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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. I fired in the last of my old bait today, hopefully something will eat it 😂 My bait boat was getting clogged up by micropellets by the way, would be fine with bigger baits like boilies and proper pellets, still think I might sell it though, I think ii enjoyed fishing more pre bait boat
  2. The right one for the situation they face 😬 My 3 would be PVA bag supple rig stiff boom Ronnie, Some kind of wafter rig (been favouring a noodle lately) but it could be a d rig or whatever I thought suited, In all honesty I have started to care a lot less about rigs and more about the situation as I have tinkered enough to think most will work if they are in the right place and suited to what you need main thing for me is it must reset, I got tired of bringing in rigs that are tangled
  3. Misty morning has arrived, was Definately a chilly one, and needless to say, its been a quiet night 😂
  4. That's it mate just means you have to work that bit harder, just need to find some new angles and areas to work that get largely ignored, can't wait for the weed to come back to be honest, from someone that had never fished in heavy weed a few years ago, I love it now 😂
  5. I believe they do, and I wouldn't put him off, the best bobbins I've ever had
  6. I just hope mine is at home, I've grown quite attached to this set
  7. I think little pellets are getting trapped in the catch, which is a shame because I have nearly 20kg 😂
  8. Thanks will do, I spent ages looking around but didn't see a lot I just decided this may give me a small chance but I missed the swim I wanted to be in and the 2nd choice and 3rd choice lol found some nice spots though, but I think I might be competing against other anglers this year as well as the fish
  9. Spombs always break, I could be tempted by a wolf one but I would only stuff it up a tree 😂 My toy bait boat has annoyed me today, catch doesn't always open, I gave up and went old school and cast 2 rods in the end, I can see why people hate them now 😂
  10. Makeshift DIY bobbin, never gonna catch with non matching bobbins
  11. Surprisingly busy today settled In no carp corner,
  12. You need to get tucked In behind a lorry to save on fuel, I got Into work today in the slipstream of a big old lorry must have saved me tenner 😬
  13. I would have to design and make one first and knowing how little time I already have could take a while 😂
  14. I'm completely in the right job for that and now you've said it makes a lot of sense, I will see if they have the right products for it and if i am allowed to borrow some 😂
  15. I'm still in the phase where some of my kit will go wrong so there will be times I need stuff but I my main rods are fine for me good enough rounders for the time being, half the time I buy stuff that isn't what I hoped or that I won't use that much, I think from now on it's buy good stuff rather than loads of toot
  16. I whole heardedly agree I think I was using buying stuff as a substitute for actually getting on the bank, what I should spend my money on probably is more bait, I finally worked out 20kg of boilies will help me catch more than a 9ft spod rod set up, and that was the turning point, I would buy more bait but I've already got enough for a while, but its made me think I need to get prebaiting, I am actually doing a night tomorrow, first one in ages and naturally it's the night when it drops to zero degrees 😳 I think from now on i am just going to buy the essential bits and maybe only things that will help me to make my barrow and kit lighter and try and prebait a few spots regularly
  17. It's come to my attention that many of us anglers like to buy lots of tackle, some of which is surplus to requirements 😂 This week I've nearly bought a 9ft spod set up largely because it would take up less space on my barrow than my 12ft one which will have a 12ft Rod holdall attached to it anyway and by starting that you know it ends with a 3 rod 9ft set up to match 🤔 I'm looking at new buckets that will fit into the main compartment of my barrow, I nearly bought the small ridgemonkey one because it has a tray so far I am undecided on which way to go but I will get new buckets 😳 I've asked for a few bits for my birthday so I must resist, I am hoping to get a cult tackle rod bag so my rods get better protection and also a compact cool bag so I save some more space and weight, really what I need to do is sort out all my stuff stop buying more toot I don't need I thought maybe if anyone is thinking of buying something they don't really need maybe you could mention it here kind of like an amnesty for carp anglers 😂
  18. You could have a look at the cyprinus auctions and see what comes up at a good price , I've got a magnetix brolly and a bunker that are both decent
  19. One was returned then the next one did it solar tackle are on a yellow card, after the bankmaster bedchair debacle used once and the frame all bent, wasn't happy having to deal with that,I have a sonik axs duralloy now (brilliant bed)
  20. Same person twice lol, I don't buy a lot of fox stuff these days tbh, I'm still bitter about how rubbish exocet spod braid was, I'm still cross with Nash for my old titan being a bit poo 20 years ago and monster particles for sending me 10kg of tigers that were on the turn and not offering to replace them, but I don't hold grudges 😂
  21. I've heard of issues with the wychwood ones leaking
  22. I can't answer from a science point of view, but I have left one above a feeding fish (sheeting up) for a bit while I plopped a rig on its head and within 5 minutes I had caught it, so in my mind it didn't seem overly bothered by it 😬
  23. Looks like a chirp plus to me I think, basically that one is the slightly older model, still improvements on the pro +, but depending on what's changed with the chirp +2, then it probably isn't as good as the latest one (don't know what the differences are though)
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