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Everything posted by beza26

  1. Why not fish the night? Save on dig money
  2. Congratulation's mate, you look a very happy man, and rightly so!
  3. Congratultion's mate, look forward to the pics
  4. Tight line's bud, have a good one
  5. Enjoy mate, hope you have a cracking time Look forward to your write up and pic's when you get back
  6. I get 15lb bristle filament through a size 8 hook, obviously easier with a bigger hook but it can be done
  7. Tight line's to Adam
  8. How you doing Liam?
  9. End of march, was in peg 4 and down the end of the lake where the fish weren't
  10. Does anywhere? Dave - yes chod's with pop up's, a few colour's worked when we were there. The cell worked too
  11. beza26

    zig rigs

    Don't put a bottom bait on Make sure you use rig foam, a decent hooklink material, try and get yourself a good idea of what depth the fish are likely to be at, and most of all, make sure you stay confident.
  12. I'd guess at chod's
  13. If my memory serve's me correctly it tell's you on the packet what size hook's it fit's on ( been a while since i bought it so not sure )
  14. Have a look here http://fisheries.co.uk/
  15. Merry christmas to all the member's, hope you all have great new year too.
  16. Done a couple of session's on there, what peg you on?
  17. I'll see what i can find out for you mate, just thought of somebody who might know, i'll try to pop and see him over the next few day's.
  18. Wish i could help mate, i use to fish there too when i was a kid, wouldn't mind finding out what it's like these day's either as like you said, there's been a sign there now for a fair few year's saying syndicate no entry. Might have to cut through millride onto there one of the day's and have a mooch
  19. Not that i've fished there but last i heard ( like over a year ago probably ), the zig rule's were 6 inch off the deck maximum. There were a lot been foul hooked apparantly because everyone was on them.
  20. Yeh, but don't worry about it All angler's have their 'sad' habit's
  21. 2 tin's of corn and 1 tin of hemp? I'd have it the other way round personally.
  22. Are these pool's your on about the one's on the holiday site sort of thing, with the caravan's, bar etc?
  23. I use fox coretex or mantis and highly rate them both, although there's a few i haven't used like Nash missing link so couldn't say what's better. If your buying from a company such as these your never going to be far away mate
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