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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. Wow that's an amazing shot, I want one myself now, I also now want a good kite shot lol, I've got a monopod I might start taking that for a walk with me and see if I can't get some nice pics, My best owl moment was in my old volvo 440 (I came way to close to deer also but that's another story) , I was driving along late one night and this big white barn owl just flew right in front of me for ages before landing in a bare tree, I would quite often see it in that tree after that, That place sounds amazing you will have to tell me where it isπŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
  2. They are just amazing though something special about seeing a bird of prey I think, a bloke was walking his dog coming towards me I think it was him that got too close, but he barely even noticed it til I told him then when he saw it he thanked me for showing it too him, I was like wow that's amazing, look look, I do see quite a few buzzards now hovering over the fields, more so when they had just harvested but nice to see, I also see glimpses of kingfishers and green woodpeckers at the lake I visit, but they never seem to come close enough to get a photo, you just see blue flashes going from tree to tree, I'm not sure how people get kingfisher rod shots, they never seem to want to be close,
  3. Looks lovely, I was out walking the dogs yesterday and was lucky enough to see a red kite quite close up, naturally by the time I was ready to take a photo on the phone it was too far away but wow was so impressive being close enough to see it in detail
  4. She is worth her weight in gold that one, do look after her
  5. More cobblers, I probably said exactly what I said today, and that rather than diffuse it he would add more fuel to the fire, perhaps if the west weren't so Interested in the Ukraine and had kept there grubby little paws out it wouldn't have happened, it was just such a good untapped resource they couldn't resist, if you believe it's just about a tyrant then you are only seeing one side of the narrative,
  6. Now prove all those statements as factual, and not daily mail flannel guff, and for the record what is so wrong with trying to encourage peace talks rather than supplying more bombs ? Is it because there is no profit in that? I didn't really notice bozo doing anything much other than fuelling the fire, who are these wars for? And who ultimately loses each time?
  7. Much like Blair new Labour aren't real Labour, real Labour bought you things like the NHS, they worked with unions to get you thinks like decent working conditions and 40 hour weeks, free education and weekends and all that stuff people take for granted these days,preferring to just blame lefties, left to the tories we would all be working 12+hours a day 7 days a week for the crumbs off the Lords table
  8. You are deluded if you think anyone is as bad and morally bankrupt as this lot we've had for the last 12 years, and I still maintain Corbyn would have got us in a much better position than we are now, one question for you? Even though corbyn hasn't got the whip, why do tory leaders still have to mention him in speeches, bozo did, Starmer belittled him in PMQ'S and now Liz Truss felt the need to mention him in her speech? Also Corbyn wouldn't have given billions to cronies and taken bungs off Russian oligarchs, but carry on believing what they tell you
  9. Lefty and proud of it, power to the people
  10. Exactly a change is coming, but the Queen has put it on hold for a bit, doesn't mean we should take our eye of the tories though, they will be up to no good and pushing through the energy crisis thing that is just going to make the billionaires richer and leave us footing the bill for the 150bn they want to subsidise them, while we also still have to pay approx 150% more than last year, guy fawkes had the right idea
  11. People seem happy to be trodden on these days, I'm not a royalist tbh, and while I think it's sad an old lady I didn't know has died, I have much stronger opinions on the millions that will die under tory goverment and Liz Truss, personally I would like to see the monarchy abolished, should be left in history now I mean castles, prince's and princesses is a bit disney when we have 2500+ foodbanks in this country,and I'm sick of parasites with money becoming rich off our labour while we get left to starve or suffer, this opinion is probably why I have stayed quiet on the subjectπŸ˜‚, also you will notice how it's only politicians, and elite sportspeople that get time off to mourn, we plebs get a bank holiday, it highlights the class war we face in my opinion billions spaffed to the rich while homelessness and poverty had never been worse, neither have to exist its a capitalist political choice,
  12. It's a tuff juggle I can tell you but I've kind of taught myself fishing is a hobby, the family has to be no1, plus if they are happy then I am too and I get to fish guilt free, for me nothing spoils a good days fishing more than guilt
  13. That's what I thought too, just nice to have a benchmark to aim at next time, Was a nice holiday, I think being less remote wouldn't be a bad thing if you are taking your family and look for things that can be done in the area, it was quite hard being a fisherman and dad /husband at the same time though, it is quite tempting to just pop down the lake for a look and it's always in your thoughts lol
  14. Last one, if you have made it this far well done, It wasn't the 40lber I was hoping for but it didn't half have a go, took out my other line and really went for it, I didn't weigh it but we all know it wasn't a pb In conclusion Maybe I felt it should be an easier prospect than it was, I'm not convinced I fished well enough all week and the fishing was only part of the holiday, we had a nice enough time did loads of swimming had some nice grub, went to a zoo and a market where they also sold live chickens and stuff, and one of my daughters learned to swim that was the highlight for me, Friday before we left me and the girls walked the dog in the woods and accidently kicked a wasps nest, we all got stung, the girls a few times and the dog, I got one on the neck but when she got bitten by some fly in the pool it made her not want to be near the pool or outside because of the bugs, hopefully that will be a phase and we can crack it next time, but she did some super brave jumping in the pool one day so that was progress, I also used pork mince and chorizo to make a bolognese was delicious πŸ˜‰ Had a great time,really the lake was lovely, the fish loved to leap out the water, was maybe too hot most of the week high 20s didn't help, but that's just an excuse I caught my first French carps and found the driving not too bad, the tunnel was fine, and the most stress free holiday abroad I've ever had with kids, I will do more French fishing now If I can, I loved it, I didn't enjoy the being back in England bit so much roadworks straight away busy roads and expensive fuel (the French goverment have just subsidised 30 cents off a litre of fuel) I liked France, can't wait to return, A Beintot
