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Cheap go pro and a pike float


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Hi guys 

Was thinking about using a fishspy this year to check any spots I find with a lead just to make sure they look how I think they should look, however the reviews on the fishspy are a little mixed, so I thought I could get a 4k cheap go pro off ebay and with the use of a sliding pike float or something I could suspend it over the spot to have a look at what lies beneath has anyone else tried this before,? I guess my casting distance will be severely impeded casting a plastic box out but it should go a fair way still 

I wouldn't be using it all the time more when I find the spots for the first time, and probably, more on the days I am not fishing tbh as I am really interested to see if spots are like I imagine them to be, if nothing else it may give me more confidence in my feature finding ability, but I just think it could be an Interesting experiment and I quite fancy trying it 😂

Has anyone else used anything similar ? 

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1 hour ago, yonny said:

🤦‍♂️Don't do it elmo!

I am still unsure how I feel about tech tbh part of me thinks I should try it is everyone else seems to be so why handicap yourself,but then I also know where you are coming from and would I feel less enjoyment if I had used a device to find things out I may not have otherwise , but mainly I just want to be nosey and have a look Down there "😳


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4 hours ago, yonny said:

Just because others sacrifice their sense of achievement doesn't mean you should forgo your own mate!

It is not all about the end result. It is about the journey there. Do it the hard way, it's MUCH more satisfying.

Surely the same could be said about the hair rig bite alarms bed chairs proper bivvy 

come on guys it’s the 21st century lol


drones are taking the proverbial...

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I am still undecided how feel about technology and its use in fishing, I can see both sides but I just can't decide on my moral stance, you still have to get all the other aspects right also in order to catch and you still have to find the spots to fish on them is it just an easier way of mapping a lake or finding an area you wish to turn into a dinner plate, I still think even with tech you would need some hard graft to make it work in your favour so is it cheating? I don't know, 

There are still other ways I lose out my eyesight isn't what it used to be, I am colour blind so I don't think I can see fish as easily as a normal eyed angler, and I don't think my polariods help maybe as much as they did when I was younger, Im not really a tree climber build , so I am probably missing things other people see do is it just levelling the field a bit 

So does anyone actually use a deeper or fishspy or anything similar and does it lessen the enjoyment of fishing for you?  Or do you just think of it as another tool to use to help you catch more carp? 


Edited by elmoputney
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1 hour ago, crusian said:

Hello Elmo

I use a Deeper Pro+ , but with the Fish Finder turned off ( yes I'm that disciplined 😁) .

However , having obtained a quicker map of the lake bed with the " Big Cone " , if I see something interesting I'll get out my marker rod outfit as I'm not totally convinced / understand the Deeper Pro .


I would probably do the same as it would be hard to trust something modern against what you have already used before 

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3 hours ago, framey said:

Surely the same could be said about the hair rig bite alarms bed chairs proper bivvy 

come on guys it’s the 21st century lol


drones are taking the proverbial...

mmm none of those do away with watercraft though , I was fishing the other week only 6 acres or so walked round thought I saw some reeds moving so set up rigs out etc . A little while later a guy turns up starts casting his deeper out all over the place , then sets him self up next swim along from where I am . Using a fish finder is not fishing IMO .Would he have still setup and fished if he couldn't find them on his fish finder . Just not for me .

P.s we both blanked LOL

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14 hours ago, oscsha said:

mmm none of those do away with watercraft though , I was fishing the other week only 6 acres or so walked round thought I saw some reeds moving so set up rigs out etc . A little while later a guy turns up starts casting his deeper out all over the place , then sets him self up next swim along from where I am . Using a fish finder is not fishing IMO .Would he have still setup and fished if he couldn't find them on his fish finder . Just not for me .

