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Everything posted by yonny

  1. Big for me. 2s and 4s. I use 6s for zigs.
  2. Well I guess you can't get much surer than that 🤣
  3. That's news to me mate. You sure you're not on about the Fox NTXRs? They had a well documented issue with sticky cases on the first models.
  4. A couple of quid.... 3 quid..... I don't think an extra 100 pennies makes mush of a difference. I am not trying to disagree or anything buddy but I think any business charging 3 quid a day for kids and/or adults doesn't deserves to be called rip-off merchants. In this day and age 3 quid for a day out is pretty good if you ask me.
  5. 3 quid a rod. I'd say that's an absolute steal for adults rather than a rip-off for kids.
  6. No harm in giving it a go buddy but I think you're bamboozling yourself. Imo your multi would do the job perfectly well and you can't get much easier than that👍 Rigs, within reason, aint that important imo. It's putting them in front of feeding fish that is the make-or-break factor.
  7. No it wont buddy. A hook is basically spring. It can flex a lot until it yields. As long as the yield strength is not exceeded during testing of rigs the hook cannot be weakened in any way. Once the yield is exceeded (i.e. if the hook bends even slightly) the hook will weaken significantly. Some guys modify hooks be bending them - it's a bad idea. But testing rigs to the point the hook is "near bending" is absolutely fine👍
  8. I think it's because the photo is a record of the fish, not the angler. Which I totally get. But I agree, doesn't hurt to smile.
  9. Me too, without a doubt mate. It's not possible to really tune into a water when fishing with mates imo. I love a good social but my 'proper' fishing is done on my own. I'm miles more effective as an angler when it's just me giving my all.
  10. You have targeted/caught big fish from tricky waters Nick so you know all about the dedication required. That comment surprises me from you. I always smile in my trophy shots. Some don't. I do not believe that should open them up to questions about their source of motivation. Those who have been there and done it should know full well that numbers and sponsors are simply not enough to put yourself through what it can take to catch some of these fish. End of the day if you don't ABSOLUTELY LOVE the thrill of the chase, the highs and lows, the hardships and the successes..... you simply will not succeed in targeting big fish (unless you choose to fish and instant big fish water full of fake bigguns - which will no longer get you a sponsor in this day and age). Imo the suggestion that numbers and sponsors are on the mind of a guy that has just caught a fish he's spent weeks/months/years working for is quite ludicrous and for me shows a massive underestimation of the dedication these guys posses. Those that have not been there and done it should have a go before passing judgement on those that do. Targeting big fish is tricky, it can be rock hard in fact, and most simply don't enjoy angling enough to hack it.
  11. Yeah that makes me chuckle that one. With carp angling you either get it or you don't. And trying to explain it to someone that doesn't get it is impossible.
  12. Family comes first, always. I take pride in my life balance. But if I lose a target fish you will see me upset. VERY upset😂
  13. The definition of angling is "the sport or pastime of fishing with a rod and line". I think that just about sums up my approach.
  14. I'm not sure about that mate. Anglers angle for enjoyment. Some guys enjoy a relaxed approach, some guys enjoy a more focused approach. I am one of those anglers that struggles to relax on the bank, always looking for an opportunity, up trees, on the move, staying up late, getting up early. I'm absolutely knackered after a fishing session. But it's not pressure that sees me angle like that. It's just what I enjoy. I'd get bored just sitting next to the rods for hours. I am always looking to make something happen (and normally it works). I always chuckle when I see those miserable shots. But make no mistake those guys are absolutely buzzing regardless of what they might look like. They are thinking only of getting the shots they need then returning the fish they spent a long time chasing back in the water safely. It's good that we have these choices, but it has to be said; the most effective angler is the one that knows when to do all of the above.
  15. I don't think anyone has a problem with tech being used for medical or disability reasons buddy. But what percentage of users are using it for that reason? 5 %? 10 %? I reckon it's nearer 1 % personally. I personally am far more bothered by remote control boats charging around than leads hitting the water.
