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Everything posted by yonny

  1. I'm almost ashamed of my eating habits on the bank. The most extravagant meal I have is a bacon sarnie or a cheese/ham toasty. These exquisite meals are normally supplemented by chocolate and crisps. Tbh I don't eat much at all on the bank. My appetite, which is normally pretty good, just goes out the window when I'm fishing for some reason. That made me chuckle. My kind of meal lol.
  2. Agree, ditch the pellets/particles and get some tigers in there with your boilies. It won't stop the bream (nothing will) but it should help slow them down.
  3. Agree @emmcee, I have a set of customs that are built for me (my all rounders) but I went for off-the-shelf standard build with my distance rods, I'm convinced it costs me at least 30 yards.
  4. Do carp not come within 120 yards of the bank in France?🤭 Cherpont do an all inclusive via. Euro Carp Tours mate. It's a great water, although I'm not sure if they allow boats.
  5. I hate big manicured swims. Really winds me when I'm on a water and the gaffer thinks he's doing everyone a favour by swim building with boards and pea gravel. Looks awful imo, give me a nice overgrown pit any day.
  6. Likewise. In 20 years + I've never come across a spot that requires shorter rods. Guess we're lucky lol.
  7. We need to bear in mind that many (most?) anglers will only have one set of rods and reels to cover all the waters they fish, small or massive. So if we can have one reel that can fish under the tip and cast a million miles we need big pits. Same with the rods, a 12 footer can fish under the tip or at 150 yards. A 9 ft rod cannot do that. I agree that in an ideal world we use the right tool for the job but not everyone has the luxury of owning several sets. I have multiple sets but they're all 12 and 13 footers. I do have different size reels though.
  8. I thought that was mainly butyric but it wouldn't surprise me mate.
  9. Yes mate - I use the Devils Dung & Cheese pop ups from Proper Job Pop Ups. They're a liver/glm base with asafoetida EO, blue cheese flavour, and butyric acid (you can imagine what they smell like lol). I tend to use them over naturals and/or pellets rather than over boiled bait. Really good pop ups, stink to high heaven and silly buoyant. Caught loads on them.
  10. They will almost certainly be amongst the heaviest weed during the day Andy. That weed will be pumping out oxygen all day and, with warmer water able to hold less oxygen, the fish will likely be there to take advantage of that. When the sun goes down they'll head out to feed. Where that will be will be completely different from water to water. When the weather is at it's warmest I don't particularly rate the shallowest water (that is a very general statement I realise and cannot ring true for every water!!). Shallow water is often used when the carp are chasing the temperatures so earlier and later in the year the shallows can be unbeatable in warmer weather. However, this time of the year, when the whole lake is luke warm like a bath, they don't need to chase those temperatures. Rather they will chase the oxygen during the day and the food at night. This time of year I always make an effort to get up in the night and scope the lake out. They can feed a long way away from where they hang out during the day.
  11. Terry is the casting world record holder! I'm pretty sure Usain Bolt can run fast in steel toe caps but that doesn't mean steel toe caps are good for running. If the carp are 100 yards away it's not good enough for any folks! Just my opinion you understand buddy.... a 12 footer can do everything a 10 footer can but that doesn't work the other way round.
  12. I agree. What you want on any lake is a bunch of members that will treat the water, its inhabitants, and the other members, with respect. You cannot achieve that by setting silly rules. It's counter productive. An idiot will still be an idiot regardless of any rules in place. You need to ban the idiots so the good guys can get on with their angling in a pleasant environment, using whatever gear/tactics/baits they want, sensibly and safely. These stupid rules solve nothing.... bans on moving swims, using braid, using retainers, nuts, maggots, floaters....... the list goes on...... but you still have a lake surrounded by idiots that will misuse some other tactic or piece of kit. To fix the root cause you have to get rid of the idiots.
  13. I think that depends on the substrate. On a clean deck with no weed between you and the spot I would agree, but I've not fished a spot like that in at least 10 years. Normally I'm dealing with heavy weed beds which can influence bobbin position i.e. line can get hung up or hooked round fronds of weed as the line moves with the fish causing the liners, even with very tight lines. As long as the line stays in the clip, I'm happy. Absolutely agree mate, it's a fact we're getting done a lot of the time, therefore we need to use resetting rigs - hinges, ronnies, that kind of thing - to avoid constant recasting.
  14. That's not what I said dude! I said he should recast after striking. In terms of recasting after liners you have to be careful. The way I do it is use the line clip. If the line pulls out of the clip during a liner it's enough (imo) to move the lead, and I'll recast. If the line stays in the clip I'll leave the rod out no matter how savage the liner is. I use big leads (4/5 oz) so can be reasonably confident that the lead aint moving until a fish is hooked. A beep or 2 wouldn't bother me in the slightest. I have fished waters where a recast on top of feeding fish is the kiss of death so I'll only recast if I'm convinced the lead has been moved (which in most cases means being done as opposed getting a liner).
  15. And that is the root cause of most of the stupid rules set by these places. They don't know or care about what makes a good water for an angler.
  16. If you're not connecting then yes, wait; see if you can figure out what's doing it. You need to recast, how else would you know you're presented?
  17. That is an issue with technique mate. It is not possible to cast further with a 10 than it is a 12 ft rod bud. The blank simply cannot be compressed with the same load.
  18. Anywhere you have to book is a no-no for me. I am an angler, I like to find fish and angle for them.
  19. For a small percentage of anglers it's because they fish small water with tight swims. For others it's to save weight/space and to support the mobile angling approach. For most it's a fashion statement imo. Sacrificing casting distance to sport the latest must-have kit. I will always use 12 ft rods, they allow me to do everything.
  20. The thought of it is worse than doing it. Imo it is not worth changing a rig you are confident in to save yourself 30 seconds.
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