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Everything posted by B B

  1. B B

    Lead free leaders

    Thanks all 👍 got a mate popping over with Fox submerge and he’s got the gardener one, il have a play with them. Going to use foot long leaders with solid bags. Loop to loop quick change style, give them a proper go only dappled a little with them in the past.
  2. Iv just used up the last of my lead core can any one recommend a lead free leader brand
  3. The match boys use scissors with 3 blades for chopping there worms up. ... I couldn’t do it iv must have got squeamish as I got older
  4. Try the YouTube if you haven’t already lots of info there Very wise
  5. Oxlease at Linear there’s a common in there that’s around 50 .... that’s if you can find a swim 🙄
  6. The runs waters I fish has fish up to 50lb + and waters where the fish go to 20lb .. It takes under a minute to sharpen a hook, could make a difference between a fish of a life time and blanking
  7. Sorry to hear about your situation Highy, hope it sorts itself outI.I made the mistake with a ex of explaining in great detail my passion for fishing, how it’s on my mind every day, how I can’t wait to get out on the bank etc .. it did not go down well, I swear she got a bit jealous and maybe even envious. Good luck mate
  8. If somebody has got the money and manage to get a ticket you could get lucky and bag the fish of your dreams even on your first trip, good gear or bad, but if it’s not in you to question of why you did or why more importantly the times you didn’t in the long run you will fail.
  9. Looks great I like the wrap that gives it a peak đź‘Ť
  10. I was air drying cell on a garden table, i said keep a eye on them to the Mrs I’m just popping out to get some beer. I was gone 20 mins tops, putting the beer away I noticed a magpie on the fence look at look at the size of that, that’s nothing the good lady says I counted 6 of them earlier. Needless to say the bait was gone and she didn’t get any beer
  11. Iv used X line and found it wiry and also didn’t enjoy using it one bit.... but on a small water I fished that was 3-4 ft deep and with a family of swans it was invaluable and helped put two low 20’s on the bank. It casts better with a bigger spool on your reel and gets dirty but a wet wipe used now and then fixes that on your trip, after seeing how the line gets dirty I got into the habit of cleaning all my lines I use. Looking forward to hearing how you get on with the feeder pole it would have perfect on that small water.
  12. B B

    Dogs and fishing

    She’s got a thick coat and looks fit, should keep you all fit walking her 👍
  13. B B

    Dogs and fishing

    Don’t turn your back on a Collie could end up like mine 🙄
  14. To spod or not a to spod that’s the question Last summer in a heatwave fishing a runs water that was 4ft deep but mostly 3 ft with the drought, anglers were spoding like it was the spoding Olympics. No fish coming out and still they piled it in. It would be all quiet then one would spod then another and another... I call it Spoditis .. but on the other side of the coin iv spod in the early hours in a storm after iv had a fish.
  15. Could come in handy to say a prayer for a PB 🙏
  16. The rods arrived today and Iv been over the park to try them again and I’m happy. Went for a set of Prologic C3 Fulcrum 12 ft 3.5llb. I asked the shop how much they could do me for 3 and got them £430 delivered, so saved £50 .... like my Nan you used to say if you don’t ask you don’t get.
  17. Elmo apologies if you already said but do you know the stock levels ? and wondering what size the lake is.
  18. Best wait for Shimano to have one then.
  19. I just checked my phone and looked up some fish captures and distances using maggots and pva. I tie the bag using a long tag end to a big eye swivel at the end of the lead core using a inline lead helicopter style not very aerodynamic looks like a long sausage but go’s 96yds. In the past I did think of threading the bag through the lead core but gave up on the idea with the lead core being wet. Il be giving Adam’s rig a go for sure
  20. If he ever has a car boot sale il be there like a shot
  21. Had a cast with a Prologic rod today lovely blank had funky eyes don’t know if there a gimmick tho. Think it’s the rod for me.
  22. Mods ! Mods !! Elmos at it again
  23. A friend was always complaining about line twist he went through so many different manufactures lines it was unreal,I even started calling him Lino, This was the dark times before measuring sticks. I was fishing nx to him one time and noticed when he walked out his distances at the back of the swim he would lay his rods on the grass engaged the bait runners and walk up to the mark with the lead in in hand. Told him that’s his problem and it was sorted.
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