  16. PARTICLE PREPARATION GUIDELINESThanks to www.ccmoore.com for the following table:Particle, Pre-soak minimum (hours), Boil/Simmer (minutes) TIGER NUTS 24 30 MINI TIGER NUTS 24 30 JUMBO TIGER NUTS 24 30 CHICK PEAS 12-18 30 HEMP SEED 24 Until kernels split LARGE HEMP SEED 24 Until kernels split TARES 12-18 30 MAPLE PEAS 12-18 30 MILO 6 30 FRENCH MAIZE 24 30 BUCK WHEAT 6 10 GRADED WHEAT 6 15 GRADED BARLEY 6 15 PEANUT KERNELS 24 30 ADZUKI BEANS 24 30 WHOLE BRAZILS 24 30 BROKEN BRAZILS 12-18 30 HARICOT BEANS 12-18 30 RED KIDNEY BEANS 12-18 30 PINTO BEANS 12-18 30 SOYA BEANS 12-18 30 BIRD MIXES * 6 15 MAIZE 12-18 30 RED MAIZE 24 30 SWEET LUPINS 24 30 *bird seed mixes must not contain peanuts, these may be hazardous to the fish.NOTES1. Hemp - during certain times of the year, when hemp becomes difficult to split, follow the above process and then wash it with fresh water, pour boiling water back onto it and leave it to soak in a bucket or pail until it splits (maybe a further 24-48hrs). Don’t panic it will split! 2. When any product is boiled or heat treated the molecular structure and nutritional profile (including attraction properties) are denatured and damaged. This means that the less boiling time required to make the particles suitable for use, the better. However, it is vital to ensure particle baits are correctly prepared to avoid fish damage. Therefore, pre-soak particles for longer than usual, making required boiling times shorter.3. To improve attraction properties, leave the boiled particles to soak and partly ferment in their naturally occurring sugars that remain in the boiling water. After several days certain particles will start to form a caramelising liquid that makes the final particle much more attractive.4. Tiny particles such as hemp, wheat, barley, dari, rapeseed, or mixes of tiny birdseeds, can also be prepared by putting in a lidded bucket or coolbox overnight, with boiling water added.5. Peanuts MUST be human grade, non-human grade nuts may contain the Aflotoxin fungus, which KILLS FISH. If in doubt, don't use them, or buy peanuts from the Supermarket still in their shells.6. Maximising soaking times and minimising boil times will result in better nutrient levels in the finished particles. Most particles can be soaked for up to a week before boiling,
  17. And to top it off a speech impediment! Only jesting buddy😁
  18. Agree. I have a bigger issue with guys that exploit the tech than I have with the tech itself. A few years ago I was on a syndi and a scotch fella showed up in the swim next door. He proceeded to drive his boat all over his water, found some carp milling about several foot down, and then drove (sailed?) a couple of zigs out to the area with his boat. The spot was 40 yards out for Gods sake. He just refused to cast anything. It was the most soulless piece of 'angling' I've ever seen. He blanked. I don't think anyone would have an issue with the use of tech due to medical or disability reasons.
  19. That would depend on the user no? You may well be adding to your skill set but I have seen with my own eyes others replacing skill, guile and watercraft with technology. There is only one way to acquire those skills buddy........ It is difficult balancing a young family, a full time job and fishing. I do it myself. But there are ways to make it happen. I am fishing a new water at the moment. I've been walking it once a week on a Saturday at 04:00 AM before the little'n and Mrs wake up. Those walks have taught me the areas the carp like to frequent - our eyes are the best piece of tackle we have. I head over there twice per week in the evening when the Mrs is putting the boy to bed too. I started by leading around, found the spots - and I've been putting a bit of bait in here and there since. I'm back at the house an hour later when the Mrs is back downstairs so we can enjoy the evening together. Actual fishing is restricted to the odd morning (2 so far since April) but I have had a couple of carp - and this is a hard water. Those fish wouldn't mean anything to me if I'd rocked up with a boat/sonar and plonked a bait on their heads. But given the hard work that went into catching them - they made my year! As you say mate, It's all about the journey.
  20. I'm not that fussed where most features are tbh. I use the carp to show me the where the features I need to know about are. If I spot them having a scoot-up I chuck a lead at them and estimate depth, and determine substrate through feel. Over the course of several sessions this method tends to tell me everything I need to know about a lake bed and why the carp favour certain areas. I have no interest in letting technology do the work for me. It is not just about catching for me. It is the act of trying to catch them that I enjoy; trying to work it all out. I don't want to cut short the part I enjoy. I don't get the buzz if I don't have to work for it. I want it to be tricky. For me that incredible high of catching a target after weeks, months or even years of hard work cannot be replicated by taking short cuts.
  21. They will build you a titanium one you know, no idea on price though.
  22. The Resolute is half the weight of the P1 for starters buddy!
  23. Isn't that a bit backwards Nick? Posting pics that the group can see then blocking the group members? Why join the group if you're going to block the members? It makes no sense buddy. Surely not posting the pics of your private activities is the wiser option?
  24. I'm the same. Just need to choose your venues more wisely buddy.
  25. I think your rig looks ok elmo. Careful not to bamboozle yourself mate. I can see no reason you'd need a long shank. The important bit is putting your rig in front of feeding carp.
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