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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. Yes happy new year to you all hope its a good one. I popped the question this morning, and my wife from del monte she said yes Now I am frantically scrambling round defrosting bait and charging stuff up, for a cheeky overnight one, it's going to be a slight race against the darkness but will be so nice to be out again I can't wait, woooooooooooohoooooooo
  2. Thanks nick that's a good idea I think adding the egg might work better for sticking the powders to the outside of the bait I've noticed they can just wash off if they aren't prepped that well 👍
  3. @Highy I saw this deal and thought it may be of use to you, https://www.carpology.net/shop/special-offers/sticky-10kg-super-sub-deal/?fbclid=IwAR06_fKJoXdAAhZ_H4wu5JHamJkWZVbvxlhUspQMXQjMuEVSvT10ROeUWnI
  4. Sounds like a good idea to me, can't hurt to give yourself a bit more of an advantage, that active mix groundbait is good stuff, I will probably coat them in that as I still have some in the garage
  5. I've been a little bored and been thinking about pastes a lot lately, I've decided to try and make some cultured hookbaits , I've taken some citruz wafters, given them a gooing and boosting and I have wrapped them in some paste, next I am going to air dry them for a few days, then probably coat them in a powder of some sort, this is the only paste I have presently but if they work I will make some match the hatch ones also, I think paste is probably an underused tactic nowadays and could be quite a fun thing to have a play with this year anyone else ever use paste these days?
  6. Thanks for all the input guys, I think the main point of this thread has got somewhat lost along the way, I've also got some rods that will do the job for now, like framey said I have to stick on budget for now, as I also want to keep a roof over my families head, As for mentors I have always received great advice on here and that usually boils down to location, keep it simple and use a decent bait and a rig you have confidence in, its too easy to get sucked down a rabbit hole and disappear into the abyss if you over complicate things and I try to stick to that
  7. I would buy whatever I fancied to do the job, but I was asking because I was on a budget, thanks to the pandemic and cost of living rises it meant fishing funds were low, I am quite happy with my crosscasts though, nice slim blanks, minima guides for the money I think they are pretty great tbh, time will tell if they last but I only got to fish a handful of times last year so hopefully they will last a while yet,
  8. I've seen or heard him say that too, might have been on a podcast or one of John bakers YouTube vids, can't remember what now but he doesn't seem a bad guy tbh not sure why he would lie about it though, from what I can tell he seems a genuine guy and very knowledgeable
  9. I tend to use it within a few days, I like it as fresh as possible, you can freeze it though if you want and there are probably ways to make it stay fresh for longer,
  10. Frying pans and audible now, I'm so cool 😭😭😭😭😭😭😴
  11. I got done, struggling to even think of something whitty for this one
  12. Sounds like he misses you, take it as a compliment 👍
  13. I had a jrc cover years ago it wasn't that warm tbh, I had a 4 season bag and cover and I was still cold at points I think the cult one will be better, tbh,
  14. I think he is just a bait boffin, it was quite an interesting listen though, he would tailor his approach whether he was fishing for big mirrors or big commons, believing they each liked different things,
  15. I really like my accessory case I got from them, and the cover looks good and it's camo so it will make me catch more 😂
  16. I've requested from santa a cult tackle bedchair cover a navitas onesie and a brimmed hat for fishing and dog walking 😂
  17. The main thing is trial and error, what will work somewhere may not work somewhere else, you can use pop ups all year round, I think the main thing people seem to suggest is bright baits during winter and spring, then more match the hatch during summer and autumn when the fish are most likely to be feeding on plenty of bait and they may have been caught on bright baits already, but it all depends on the fish and on the day really, some people use bright baits all year round and catch, I think its mainly about the baiting situation and location
  18. You are a bit of a podcast fan aren't you? , did you listen to the Steven White carp angler chronicles one, where he used different baits for commons and mirrors etc that was interesting I thought, I still havent solved the million dollar question lol but it gave me some food for thought, And when I thought back I haven't caught a common since last May and that was about the time I stopped using yellow wafter hookbaits, I stopped because I kept catching pike on yellow pop ups but it may also explain why I've not caught any commons lately 😳
  19. If the bottom is clean I would fish a wafter or bottom bait if you don't think it is fish a pop up, As for baiting I wouldn't use too many small bits if I wanted to fish pop ups unless it was weedy and I was trying to clear the spot at the same time, or I wanted to keep them busy, basically if I am using smaller items to feed I want my hookbait as close to the deck as possible, if I wanted to use hemp and small items and wasn't sure the bed was clean, I would use a solid Pva bag over the top with a small wafter, that should sit nicely enough in most situations, My usual approach now is prebait with smaller bits and use a spod mix type concoction if I need to clear spots or keep them visiting and when I fish usually just boilies, tigers and pellets, when I can I will also prebait with these as it makes life easier if you don't need to spomb, that being said I usually use an airbomb which will make a bigger area of feed than a spomb which In my head means the fish should move more between mouthfuls and be easier to catch lol 👍
  20. I don't enjoy wearing them as soon as I don't need too they are off Mine are fine for what I need, I only ever wear them as long as necessary, but it's the nature of the beast really, I take mine off ASAP because I don't like being hot, it's an anxiety trigger so I try to avoid it lol
  21. I got some bison waders a couple of years ago, they get a little sweaty if you are working hard weeding or anything, but I don't tend to wear them for long periods so they do the job fine, I went up a shoe size seems to be the rule I think,
  22. That's probably an accessory I would be interested in too I think 👍
  23. I had a look at that one too, it's kind of when I thought I could probably make one, I want at least 30m I think, which is £171 I think I can make it for a lot less The pipe I can get for £57, then it's just expanding foam and bits , my baiting spoon may get modded with some stabilisers but i don't need a lot else really
  24. Thanks I had seen his original vid but just watched this one with upgrade, similar to my thinking I guess so that's encouraging, and a couple of nice tips too that I hadn't thought of, also good to know I can use 20mm with duct tape, but I want to try and make it without first 😁
  25. Well I've used it a few times but as predicted it wasn't long enough for everything I want 😁 Now I thought about buying a long one, but I quite fancy having a go at making one,but don't always like the price of them, I'm currently researching pipe and how to fix them together, most of the DIY type ones I've seen use a male and female thread I don't want to do that, seems long winded, I've found some 25mm PVC PIPE online that I should be able to use, but I want to use a slightly smaller pipe for a spigot joint with a push clip and hole set up ala bushwhacker, I've found 2 pipes one is slightly thicker walled so it leaves a - 0.2mm gap over the inch pipe which I would use for the spigot,and may require sanding to make it right, or a thinner walled one which would leave 1.2mm gap which is probably fine for the half I join with gluey stuff as that would fill the void but will it be too loose and make the pole sag? Does anyone happen to have a bushwhacker and some calipers I would be interested to know measurements for the joints and what tolerance they are thanks if you can help ?? I'm looking to start off with 36m worth of 1.5m sections if I can and maybe I could also use the end of this pole and any sections that I can to make it telescopic with the extensions, I might also try and make a massive spoon too for those times you just want to fill it in quickly 😁 A faff yes, a small project yes, but I quite fancy a little winter project and don't fancy spending hundreds on a baiting pole 😳 I can do stuff at work like drilling and bits so with care I should be able to get that all nice so they are all interchangeable
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