds like a bonkers rule to me What is the exact wording of the rule???
  6. Are you using solid bags? I mean with the lead in the bag? That should slow the lead down quite a bit maybe use wide bags to act like a parachute a little more, possibly longer rigs too I might switch to a helicopter or lead clip set up if your lead is digging into the clay, it might be making your rig look unnatural, then I would either use a mesh bag or a couple of bits of pva foam to allow your rig to settle slowly on top of it, Did you smell your hookbaits when you brought them in? If they smelt nasty then it's probably not the spot you want, look for the firmer spots if you can they will be there somewhere 👍
  7. How about a crapperpult, take your 2 ridgemonkey toilet buckets add a big old elastic band on each side , like the ones people use for exercise add a fez hat for the pouch, wait till 2 anglers need a Todd, lend them your cozee crappers and fire at will 😁
  8. I haven't yet 😁do you mean the heavy one? I did look at them, will try the other one first tut thanks, I have no problem with korda tbh they put a lot back and now make some great podcasts 😁 👍 I will give it a go, I do have a slightly dodgy left shoulder though from a bmx incident a few years ago, but It may help to use both as it slightly restricts your arm movement which may help 😳
  9. I think if I can get to 60+ yards, I'm pretty sorted tbh, there's only one or two swims that I think you need 80+ yards to fish effectively, it would be nice if I could, but I can use the stick if needs be for those, it just canes my shoulder, if I can get a few extra yards out the groundbait caty then that will help hopefully it will arrive soon so I can give it a try 😉 I've booked Thursday off work next week so I may do a couple of pre bait trials beforehand to see how far I can get them to fly 🙄 I think adding something really non slip to the pouch may help too, something like a bit of knotted paracord to help get you maximum stretch, without the chance of slipping,
  10. That one is worth a try probably the only that made a bold claim about distance, so will see how it performs 😁 Next up I will be thinking about ideal baitsize, I normally use 18mm and I am pretty sure they will be better than 12mm and 15mm for distance, I can get 20mm made up if I ask nicely so in theory these should go further again, not ideal for winter though I was thinking of going down to 12mm next time lol You can get about 50 12mm in an xl pouch though, so can quickly get a nice spread out somewhere and maybe further than I could pult a 12mm spread before
  11. They didn't have any in stock unfortunately I did try 👍
  12. I've just ordered one of these 😳 apparently it can get a tangerine sized ball of groundbait up to 80m, Its worth a try I think, i don't think you can get the atomic ones now and there were slim pickings otherwise, and also a midi spomb just incase it doesn't reach 😁
  13. Won't be any worse than spodding, or using a stick infact if i can make one work it will be an easier method tbh Popeye has retired now anyway after the success of his furry boots ugg ugg ug ugg 😁
  14. Mainly fishing but new stuff is always nice 😂 I just like trying to find ways to do things better and quicker, I have actually got a theory about pults, 😁😁 when I was pre baiting recently I could do it all with a pult, and the fish were coming in very quickly,by the time i had finished they were on it usually, I think they feel the pult sound is a safer noise and I think they started to see it as a dinner bell 🤔
  15. I've emailed them to see what they think lol 😁 I have since realised geez I am obsessed with fishing again 🙄😳😳
  16. Just had a look at the atomic ones I think the square type may be better as they probably won't wrap your knuckles as much, do you think they are strong enough to handle a more powerful elastic ?
  17. Ha might. Work but I would have to get up again 😁 I have already cable tied my esp one, it does give you the confidence to give it more beans but I don't think the current set up will get the distance, I need more power 💪
  18. I think a yeast is Used in lots of baits now tbh, I believe "the cell" uses brococell yeast hence the name, now loads of companies seem to use it in one form or another, I'm no expert but I think yeast is used to help create enzymes or something 🥴 The non fishmeal based protein source could well be Pea protein hence the name pp, I believe this is also used in the DNA switch bait, and I am sure I've seen it elsewhere I listened to a podcast with Shaun Harrison the other day and his company quest baits he hasn't used a fishmeal in any of his baits, which is unusual in this day and age.
  19. I'm not very good with a stick tbh, and I find it ruins my shoulder,much like repeatedly spodding actually my shoulder hurts today after that, I would be happy with 60-80 but it's nice to dream 😁 I've seen a drennan groundbait pult they reckon can get a small ball up to 80 m, I wonder if something like that is modifyable
  20. Hi guys I fancy trying to make a frankenpult 🙄 At the moment I usually use an esp megapult with a Scruffy Bob xl pouch, I like the xl pouch as I can distribute a lot of bait fairly accurately and quickly, however the distance is limited to about 50 yards with a fairly full pouch, I would quite like to up the distance of a full pouch to about 80 - 100 yards if possible, so I guess I need to up the frame and the elastic to suit anyone got any ideas?
  21. Not even a bleep, 😭 My left hand rod was silt infested, so not a hot spot, middle and right were OK though middle came in with a lump of clay on it so that's a potential good spot, I may have to switch to lead clips or helis though as it looked to have dug into the clay which may have made the hooklink sit funny or maybe just use bags (I had forgotten my pva mesh and pva bag accessory bucket too) but it's another swim I can fish now if I need too. Not a wasted session, just a other one closer to a biggun
  22. Well it's been a night to remember so far, I slept well I got the airbomb out this morning first cast didn't open, switched to my dodgy Chinese spomb 1st cast I thought hmmmm spombs are better to use, bought it back in the nose clip bit had fallen off one dodgy dead spomb 😁 I may invest in a couple of genuine spombs this week, they do seem the most usable and accurate I got the trusty korda skyraider out after that, wasn't perfect but at least I am confident I've got some bait near my spots now, just need a fish to come and eat it all now, or at least a hookbait 😁
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