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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. They probably don't need to as loads of people use it
  2. I should think its just the last push for bait Companies as they probably slow right down in winter, and make and sell less, What bait do you use? I wouldn't switch to Nash instant action,would rather use a proper food bait still
  3. We mainly make stuff for planes and that but we make a lot of different pre pregs and stuff for other applications
  4. Why? Surely adults can discuss things that are related
  5. He didn't bring the labour party to its knees, the smear campaign and lies against him did, let's not forget farage giving way so all of his BNP voters had nowhere else to go so they went tory, now we are in a situation where all the people who voted for Boris, defend his every action because they believed he would get rid of "the immigrants" which he isn't Priti just gave 54m to the French and still they arrive I bet they are loving it, he is literally getting away with murder with covid and his failure to deal with it he ignored the science frequently, made millions from dodgy PPE, spent millions on wallpaper and now a load more on art, billions on a rubber dinghy for Prince Philip, and thinks a 1% payrise for the NHS is acceptable, It isn't getting better @carpepecheur We can't get chicken for nandos and KFC, ridgemonkey cant get thier bait boats through customs and fuel and food has never been so expensive and ironically there will probably be a shortage of Gammons this Christmas 😁
  6. I would add to what kev said, just go to a tackle shop and ask them for advice any good shop worth it's salt would rather see you leave with the right items of tackle and the knowledge of how to use it safely, korda seem to do most bits to make it easy 👍
  7. How come we have the highest death rate in Europe if they've done such a good job? We live on an island,should be easy to control, and let's get it straight the vaccine was down to the scientists acting fast and the NHS distributing it efficiently not the government, let the bodies pile high was Boris's mantra and still is As for Corbyn he was probably the last chance at a decent socialist PM that would have put people first, the Labour Party wanted him out, the media wanted him out as he wasn't scared to rock the boat and now they are so far out of touch with the people there is no genuine opposition we the people are screwed, which leads us to where are now, Priti Patel isn't exactly doing a great job as home secretary, she wants to see hangings again and banning people from protesting, her parents were immigrants but she seems to have forgotten that,
  8. We are heading into a capitalist nightmare at the moment, the poor get poorer and the rich will get richer, we won't even have an NHS soon as they want to privatise it, and by getting rid of "the immigrants" it will lead to a massive shortage of staff in hospitals, fruit pickers, warehouse staff, hgv drivers and all sorts, so the only thing we will have left to trade is finance,which suits the rich, most global companies will probably decide to quit the uk as import/export will become too much of a ball ache and we will all be at the mercy of Europe anyway Boris and his goons are pulling your pants down if you think we will be better off, they will be better off, they will keep changing the laws to suit while they have so much power, his handling of covid has been a deliberate attack on the vulnerable, look how many people are still dying from it, he allowed the Johnson variant to flourish in this country then packed his bags announcing freedom day was on and went off on his holidays, he doesn't care about anyone but his chums,he wants to see the NHS fail, he was happy to let gove and handcock stay in their jobs even though they got caught fiddling the books for personal gain, And as a human being, people deserve a better life wherever they come from, they arent just here to get benefits, they are the biggest lie anyway, if they got the rich to pay tax the cost of benefits would be Insignificant, but they don't as they give them nice things and big fat donations or allow them to become directors and shareholders, and maybe get a lordship in return The whole of the brexit campaign was built on lies, farage lied, Cummings said the campaign was based on lies, I would be happy to be proved wrong on brexit but I can't really see it going well with these clowns in charge
  9. Same I was still am dead against it tbh, feels quite a backward step in my opinion,its been a shambles, its made getting stuff imported a nightmare, going abroad is going to be trickier,its isolated us from Europe and now we have a shortage of people too do essential jobs that brits don't want to do, but it's not only that it's also given this government so much power to do what they like, slowly they are taking away our freedom, and taking away our rights to protest, corperal punishment has started being mentioned again, they've creamed off billions from the tax payer, get away with scandal after scandal and people still lap it up, Boris needs to go now he couldn't organise a raffle properly, (he would fix it for his mates to win)
  10. Looks kinda like my bunker, Just put the poles together, attach the tension strap,open it up like a pram hood then clip on the tension poles (the outside ones) and peg it out, not sure about the peak as mine hasn't got one
  11. I know what you mean there doesn't seem to be much of a natural progression these days,everything is available online, I wouldn't have dreamt of stepping on some of those lakes when I was just starting out, whatever happened to the old village ponds, I remember how big the step up to a club lake was 😁
  12. At a guess it would have less capacity, depends on the length of the spool as to whether it will make much difference but they are all designed to be smooth for casting these days so probably less than you might think but I haven't used one 😁
  13. Brexit doesn't seem to be going too well, it's quite a sad realisation when you put it like that, people have tried to go out and and start something good, and it's just going to become impossible now we are out the EU, covid made it hard but brexit will kill it I think, and it'll be impossible to ever join another syndicate again 😢 Pre brexit I thought I would get my name down on the woolpack cos it's just up the road from me,but I never did don't think I'll ever get on there now 😢
  14. Thanks, I think I must be learning something as I probably would've sat it out and hoped before, I had spent all night kicking myself tbh because I chose to go against what I saw, in favour of a going swim which had done a couple of bites at the weekend 😳
  15. there we go, really pleased with this one its a ripper
  16. Plenty more fizzing, but nothing else to report other than it was tough to pull myself away, there is nothing quite like watching carp sheeting up over your spot, it was like a jacuzzi at points, got something to work on now though 😁
  17. Only when I moved at sunrise 😅 5 mins in the right spot,I knew I could sit there and blank or move and try and literally 5 mins after moving, I hooked into a 21lb near fully beaut taken from under a rod length out cos of a 9ft wall of weed across the lake 👍 It caused a bit of a kerfuffle though think the chance for more may have gone now, Edit hang on there're was more fizzing might be yet come on the carp
  18. Can't argue with that, well worth doing, I can't help feeling I've effed it right up, I'll either catch one or blank my ass off, I've done a lot of airbombing 😳 can't do a lot else for now,
  19. Today has arrived buzzing like an old fridge to get out fishing just to do the usual peacekeeping stuff and get my kit sorted, bait is prepped and ready, walk the dogs load the car and try and find some fishies to catch and avoid the rainy spells Got loads of new stuff I've never used though my 6m baiting pole I want to put into action, new bait, new liquid, new buzzbar, new tacklebox, might as well stay at home 😳 naaaaah 😎
  20. I do like a vanilla mcdonalds but that was some next level shiz 👍 Not sure how I feel about having an expresso shot in it though 🤔
  21. Did a nice long pup walk and couldn't resist popping in the cafe for a banoffee milkshake 😋
  22. You just beat a chicken and mushroom though, original and best 😁
  23. Got some new bait today 20kg of a new test bait from Retrobaits, I had a chat with Nick Burrage and quite fancied trying this one, it's caught some nice fish already and should work well for my autumn campaign, got it in big dumbells, to match my big pellets which are nearly bream proof 😅😁 Not quite sure it will all go in the freezer yet 😂
  24. I would just go straight through with mono I think, keep it simple, I would probably just use hookable baits too,
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