Don't put a bottom bait on
Make sure you use rig foam, a decent hooklink material, try and get yourself a good idea of what depth the fish are likely to be at, and most of all, make sure you stay confident.
Wish i could help mate, i use to fish there too when i was a kid, wouldn't mind finding out what it's like these day's either as like you said, there's been a sign there now for a fair few year's saying syndicate no entry. Might have to cut through millride onto there one of the day's and have a mooch
Not that i've fished there but last i heard ( like over a year ago probably ), the zig rule's were 6 inch off the deck maximum. There were a lot been foul hooked apparantly because everyone was on them.
I use fox coretex or mantis and highly rate them both, although there's a few i haven't used like Nash missing link so couldn't say what's better. If your buying from a company such as these your never going to be far away mate