  15. I think I must be on Tuesday by now , they seem to all get a little blurred,I think this night I managed another 16lber a mirror this time, and from the margin spot again , It wasn't Monday I lost one to a hook pull it was pre this one and from the end of the island spot , the night before i had got a finicky bite which left me in a snag 20yds from the original spot, I had to get dave out in the boat the next morning to retrieve it ( I also noted to not wear my Peppa Pig shorts anymore that week Next we got onto Wednesday and I thought I may have cracked it but there were thunder and lightning storms for a few hours, twas my middle rod that ripped off this time and gave me one hell of a scrap before i managed to tame the beast that turned into this 24lb common , I had been convinced it was bigger at the time but i reweighed it make sure and even used a tripod for the first time ( I thought it was a pretty good thing btw) my video light ran out of batteries and I stupidly thought the ridgemonkey rested on a bucket would work wasnt my finest camera work so you can see 2 bad pics in the hope it makes one good one I did catch quite a few tench during the week but they quickly became an inconvenience even though some were quite big, then we move onto Big Fish Thursday lol, now i had convinced myself it was going to happen by this time, all three rods were bob on all boated out perfectly and all had a wider spread of bait to pull them in, I had pulted quite a lot around the boat in all directions on 2 of them and kept the margin lightly baited as i felt i may have overdone it, and just thought it was going to happen, just got settled into bed and I couldn't sleep for a bit and it was time for more thunder and lighting this went on for quite a while and nothing seemed to happen as that was to be my last night I did a very slow pack down caught a tench off the margin spot put it back got the misses out to have a fish thinking that might buy me more time which it did, and then finally went off for the last time about 11am TBC ..........
  16. Got off the mark early on Sunday morning when I caught this one and a tench in a couple of hours, might have lulled me into overconfidence tbh I went on to blank Sunday night, Monday night I caught this common about 16lb that I only did a mat shot of (I always seem to regret mat shots) it had fought like a train and I also lost one to a hook pull (the hook was straightened out a bit) Up til then I had been having a few issues using the actor and I gave up on my deeper as it kept losing signal well within range (technology can help but it can also be a PITA) and I was getting the rigs chewed up by the propellers and or other issues so I hadn't been able to keep 3 rods going at once, but I found a little gap in the trees to the left of my swim so I chucked out a marker float and baited it probably too heavily for a couple of days and just fished it at night using the bait boat to send out the rig and some bait on top, I caught a few fish off it that week, mainly tench but the mat shot common was the first, in hindsight it wasn't a bad spot but I shouldn't have put most of the energy into it, Part 3 coming up πŸ‘
  17. Bonjour I thought I would do a little write up on my week in france, we went to Bois de Printemps, we left home at 5:30am and arrived there at about 6pm local time, it was tricky to find and sat nav struggled so we called the owner dave who sent us a pin and we finally found it, got there and needed to get the the supermarket before it shut at 7pm, the owners wife Doreen quickly took my wife to the supermarket while we got our stuff to the Gite, twas a lovely place tbh, the Gite was nice, with a pool and a balcony view of the lake, didn't take enough photos tbh and I quite regret that, we saw birds of prey, coypu, kingfishers, woodpeckers and it was also next to a racehorse stable so there were some lovely horses running about all day, I generally only fished the fished the nights and stretched it a bit a few times, but ultimately it was a family holiday so I tried my best to juggle all the balls, the kids didn't seem to be that interested in the fishing but my wife did catch a tench, Good wise we went self catering and had some nice cheese and baguette type lunches, pastries and lovely food, we ate out twice in 2 places both lovely tbh, this burger is now in my top 3 greatest burgers, alongside the Pablo escoburger and the one I had with deep fried peanut butter in it, And the dessert wasn't bad either The other time we dined out I had steak and chips and a peach melba for pudding, that was also lovely, I've run out of photo space in this post so will do part 2 below once I've done the camera photos
  18. Can't say conclusively yet but I actually tried some radius tackle 360 bait screws on holiday on my ronnie/German rigs , and I liked them tbh the hook holds I got using them were bang in the bottom lip, I think I will use them again tbh maybe my theory was incorrect as they were certainly better more consistent hook holds than the metal ones
  19. You could maybe have a look at cyprinus they do some spares like groundsheets , I think the bunker may be based on the atom, I have the bunker I love mine if that helps, might be worth an ask anyway if nothing else turns up
  20. Right behind you on this campaign, I'm hoping it's the one that brings the changes we need, enough is enough 😎
  21. Couple of prologic sticks for under a tenner, Elmo and cookie monster bobbins from the olden days blue and purple soniks which happen to coincide with their fav colours and choice of bobbin,and kids set up is complete
  22. Oh yeah didn't see that, was putting out a wash and thought it might work 🀣
  23. Have you tried a clothes peg spring???
  24. Blimey I thought it may be a bit pricey but Β£75 for 600m wow
  25. Hi guys, Just seen this and thought some of you may be interested,
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