P.s we both blanked LOL

You still get people casting leads and markers about all over the shop trying to find spots though I don't think that's necessarily exclusive to deeper users to be inconsiderate, I spotted some fish when setting up on the day ticket lake a while back and one leapt out right in front of my swim and this kid kept recasting every 5 minutes to get closer and closer to them everytime there was about 20 - 30 baits pulted In to go with it, unfortunately those anglers are everywhere, 

I guess there is also the morals of using a deeper and what you use it for? And where do you draw the line, 

Map making 

Spot finding 

Fish finding 

I think the merit of any capture falls to how hard you feel you worked for it, if you spent weeks or months unlocking the code using a device occasionally to map the lake and find spots but you had got the lake sussed started to find patterns in the fishes behavior, baited some spots 3 times a week, and then you caught a few leading up to a lake record you would still feel you had earnt it as there were lots of factors not just the device 

but just suppose you went to Burghfield for the first time and you chucked your bait towards the buoy that Dave Lane fished to when he caught it, 2 hours later it screams off and you catch the Burghfield common, that was only your first session and you were just trying to suss the place out and you thought it was a good place to start as you had just watched his YouTube vid the day before, you might not feel you hadn't earnt it but when you were on the cover of carp world would you really be worried,I wouldn't, I would like to think all the years building up to the capture and all the things I had previously learnt would have helped, even though I had done some homework on youtube it wasn't all that caught that fish, 

I've spent a lot of time thinking about this and if you are happy in your fishing then that's all that matters, tech or no tech only you can decide If you have earnt it and are proud of your achievements, 



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Well I use my Deeper for 

Map Making 

Spot Finding 

I use the Deeper on days when I'm not actually fishing , but just want to be at the lake / only have a few hours available to me / the weather is too cold and/or wet .

I wouldn't use the Deeper if there was anyone on my part of the lake as I wouldn't like it if I was fishing and someone was casting their bolt rig out every 5mins.


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I got chatting to the guy at work that fishes last week about deepers etc, he may have sold me on not having one, 

He said its a lot of money just to cast in a lake, so he wouldn't want to lose one, have to swim for it or whatever, I remember how annoyed I was when I lost a Spomb I would probably puke and cry if I lost a deeper, 

I think it's put me off 😁

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Not only the chance of losing it but some lakes I know don't allow them. My old syndicate lake for example,  if you were caught with one or anything similar you would get banned. As the ranger said, they're for noddy's.  Also if you rely on such a gadget and you do go onto a lake that does not allow them then I'd say you will be at a major disadvantage by the boy's that know and have  learnt their watercraft.   

Without a doubt my watercraft knowledge is my biggest asset. Watercraft is more than just seeing a fish show or finding fish. Its what the fish do on certain winds, certain air pressures,  times of the year, amongst other things etc etc etc.  I've had countless occasions where I've fished a totally different part of the lake to the majority of anglers on the lake on that day and caught when most of the rest have failed all because I've seen something they haven't or worked out where they will be.   If a carp doesn't show then most anglers I'd say are stumped on where they are but there are lots of other signs to look for which not even a deeper will show you anyway. Learn these things and you'll catch more, simple. 

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51 minutes ago, elmoputney said:

I got chatting to the guy at work that fishes last week about deepers etc, he may have sold me on not having one, 

He said its a lot of money just to cast in a lake, so he wouldn't want to lose one, have to swim for it or whatever, I remember how annoyed I was when I lost a Spomb I would probably puke and cry if I lost a deeper, 

I think it's put me off 😁

I have had crack offs with both Spombs and a Deeper but have never lost one yet. I tie a small hi vis float to the Spomb or Deeper with a length of light line. In the event of a crack off, the small float drifts behind the lost Spomb or Deeper and makes it easy to see at a distance. I then cast a retriever over it. This is just a heavy floating object which trails a large treble hook. This picks up the line between  float and spomb and retrieves it easily. I have a photo of one I made earlier.

The Deeper is an incredible piece of kit. As professional surveyor (retired) I do not consider myself a noddy for simply using the tools of my trade. I do not rely on it. It simply expands my experience.










