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Everything posted by beza26

  1. Well in mate, some nice fish there
  2. I dont think it`ll be too long at all until it starts here with the forecast this weekend
  3. Ive been there once, like whats been said, the scenery could be a lot worse. Thats about it. I agree about the womans attitude too, felt like she had it in for us as soon as we got there, to later learn thats what shes like with everyone apparantly. I wont ever go back, plenty of places local to me with more than beautiful surroundings to have to go there for it.
  4. There was an ad in carptalk saying that Fosters of Birmingham had places going on a couple of their syndicates, could be worth looking into.
  5. Yes loads, might want to try been a bit more specific
  6. There are huts in every swim yes, you also have to buy bait from them on the fishery which as far as im aware is richworth tuttis, something pineapple ( im guessing mainline? ) and i think kg1`s
  7. Thats ridiculous if you ask me, you have to use a braid with a certain abrasion resistance to use that hook , purely because theyre made badly. Id be well peed off with that for a pathetic excuse, thats just insulting your intelligence
  8. Cudmore fisheries round that way?
  9. You dont need a 3lb rod and big pits to fish Drayton Just a hook and line would do, with bait on of course
  10. Yes you have to book. You can present a bottom bait in silt of course. Good luck getting in touch
  11. Could be anyone on there then, most people look like that on there, unfortunately. No offense
  12. I certainly wouldnt call it a runs water, i have fished 48hrs there before without a single bleep, but also had 3 fish over 20lb in 24hrs Its defo worth a go mate!! Good luck. Ive gone that long before too, not very often though
  13. You can night fish as i said in an earlier post. 28-29 common?
  14. Upto 27 pound? Have you seen it? You are aloud to night fish it, quite a nice place,as long as you dont mind dogs walkers passing every two minutes.
  15. There was an earlier post where the chap who said to go to his pool was further away than what the author of the thread had asked for, also im guessing he doesnt pay to advertise as all the posts i seen earlier have been deleted by the looks of it
  16. Quite possibly
  17. Im like those kind of books mate, lend me one one of the times? Remind me, & i'll bring one Saturday Good man, nice one
  18. I like those kind of books mate, lend me one one of the times?
  19. Fishing book is Ian Chillcotts " Light my fire " at the mo, been a great read. Other type of book has got to be Dan Browns books, either da vinchi code or the lost symbol, both absolutely brilliant books
  20. Id like to know what setup you were fishing with if it didnt include anything you described the other angler using
  21. Either that or hes described it wrong and the hooklink was above the lead then obviously a chod but....
  22. A hooklink?
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