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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. I bought my okumas from these I think and they did a free ice drag upgrade, spot on I thought too
  2. We've just booked a week In France this August 😬 Were going here, bit last minute but we decided we needed a holiday, I can't wait, never been fishing in France before, anyone been? https://dreamcarpholidays.com/france/bois-de-printemps
  3. Fd is front drag I think they are all Fd pretty sure mine says that on the boxes
  4. I never saw this post got the custom treatment 😳 I enjoyed using mine first time out, i have a set of green roller wheels lost in transit at the moment 😩
  5. Good enough for Ian Russell that will do me 😂
  6. elmoputney

    Dogs and fishing

    Yes brother and sister The red one is a little more highly strung, but she gives as good as she gets tbh they do need wearing out a lot though 😂
  7. elmoputney

    Dogs and fishing

    That sounds like a good idea tbh the most obnoxious one is definately the boy but on his own his also probably the most responsive to train, like if I want to play ball with him he wants too and on his own will but she always attacks him of its both of them outside, I think they both just want to be the one to bring the ball back and end up scrapping, 😂
  8. elmoputney

    Dogs and fishing

    I'll perhaps have to start taking them for a walk round the lakes and see how it goes, I'm not holding out much hope they are presently scrapping again 😳😩
  9. But then if you come back the next day, you will have prebaited the spot with the bait from the day previous, it's never going to be a fair test whatever you do unless you are fishing singles, and even then there will be variables, like conditions etc, I think the question is aimed at finding the ultimate mix and let's be honest not sure that really exists, I know it doesn't really help but confidence in baits only comes from repetition and trial and error (application is more important as most baits will catch some ) , and if you keep changing you won't get to that point (been there a lot and still play) A better question may be what do you want your bait to achieve, after all there is no benefit of fishing an overnighter with rock hard air dryed boilies as they probably won't soften til home time.
  10. elmoputney

    Dogs and fishing

    What's max like for barking at wildlife? , one of my spaniels the girl is pretty chilled, but the boy one is an idiot and will bark at anything that moves, cats, birds, deer, I can't see him ever being a fishing dog if that doesn't change they are also mad and like to fight a bit 😳 Betty and Buster
  11. The other main lake on my complex started yesterday too must be something in the air, not sure I will be able to get out this week, kids have got a busy week after school and it would appear I need brownie points, I've been trying to get a night fishing this weekend and seem to be halted at every turn(I will keep trying though) 😳 Good luck though having watched all the Jim shelley vids, all the lakes seem to have some nice ones to go at,
  12. I fish one swim pretty regularly and one spot is a banker and the other is just an occasional spot tbh, Personally I think you may just find one spot is better or gets more visits from Mr carp, Plus I also think it doesn't help you to establish a mix of your own that will work and give you confidence
  13. Have you tried super boost its like liquid marmite, I like soaking my baits in that and liver hydro it's a strong combo
  14. Having used my 8ks for a while now and lower end diawa and shimano in the past they are head and shoulders above quality wise 5yr warranty, so smooth, I use a aerlex spod reel and they are noticeably better, I paid £80 each for mine and would again happily because I know they will last,(they are cheaper now) and they don't miss a beat I've never had tangles on casting, line going under the spool or anything like that, they just work really well
  15. I doubt it will be far off,but it depends on the weather though,, couple of spots of rain due and it doesn't look mega hot for the next few days
  16. The lake I am on started Saturday and were having a proper good go I think, some of the lakes on the complex haven't yet though, not sure that helps tbh may be worth dropping them an email to be sure
  17. Get on the okuma 8k, I guarantee you won't regret it, I know I keep saying it but they are brilliant
  18. Sounds like heaven, don't rush to complete it take your time, I've been feeling a bit cramped this year so far always seems busy and I wouldn't have got in the swim I did this weekend if I hadn't finished work early, I never felt that way there before, I've also been looking for something quieter recently, they seem to come with a lot bigger challenges and unknown factors though, I'm hoping the weed grows soon so it puts people off 🤞
  19. Sorry yes monster, might have a go with carbon baits been having a look lately
  20. I bought 10kg of gone off tigers from them, they didn't arrive on time and got stuck with couriers but they didn't offer to replace them so never again for me
  21. Will be later once I've got it off the camera, no more action, McDonald's breakfast and home, still it was a much needed night on the bank and breathe 👍
  22. It's funny earlier I was just thinking I'll be disappointed if I don't catch one tonight then the rod ripped off straight away 🙏 Been trying ever since but it appears broken now 😂
  23. Fizzing over left rod and another show god fishing is exciting sometimes 😍
  24. Omg glad I got here when i did rammed now but I managed to get a decent swim probably my first choice tbh, (old faithful) what made it even better, within minutes of pulting out some bait I started seeing patches of fizzing in the area,3 shows and a few small rolls and stuff I had to wait to get my middle rod out til I thought they had moved off, then a bit later I did, good job because within half hour it had ripped off stripping line like it really wanted to get away , and I didn't want that as the pads are back up to the surface now, but I held on gave as little as I could and eventually after taking out both my other rods I netted it, 18lb mirror nice to be in a swim with a chance again, I'd sorted all the rods out again for about 10 mins I went to a fancy wafter combi rig with an 18mm wafter struck into a lifting bobbin but catching a 6oz rudd and it blunting the hook meant I went back to a Ronnie, so it's a ronnie on all 3 one match the hatch one tangee peach and one KLS, KLS 1 other pop ups 0 I'm being greedy I want another one now come on the carps 🙏 Good luck ouch and anyone else out 🤞
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