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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. I enjoyed it was good to be out again, I had baited a few times recently and raked the swim a couple of days before, so the hard work paid off, being confident in your bait seems to be a good thing too 😂
  2. Neither can I I'm trying to do them now but my computer is being a ****
  3. Hurricane Elmo 😂 Last rod standing it's coming in now though all tidy again 😳
  4. The morning after the night before 😴 I'm on 5 fish now, so tired, bites seemed to happen as soon as I dozed off, I haven't completely ruled out a 6th yet but I have got to pack up by lunchtime 😳
  5. That's good going, good luck 👍 I've just had to attempt a rechuck due to no 3 16lb8oz mirror, didn't photo it as all my batteries are running low on my camera need to save it just incase one of the a team wants to visit me 🙏🙏🙏🙏
  6. I do all my proper photos on camera so I have to do all that upload download biz, and I darent do a rod shot as it still looks like a bit of a tip out there 😁
  7. Looks good mate, nice I've just caught another one of those weather has gone a bit moody so it's staying in the retainer for a bit high double though looks a long male fish 😳 it's been a bit hectic, had a bite which straightened out a size 4 mugga which i lost, then my other rod pulled up to the bobbin, managed to hook a blooming pike, got my first one back out and it went again in minutes and that's the latest update still havent got the pike rod back out, could be a busy night i think 😳
  8. Not a bad one either 25lb 6oz, might even have time for another yet 😳
  9. I've got one in the net already, I had only got 1 rod in 😳
  10. That's good then, hope it goes well 👍 I've just made it to McDonald's in time for breakfast, will be at the lake in 20 woo ha 😁
  11. That's brave, I hope you havent upset her recently 😁
  12. Nice one thanks, last ones I bought were Aller aqua halibut ones 17mm bream chokers, they were high protien high oil ones, seem quite high spec These were good to deal with very quick delivery postage included https://bulkfishpellets.co.uk/collections/aller-aqua-ap
  13. Which do you prefer Coppens or skrettings?
  14. It's nice being confident in your bait isn't it 😏
  15. Totally agree Highy, I just enjoy my short amount of time on the bank, that's enough for me, I do what I can to prepare, yesterday I went raking and baiting 2nd time this week, I am going tomorrow can't blooming wait, just make the most of what time you have and enjoy it, I'll be using a mix of 4 baits I have confidence in tomorrow 😁
  16. I had to skim read it, some of it was hurting my eyes 😳
  17. Yonny has caught some amazing fish for a fraud, and I can speak for myself when I say he is a very knowledgeable angler who has helped me out no end, given me lots of good advice in the past and I've asked some right stupid questions, but he always took the time to answer, and for that I am grateful I think you either have a grudge against him or you just enjoy being contrary, I've definately become a better angler from listening to him and others on this site, maybe you could learn something too if you didn't know it all already 👍
  18. I think you might get one or two bites on a cheap low nutrition bait, but if you want to regularly catch a decent food source bait would do better and certainly work for a longer period of time, I think a lot of good baits nowadays seem to have decent vitamin content,and also other health benefits, and I think that will keep them all coming back, and if there are additives that will do them some good and make them feel better they will keep eating it, I went gluten free once and ate really healthily much like Kev, and after a week I felt amazing, healthy, clean more focused, just really good, now I eat all manner of junk again I feel sluggish and slow get depressed more easily and don't feel good, you can tell when you eat well, however you can also get addicted to the wrong things, My analogy is you might walk past the chip shop everyday but you don't always like the smell, occasionally you quite fancy some but then you don't want them again for a long while, whereas meat and veg type things give you the right fuel and you would want to eat them more as you know they will do you good Now @Highy and the northerners like the occasional Wigan kebab but they wouldn't eat them daily would they?????????
  19. If only it was that simple, it's more that the swim is quite small so that's why I think I need them 😂
  20. Because I've been doing a lot of fishing under the rod tips lately, I've started feeling like my 12ft rods are too long and I need some 9ft ones and smaller reels too, never ending isn't it, I am hoping to resist the urge but will see how it goes 😂
  21. If you are a crypography member you can get 10% discount off CC Moore each time you order
  22. I used to use the source years ago, and Julian Cundiff doesn't half catch a lot on the scopex squid but I've never used it myself, I pay £7 a kilo from retro baits, you just have to go with what you are confident in though 👍
  23. They probably don't need to as loads of people use it
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