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Everything posted by beza26

  1. Every time theres a leighton thread i read that story cob, doesn't get boring either
  2. About 4 mile then.
  3. What part of wolves?
  4. Congrats mate. Was meant to have been up there myself over the next few days but family and what not have set me back, nice to know there have been no deaths, it was still near enough fully frozen last time i was there.
  5. Thats the nicest thing anyones ever said to me, thankyou
  6. I wouldn't mind a crack on this pool by the sounds of it. Nothing better than fishing for unknown stickleback. And if i fail, i might get enough slabs to do my garden for free
  7. Good point! you've got me worrying now, its all i ever drink
  8. I'd have a dabble on there, its said 4 anglers but then after changes in 2010 (i think) up to 8 anglers then
  9. Wouldn't surprise me if the fish are all dead. Moved most of the specimens up top apparantly in a few feet of water max, then we had this weather
  10. Funnily enough iv'e caught most of my fish in the day, on a not so easy water too. Actuallly iv'e never had one in the night off that water. Very rare i catch in the night. always the day
  11. Yeh they are
  12. Idon't think you could class Cobbleacres as a runs from what iv'e heard on the place. Maybe Catch 22 would be better, not sure how prolific it is though
  13. I can't remember where it was to be honest mate, straight from the horses mouth though. He was telling us all about it at a show a few weeks back.
  14. Yeh seems a nice chap, although im not too sure about leaving your rods in the water while you go to a burger stand over a 100 yards away then leg it from the cue when you get a run. I'd say fair enough if you weren't on your own and your mates watching your rods or something, but thats taking the mick a bit.
  15. I heard there was a common in there around 44lb apparantly. Then when i fished it in winter last year i asked the baliff and he nearly wet himself laughing Don`t think its true somehow.
  16. Ill leave that for someone else to answer, can`t be bothered to get into that
  17. I don`t think craiggater was talking about rig foam, wouldn`t be much good of a hookbait would it The one hes referring to won`t melt and its not like your throwing freebies of it in so theres only the one on your hair which is obviously unlikely to be eaten.
  18. No worries, we all like to chip in and help anybody we can. Glad you made some use of it
  19. I've only fished this place once- and its the worst fishery I've ever been to in 35 years of fishing. I wouldnt give the owners £1 of my money ever again. Did you have anything on your one off session?
  20. beza26

    the kd rig

    No, the opposite.
  21. Your on about the pig farm mate, syndicate now.
  22. Theres a shock
  23. About 20 acres, size of the fish? There aint none
  24. What?! Theres carp in there? I thought it was just bream and tench? Oh and geese, lots of flamin geese
  25. Where do you live then?
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