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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. I use to have some mini Microns in the olden days loved em tbh, only thing was a wired sounder box and I didn't want to spend out on the attx receiver and dongles lol, so I sold them for more than I bought them for 😁 If they are as good as those i would like them I think, all I want is sensitivity settings these days and a reliable receiver oh and to be loud enough to wake me up 😁
  2. Just look for the far bank marker and bingo 😁
  3. Just having a look at some new items and thought we could start some discussions Fox mini Micron x seems to be the new alarm on the block does anyone think they will be good or pap? I am actually a bit interested in these quite like the look of them and if they are as reliable as the old mini microns they could be OK
  4. I don't see much advantage to not using sticks to be honest,for me they make things easier, you can then record the distances you cast and its easier next time, if I know the swim it's usually 3 ot 4 casts and the rods are fishing with as little disturbance as possible, I use the same rod for leading about and spombing also so I have already got that where I want it from my initial marking up I'm really trying to work on my accuracy these days, I want to bait and fish as accurately as I can and with as little disturbance, Even if I am fishing at shortish range I still use them
  5. Not played much with the chod but when I thought it might be a good method for something I had a little look again , I read a thing by Nigel sharp and he was saying about it being a bad idea to hit the clip when using a chod set up as this will make the line tight and the rig not move freely, that had never even occurred to me so I thought I would share it 😁 I also hadn't thought about a light lead being better that's maybe why I didn't really get on so well with that set up πŸ˜πŸ‘ Ive started using 4oz on a lead clip recently, or 3oz inlines btw
  6. It was one of the first "new things" I tried when I restarted makes such a difference, well worth persevering with πŸ‘
  7. When you look at it that way I guess the question should be How can I get better? What can I do better? How can I maximise my chances? It always helps to stack the % in your favour, so every little thing you do right is a step closer
  8. I could barely find my head torch, I accidently put the poligrip in the spod mix when I couldn't find my glasses 😁
  9. Just thought I would add the udder side on here to keep track, a sort of smile πŸ˜€
  10. Hi Nick I usually take extra bait so I can leave some when I go, an extra bucket would keep them fed and feeding for a few days maybe if it was a big bucket it may also mess up anyone else's chance in the swim you are baiting 😁 I see pre baiting now as an essential part of fishing really, I can safely say its added 10 fish to my account so far this season so its been well worth it, πŸ‘
  11. 11 minutes til rods in time and there are small patches of bubbles, ripples etc going to be tough to wind in, but I have to as I promised the kids I would pick them up from school, there is always another day I will drop some moosh on them before I leave though either that or use to to cement a bbq 😁
  12. Well the new swim didn't look great there was still a few seeds in the margin, a couple of people blanking In the big part made me look elsewhere, I'm back on familier soil 😁 I couldn't resist,it just looked good today, I cast my second rod at a showing fish, I saw loads of signs and was getting surprised it hadn't happened, and then as cinderella had to leave the ball before she turned into a pumpkin, my middle rod tears off, I struggled into the crocs and couldn't find the headlight as quick as I wanted but I have started using leadclips this week, the lead discharged and the battle was an easy one, 23lb mirror that just seemed to do more or less what i wanted, I even thought it was a bream for a moment until I remembered it had pulled the line out the clip 😁 Don't add pellets the night before btw terrible idea 😁 so heavy it cracked my spomb off, luckily I got it back casting over it, also lucky I bought a spare kilo of baits so I can just pult those out πŸ€ Going to refresh the rods soon after my first light cuppa and see if I can't nick another before the final whistle
  13. Spod mix prepping 😳 I've put some pellets and a kilo of boilies in now to soak up all the juice and go all mushy mmmmmm smelly garage now 😱
  14. I went and had a quick go with the lead found an ish spot that seemed ok but needing work and quite shallow , still quite weedy though, might have to chod it for now and keep searching for more spots, they will be there somewhere πŸ˜‚