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5 hours ago, yonny said:


I don't think it's fair to dismiss people as noddys for using technology tbh, some will be but some will be experienced anglers who can use it to an advantage, 

Most of the anglers who make a career at it have used bait boats, echo sounders etc at some point, it's just a tool some people will use and some won't tbh, it's not up to me to decide who is doing it right or wrong as long as I am OK with what I do myself and I enjoy it, and as long as the noddys don't keep casting into my swim or telling me where I can fish I will be fine 😁😁😁😁😂

I think there is probably too much emphasis these days on needing all the top tackle to become a carp Fisherman and also the scene has definately changed since I was younger, I daresay newer anglers are influenced into thinking they need a deeper to compete and really expensive kit and that will catch them more carp, 

Sadly it seems too many people and kids are missing out on an apprenticeship and fishing straight away for carp, i find that a bit saddening but unfortunately all the small village pond type venues seem to be dissapearing and people are learning what they see on you tube, which isn't a bad thing as knowledge has never been more available but they are being influenced into needing these things as the content providers also need to pay the bills 


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1 minute ago, elmoputney said:

I don't think it's fair to dismiss people as noddys for using technology tbh, some will be but some will be experienced anglers who can use it to an advantage. 



Some experienced/named anglers need every little edge as without them they wouldn't catch half the fish they do. Enough of them pull strokes, break rules to catch fish or to give themselves a higher chance of catching than the average angler, because "they have to catch". And I'd be as bold to say without these edges/rule bending they would be noddys.  

But going back to the head ranger on my old lake, he is of the opinion that if you need one of these fish finder things to fish  then you've no business being on his lake. Harsh to some  maybe but that's his rules and I haven't a problem with it. 

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12 minutes ago, emmcee said:

Some experienced/named anglers need every little edge as without them they wouldn't catch half the fish they do. Enough of them pull strokes, break rules to catch fish or to give themselves a higher chance of catching than the average angler, because "they have to catch". And I'd be as bold to say without these edges/rule bending they would be noddys.  

But going back to the head ranger on my old lake, he is of the opinion that if you need one of these fish finder things to fish  then you've no business being on his lake. Harsh to some  maybe but that's his rules and I haven't a problem with it. 

I have no problem with it being a rule if that's what the owner thinks, I am in no position to disagree if I want to fish the water in question, I can happily go about my business not using one and have for all of my fishing to date, but that doesn't mean I can't see how it could be useful 

St Ives has a mallet ban and also a white t shirt ban,and no excessive spodding or markering before 11am , I don't disagree with those either 

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On 09/01/2020 at 17:23, oscsha said:

mmm none of those do away with watercraft though , I was fishing the other week only 6 acres or so walked round thought I saw some reeds moving so set up rigs out etc . A little while later a guy turns up starts casting his deeper out all over the place , then sets him self up next swim along from where I am . Using a fish finder is not fishing IMO .Would he have still setup and fished if he couldn't find them on his fish finder . Just not for me .

P.s we both blanked LOL

Correct, but then I would be walking around the lake spotting for signs.Even a couple of bubbles to break out before I even got the rods out 

I have had mine 2 or 3 years now and have only needed it about the same amount of times.

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1 hour ago, emmcee said:

Some experienced/named anglers need every little edge as without them they wouldn't catch half the fish they do. Enough of them pull strokes, break rules to catch fish or to give themselves a higher chance of catching than the average angler, because "they have to catch". And I'd be as bold to say without these edges/rule bending they would be noddys.  

But going back to the head ranger on my old lake, he is of the opinion that if you need one of these fish finder things to fish  then you've no business being on his lake. Harsh to some  maybe but that's his rules and I haven't a problem with it. 

Some of the things so called named anglers get up is unbelievable to say the least .

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3 hours ago, elmoputney said:

I have no problem with it being a rule if that's what the owner thinks, I am in no position to disagree if I want to fish the water in question, I can happily go about my business not using one and have for all of my fishing to date, but that doesn't mean I can't see how it could be useful 

St Ives has a mallet ban and also a white t shirt ban,and no excessive spodding or markering before 11am , I don't disagree with those either 

I love a mallet Haha. And as for my old syndicate lake, one member was nicknamed "white tshirt man" haha. It didn't stop him catching though. And a good mate of mine nearly always wears a bright yellow tshirt. He's been called a noddy for wearing it but he's had 3 x UK 50lb carp so not a noddy at all. 

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