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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. That's not so good, I was with a Company that messed me about for a bit last year, I want a bait I can usually get hold of ASAP, I expect a few extra days at the moment, but till the end of the month is too long, retro seem on the ball though usually it's 2 to 3 days after ordering that it arrives even in the current climate
  2. I just hope bono doesn't sign up next 😬😬😬😬😬😬
  3. Well no fishing for me this weekend, going for a curry with the misses and my best mate and his wife, been a while so will be nice to catch up, I haven't told the Mrs yet but I've defrosted some bait and I am going to try and sneak off to bait up later, they've only had one bucket of pellets this week don't want them forgetting who I am 😁
  4. I've been having issues with black circles this week, Monday I ordered 4 tyres for fitting Wednesday, got there no tyres, had to reorder some but got a 10%discount, just got an email they arent going to be ready for my new appointment tomorrow, shambolic the dude then said we may be able to fit you in tomorrow or Saturday if they arrive apparently they are due to arrive tomorrow, so why send me an email saying the earliest is the 15th whatever happened to people skills and keeping the customer happy πŸ€” Jeez the world is mental these days, I also saw a post about using drones on fb, that got me thinking about people today, I decided Modern fisherman seem to want instant success and results, they need to find the fish using a drone, fish finder or whatever,they are always looking for the best this and best that, whereas the old school seem to enjoy the build up, the learning process, and these two worlds are completely different, I am happy to take a chance and use my thoughts on where I think the fish will be or headed, obviously in an ideal world we would find them, feed them and catch them but that isn't always possible, but with a drone it probably would be, I'm happy not knowing everything instantly that's part of the appeal, what I am trying to say is these modern anglers maybe missing the struggle, which to me is half the fun 😁
  5. That's what really annoys me about mine though is the not being able to see through it I can in daylight just not when I am usually in it 😭 I just think I want to not use one so I've bought the zapper and will just cover myself in repellant,
  6. Thanks just ordered one will give it a go cheers I'm not really a marmite fan tbh, if you said peanut butter they already wouldn't bite me though I did hear garlic is good too πŸ˜‚
  7. I would love to go without but they love eating me, I did Friday but used the mesh Saturday, I seem to have been bitten a lot again, maybe it's time to just get a thermacell backpacker and be done with it lol The theory was that I would still be able to see out when I had a mozzie mesh on but it's like having the front on at night so pretty pointless really, you need the headlight on to see what's happening on the rods but that doesn't penetrate the mesh, kinda like a chocolate teapot
  8. Are they all a bit pony? Fine when it's light, but then as night happens you get a glow off any lights you use and can't really see out, I have a cyprinus green one, and a jrc one I think they are both equally bad, so I then have to leave it open which kind of defeats the object πŸ˜‚
  9. This is the 11lbers tail 20lb4oz both sides The 15lber I regret not getting a proper photo with And the stunning 17lb blank saver Not a bad weekends work, shame about the other 3 nil pointers though, but a lot happier than before the 17lber this morning, I am convinced that first one I lost last night was one of the bigger ones, we will never know though so I will just have to try and catch it again sometime πŸ˜‰
  10. Only about 17lb but it was a stunner so I am quite pleased, got some nice snaps of it anyway,
  11. I think I spoke to soon I have a pretty scaly one in the net 😁
  12. And now a pike is all over my spot acting like an aerator to catch the rudd, gonna start packing up i think, doesnt seem like it's meant to be today
  13. So far Well it's been a funny old night and not in a good way really, 1 hook pull 1 lost in the pads And a mid 20, which was foul hooked in the gut, must've been feeding over the bait or something and got nicked by the wafter rig (was treated and went back OK) Its been a totally different night and I've hardly slept, but I am going to have a cuppa and watch the sunrise,
  14. Just looked at the bait room it says the shopping cart has been disabled, more like put in prison £30 for a tub of pop ups 😲🀯
  15. Is it either specialized hookbaits or the bait room?
  16. I just lost one to a hook pull,it felt like a decent one too 😭 they are out there though I am hopeful of more chances tbh , I will keep trying to keep the bait going in, I think I need to just slow it down and get some life family balance back I may or may not regret it but I have just put out quite a hit more bait 😬 I figure I've got to not be late home tomorrow let them feast tonight 😁
  17. Which specialist hookbait company please? I tend to get carried away always nice when I can rule one out 😁
  18. I'm allowed to go as long as I am back early 😁 Bait prepped put 6 spare cups in the glove box and my proper cup in the car πŸ˜‚ Got to do a few bits then hopefully will be back by tea time 😬 Pre baiting can be tense if you think others will be using the swim,but you just have to accept it as part of the risk, I tend to hope now they may just accept my bait in other locations too, although that's not a given, its also not cheap lol I've gone through nearly 25kg of pellets, 25kg of pigeon Conditioner and 20kg of boilies now, I think I may slow it down though for a bit now after this weekend, spend some time with the family, πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘¦πŸ˜
  19. Well back at home now, had to leave them fizzing away over a lot of bait 😭 20lb4oz, 15lb and a little 11lber very pleased with that I really want to go back tonight, testing the water presently must see if I can earn some serious brownie points today 😁 But they do say to make hay while the sun shines,
  20. 20lb 4oz lovely colours again though I seem constantly amazed how big twenties are still, I did think it was a mid 20 at least till I weighed it, if I ever catch a 30 I will think its a shark, hope one slips up soon 😁 3 20s in 3 overnighters I can take that though happy days
  21. I made one out of an old water bottle πŸ˜‚ Had a 15lb mirror in the night just did literally one mat shot and I had an occurance on my middle rod so I quickly put it back and struck into nothing,feel a bit bad this morning that I couldn't be bothered to photo it properly,although it had managed managed to take 2 rods off the dancefloor I managed to get one back on last night, 1but a quiet night after that, redone them all this morning and had a couple of savage liners, so there is hope still Just when I wrote that last bit the rod ripped off and there is now a chunky mirror in the net 😁
  22. I knew it was going to well I forgot my mug 😁😁😁😁😁
  23. Cheers buddy, hope you get out soon, Its weird I took my time setting up bivvy first , got everything ready, 4 casts to get 3 rods out, my catapulting couldn't have gone much better, I've seen signs, loads of fizzing to the left in the weed, if it doesn't happen tonight I may cry, I don't think I could've done that all much better tbh, even my reel handles are pretty straight 😁 I had best have a cuppa I think One just crashed out in the weed about 1 rod length behind the spot πŸ‘€πŸ‘€
  24. And breathe the swim is bucketed πŸ˜‚
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