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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. I'm a professional overthinker but I like tinkering with things, I would use that stuff without worrying too much tbh, ultimately it won't be worse than a corroded hookpoint, maybe do it advance like you say but if it means you still have a sharp hook point the next morning it's worth it, and if they have got close enough to find out with a sharp hook it's probably too late for them anyway
  2. Don't be scared of coloured kickers, I've caught using them especially pink I got some esp ronnie clips and I got some hooks prepped with shrink tube so I can just swap em over, personally I think shrink tube keeps the rig sat better positioned, the kickers can move and twist a bit but they are easier if you haven't got them prepped in advance
  3. Hi mate Really sorry to hear about your friend, that's terribly sad to hear, it sounds like he had an awful run of luck such a shame and a tragic loss, hope you are bearing up OK, if you need to chat or anything just drop us a message,
  4. I see they do a fisherman's breakfast sound good to me 😂🍳🍳 http://www.merringtoncarpfishery.co.uk/the-hayes-lake1
  5. I guess Shropshire is sort of in the middle ish isn't it? Couple of hours or so for me so that's fine for me 👍
  6. Yes I would be interested depending on when and where and that, and how much holiday i have or need etc I thought this place looks nice for a social https://www.embryoangling.org/venue/north-bank/
  7. I shall acquire some from work but thanks for the reminder 👍
  8. Blanked never stop learning, I did a pack down time trial, 36 mins from mess to car,this can be beaten too with better organising and thinning of accessories etc, when I got home I immediately then went on to mention about my work overnighter plan as it is going to be busy at weekends , didn't go too badly I don't think i need to be fishing regularly to make it count this year, Sunday night prebait drop in tuesday sounds like a winner to me 😂🥇
  9. Its not been bad still feels a tad chilly The hob nobs haven't survived I ate them 😂 Belgian bun for breakfast now, then a steady pack down, Fishing wise don't think I fished like a total cretin, found a couple of nice smooth spots, got 2 on solid bags and one on a ronnie, baiting wasn't terrible I was fishing distance @16 wraps 😳😂 all freshened up at first light but still no carps, if I blank its been nice to be here, and I learnt stuff,
  10. Yep 😂 It was one of those silly handle pots and the handle just stopped holding it and over she went Luckily I was a bit flustered after the school run when i went to the Co op and bought too much so i had Paninis instead Coconut macaroon hobnobs ain't bad either Nah you never know what's been there before me lol
  11. Yep that's my dinner on the muddy floor, got to catch now surely?
  12. Does anyone else only ever remember they need to fix their bivvy the next time they use it? I've lost a couple of screws that hold the poles in, but with some clever pegging I think i got away with it good job it isn't windy 🤔
  13. Hopefully you can just think of the good times, if you think you need to talk about things though just talk to someone it is better to get it out your system. Hopefully we can sort something out I'm sure others would be interested too if we got a venue and got the ball rolling a bit found a nice venue and that I did see an embryo one that could be booked exclusively which looked alright
  14. I'm really sorry for your loss mate, hope you are bearing up OK, if you need a rant or anything drop us a message I think I would quite enjoy a social if we can sort one, I'm happy to drive a bit too
  15. This was a comprehensive and interesting read from @yonny@Yonny well worth reading
  16. As much as I like kamakuras kranks especially, I've had too many turn over, probably from nuisance fish or something, but enough to give me doubts, I've bought some more J precision hooks this year advanced wide gapes and his gape x hooks, not used them yet but they are sharp for unsharpened hooks and look strong and the wide gapes will do everything else I need
  17. I would certainly try it and see how they go I believe its been tested on a very tricky water near me with good results, for me I would prefer a smell to a hook that may have gone rusty overnight (it has happened to me) it's also why I don't use sharpened all the time, I think you may be Overthinking it, I remember the first time I used coloured kickers on my ronnie rig, i was thinking this is never gonna work but now I love a pink kicker, works a treat 😏 I would test one against a non coated one at least see if it rusts or not
  18. Have you looked at some of the 3 in 1 haiths mixes? Marine Red looked pretty good I thought for a base mix, I just happened to be browsing the other day and I saw them and thought that might make a decent home roller bait,
  19. You will perhaps find the smell washed off in water
  20. You may find some fresh nuggets starting a new one, I think if I was to buy some more now I would look at squid /garlic type flavours rather than fruity ones though, I still think proper jobs are great pop ups to use with goo though, I have some vintage ones I have been soaking for a while now they may be ready this spring
  21. I've had a dabble, this is worth a read if you are interested, I still use it occasionally, but don't think I really worked out a must use miracle bait tbh
  22. You could try soaking a coated one in water and see if the smell goes into the water or stays on the hook, is it a sort of boozy or marker pen type smell?
  23. I think it is targeted advertising, so it depends on what you look at normally on your browser, although mine Is showing something scientific at the minute so it's got that wrong 😂 You will have to let us know how it works, it looks good on the blurb and that I've seen
  24. Okumas are brilliant reels tbh, I use 8k although they might be a little bulky for you,but the inc6000 do get a lot of good write ups, @B B has some I believe, he likes nice reels, I don't think you would go far wrong with a set of those tbh
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