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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. I use a deeper pro plus, It is good enough for what I want it for which is generally trying to find spots in weed or clearer areas to focus on, I use it to check depths and this time of year, I use it to try and locate warmer areas of water, I think the chirp has better sonar, but I didn't want to spend loads on it, I'm happy enough with what the pro+ tells me
  2. Esp butt grips 3 for a tennerish work well too if you buy the right size 👍
  3. Have you seen the rare gold stuff? Goes up for thousands
  4. Yes we may still be in the EU and getting cheaper fishing tackle 😉
  5. They are all in it together, why arent they taxing the super rich and closing tax loopholes rather than raising national insurance, a windfall tax was mentioned but never happened, Why do they all still have lucrative 2nd jobs? Why did they give dodgy PPE Contracts to pub landlords and chums ? How did Jacob Rees mogg know when to sell his shares in Russian companies? Why are the sanctions taking so long to impose? Why do we have a Russian media mogul as a lord? How is Gavin Williamson getting knighted? Why is Boris Johnson still Prime minister after all of the scandals that follow him? They are all in it together, it's a class war and we are letting them win whilst we argue about petty trivia that the media spoon feeds us daily, they rule by keeping the people poor and stupid, why are schools so underfunded (obviously apart from private schools because those donations are tax deductable )? This World is in a lot of trouble at the moment and it's all caused by the greedy few not the decent many
  6. It is the elephant in most rooms, but it doesn't seem to be delivering what they promised it would
  7. Welcome to Brexit Britain The cost of everything has skyrocketed since then,
  8. Seemed to get away with it so far, she went out delivery turned up, went out again got to have a little play well impressed so far tbh 😂 And so was the dog 😬 I can get the water bottle in the front pannier, I can get all my tackle and bits in the bag with room for loads of of other bits (probably 2 smaller buckets for bait) 🙄, I can feel a declutter coming on seemed sturdy enough, one thing I liked 4 screws on the handles so they aren't just done up in one place, hopefully that should mean less flex, I'm pleased with it anyway, mobility isn't something that's done in that lake very often, I think It may help me find more chances if I can fish off the barrow, and I won't get anymore punctures in my car
  9. Damn those new hermes being delivered 11 til 1 today, I am getting rumbled for sure 😬
  10. Cars are a pain in the backside, hope you get it sorted
  11. I just think I am always destined to get caught, luckily it's mother's day Sunday and I reckon I've smashed it this year 😊
  12. Thanks i went with the trakker in the end, I'm hoping I can get my water butt in one of the panniers, then the main bag has a 52l capacity which I am hoping I can get all my tackle and bait in, I am hoping it arrives before the misses comes home from work but it's with hermes so there is no telling 😂
  13. This is my current Pva bag mix I wanted a mix of colours for the visual aspect A mix of sticky bloodworm, Nash citruz, dynamite red and green pellets, some fast breakdown garlic ones and all doused in liquid liver and coated in sticky active manilla stick mix
  14. I ended up going for the trakker barrow, it has all the luggage I need with it already and it should be plenty big enough If I need to take a couple of extra bits with me, it's got a 2 year warranty so if it is going to break I will have done it by then 😂
  15. Yep as soon as it says modular you are looking at a £100, I got a few NGT ones and a cult one that i use for storing bits, they do a decent job tbh, I'm thinking I can do away with my rucksack if I use the under barrow storage, that's why I like the trakker one tbh as I know i could get my water bottle in the front pocket and probably lose my tackle and bits underneath, same with the fox one, but if I go carp porter I will need loads of extras 😂
  16. I've had a look on the carp porter site I don't think they do these anymore, I kind of think they want you to spend £50 on the porter pals, I can't help feeling ripped off by prestige as they seem to want to charge you the earth for every little extra these days,
  17. I've done well, I am on my 3rd year using the same bait company now only used 2 baits 😉, i used to change every few kg, I still occasionally look at other deals and torture myself but so far I've not strayed, this year for a change I am going to use both those baits together 😂
  18. Brilliant thanks for that I saw a set of the xl side bags on ebay tonight, they went for £26 quid, I had them as a watched item but ebay didn't send me a reminder and I forgot, damned shame as I would quite like those too,
  19. Probably as good a place as anywhere, if you have to send off your energy readings, best to make sure you do one at the end of the month so it doesn't get charged at the new massively increased rate, Martin Lewis was saying that just thought I would share it with you cos its going to get tougher after April 😭
  20. I've started driving like a Doris, I was getting 47 mpg before, I'm currently hovering about 58 mpg, I feel dirty driving so steadily but if I get an extra 100 miles out of a tank it's probably worth it 😬
  21. Just started to spec the Mk2 and so far I am up to £270 with panniers and a basic front bag, I can't decide if the panniers are worthwhile or not as I want them to hold my 5l water bottle but not sure if they will, don't suppose you have used the panniers or anything have you?
  22. Hi guys Having seen a trakker x trail Compact barrow, I was tempted by it, I liked the bags and the panniers on it, seems spacious sturdy and good and solid, anyone got one? https://www.trakkerproducts.com/uk/product/x-trail-compact-barrow I always thought I would buy another Mk2 carp porter but the price of them is putting me off tbh, because I would want some extra bits (I have some crossbar handles already though from my botched barrow fix) The fox one is occasionally on a good deal but usually similar to the Mk2, and I'm not convinced the fox one will be better than the trakker tbh, shall I bite the bullet and get the trakker? The reason I want one now is driving round the lake I've had a couple of punctures and I think being mobile may be an edge so I also want to reduce the amount of stuff I take,😬 I think the trakker gives me enough scope to take a few extra bits if I need too, If you have any thoughts on this please help 😂
  23. Better to have too much than too little, it might be best to get a lot in now as everything is going up, bait will probably follow
  24. Sounds pretty good to me, don't see why it wouldn't be any good in the right place 👍
  25. That's good to hear Mate, really pleased she's doing well and everything is positive, hopefully you will all be able to relax a little now and get back to some sort of normality
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