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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. If only the nation hadn't lost its mind and allowed Borismania to sweep through with a long trail of destruction, I hope you will be voting green next time as they are the only ones serious about stopping it.
  2. Wow not at all contrary, imagine if you were more outraged at water companies that dump Actual sewage in our waterways.
  3. Blimey mate well done on the captures, something strange seems to be going on there.
  4. It's sounds like you are fishing in dictatorship not a fishery. If you are using barbless you won't need to file down the barb to remove the old hook from the kicker because the barb isn't getting in the way of the kicker sliding off.
  5. Looks pretty cool doesn't it, can you see where your lines go even without the blue lights?
  6. Are you going to get the police down to make it glow up?
  7. Good luck mate, How is the new line?
  8. How will you know what part was the problem if you ditch everything at once?
  9. I just looked on the proper job website gone up to £10.25 a tub now. Good job I have tonnes already 😳
  10. If I had a pound for every pop up in my collection I would be pretty wealthy right now 🤣
  11. The esp tungsten soft is a good coated braid there are plenty out there though, I think it is something that is possibly overlooked tbh, I did a quick search and some lakes have banned uncoated braid,perhaps more should,
  12. That's pretty much my rig nowadays 👍 @crusian
  13. The krank type hooks are good with a Ronnie Rig, I've recently developed a love of these with the Ronnie, these are now pretty much all I use now, great hook holds so far. https://www.jprecisionhooks.co.uk/products/advanced-lgs I also use avid D rig kickers as my go to Ronnie kicker, I like having the d rig to add a little more seperation between hook and bait (bit fiddly) and when I need to change hooks I now always file down the barb of the old hook to aid removing this 👍
  14. If you like a krank you will low these 😍 https://www.jprecisionhooks.co.uk/products/gapex-1
  15. Then it must be the braid with a heavy lead swinging about in front of its face I would say., try a soft coated braid and see if it still does it.
  16. I think it will be cuts from the braid whilst the fish is going away from him a bit too much pressure and it is slicing through the scissors from what I can understand.
  17. Without knowing what one you use it would be difficult to ascertain what to suggest. I find uncoated braids can be a bit rough to the touch though and if you have flecks of kevlar in them they can be quite sharp too,
  18. You can buy a broken down ferrari and it will still be broken, personally I think it will be the uncoated braid that is causing the mouth damage.
  19. 2 things I might consider. Maybe use a different uncoated braid. Maybe consider using a drop off inline lead
  20. They do do that, and I find quite often too, apparently you can remove the thing that makes it happen, but I haven't got round to it yet but I wouldn't buy another one when this one dies.
  21. I also enjoy spombing bait out, the plop of the catapult is my favourite way to bait though. But boats are quicker quiter, more accurate and less messy 😂
  22. I think with a sonar feature finding becomes even more important tbh as you can really find some different spots, there are always the ones in most swims you can tell everyone uses because they are firm and large finding the smaller ones where you have seen them fizzing I've found to be the holy grail this year, I've found a few like this that aren't clear but with a bit of prebaiting become small but mighty dinner plates. One of the lakes I can fish I once caught 10 in 24 hours, I've not fished it since was exhausting 😂 I think the key is enjoyment, I am always the first to congratulate people when they catch a good one, whatever method you are using it's usually taken a lot of effort or some good angling. Some people have time, I just try and do the best with the time I have, and I like to make the most of it. 👍
  23. Finding a small hole in the weed and using a bait boat to drop off your rig and bait be like.
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