  15. My 3lb wychwood rods are said to have an excellent casting range of up to 191yards recorded, I've only cast them 80 odd yards so far, I doubt I could achieve that 😁 They aren't broomsticks but I do wonder if they contributed to the recent run of hookpulls I encountered when only fishing at 6 wraps a slightly softer rod would have been better I think in this situation, if only Mrs P agreed that I need more rods for every fishing situation 😁
  16. Here's one I saw this in the news yesterday 😁 Giant carp over the British record banked at 75lb 2oz News Remarkably, the enormous carp took a small 10mm Essential Cell wafter, presented in a solid bag at 120yds with a size 6 Korda Wide Gape hook. A β€˜match the hatch’ tactic Wayne believes was vital to the capture,
  17. I was a bit bored the other day so I tied a load of new rigs 😳 Bag rigs, multi rigs for the pop ups and some wafter rigs too And some new leaders ready for the rods
  18. The super pult mk1 is born πŸ’ͺ I think there may be some extra yardage in this one, the elastic is a lot stronger feeling than my other one, I'm going baiting tomorrow will see how it gets on in real life 🀞
  19. Well I've kind of formulated a plan for Thursday, going tomorrow to spomb a load of particles on a spot I've yet to discover 😳 last time I was there I saw a couple of shows in a little fished area, so hopefully if it's not busy I can get away with it Not sure if it's a good plan but hey its a plan, πŸ₯΄ I will have all day there Thursday so I don't need to rush into anything, will just see if anything shows there or anywhere else
  20. Are other people catching while you are there? Maybe they are feeding at other times of the day, Also do you feel like you should be catching but aren't I mean like fish on the spots ? That could mean you are getting done, maybe have a look at a couple of new rigs to play with, are your hooks sharp? Perhaps you need to start doing things a little different from the rest, you say that other peoples baits are working for most, you perhaps need to think about getting your bait to work for you, I should think a lot of people using ready made baits are tinkering with them a bit nowadays, glugging etc, if most people are using bags they may shy away from little clumps of bait, look at what the others are doing and maybe just do the opposite, if you can pre bait but think it's the cost that will put you off, 25kg of pellets Β£33 or vitalin Β£17 for 15kg or pigeon Conditioner or particles can be cheap 20kg for under Β£20 usually, for me if you can this will still be a good cheap way to establish a spot, you won't need loads now but a few good handfuls regularly in the right spot will pay dividends, or otherwise just think about how you can maximise your chances, I am quite the opposite of you though, I don't feel confident unless I've got some bait on the spot, I always want them to get preoccupied and slip up. Hope this helps Elmo
  21. Hi mate I've been down the Overthinking rabbit hole quite often, it's quite easy to do tbh, thing is nowadays there is so much choice with bait, rigs etc it's quite easy to tie yourself up in knots, I've really tried to keep it simple this year and be confident, I am also married with kids etc and only tend to fish quick overnighters, so I've found it's best to try and stack the odds in my favour as much as possible, pre baiting was successful and I've done well using pva bags this year, I started washing my baits out also with water and a hydro I found this doesn't hurt as it makes them softer so they will eat them quicker, My advice would be to just give yourself any advantages you can, be alert, be active, watch the water for clues, get yourself prepped and ready before you get to the bank, spend time looking for clues, but the most important one RELAX AND ENJOY IT, IT'S A HOBBY, don't think you've failed because of a blank or two leave that til the end of the year and then assess your results, Tight lines
  22. The 15lb hydro is nearer to 20lb bs it is tough, hopefully that will help Gardner camflex splices like a dream tbh I've just tried it πŸ‘
  23. What lb bs hydrotuff are you using?
  24. I'm not allowed to use Leadcore so i use an unleaded leader, just got some Gardner camflex but haven't tried splicing it yet, avid pin down leader is what I normally use but couldn't find any, will let you know what I think later Gutted for you though mate I know you've been working hard, just hope you get another chance,
  25. Isn't Yeast is an active ingredient though, it helps things ferment and bread rise, and beer taste great 😁 So I am guessing that marmite or yeast extract is a product of fermentation of some kind,and the yeast is the catalyst to create the enzymes, amino acids, or to aid digestion, or whatever else it may do I may be wrong though like I said I am no expert 😁
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