I can tie my own rigs that catch fish, I like the Kryston range for hook lengths and I do prefer to tie my own lead core lengths as the ready tied are a bit short in the fox range, as for the ESP hook lengths my only grumble would be with the hair loop, you have to cut a 15ml bait down a bit if you want to balance a bottom bait with even a small dumbell cut in half.
Korda have a lot of rigs on the market at the moe, they are a lot more technical in the components range than what was on sale even just a few years back, if I was using a rig with bait swivels and blobed down loops I would want to tie it my self, they must be tied out side of the UK ? too labor intensive to be made in the UK.
you cant talk about quality ready tied in one breath and in the next mention korda lol