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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. I wouldn't say they are hard but I wouldn't say soft either lol, quite often really overslung mouths with long barbules but I guess some of the bigger older ones maybe have seen a few battles in there time so maybe harder, but on the whole they are in pretty good nick, I think they don't need to fully tilt and maybe able to feed fairly flat to the bottom usually I'm using a size 4 curve mainly at present there are a lot of nuisance fish and the spot is quite firm now so I think it's probably being picked up and moved quite often, might just have been some unlucky pick ups , I do perhaps think that using a stripped back section will help it turn, which may improve the hook hold and hopefully rule it out, maybe, πŸ˜‚ Cheers guys for the replies certainly lots to think about πŸ‘πŸΊπŸ»
  2. I tend to do my own thing but information is worth hearing even if you just discount it afterwards, or just to do the opposite, personally I wouldn't worry about the lead burying, out of sight out of mind, also I bet the craters fill back in eventually as the undertow pushes the silt abiut it will settle in the hole until its level again Its worth a try they catch carp too
  3. What have people told you, you won't catch them on or methods people say don't work ?
  4. I didn't suggest a chod rig though, I don't use them either or helicopters usually but there are some situations where they will work better than other set ups, this being one maybe, and I bet most people will also be using pop ups hence me suggesting a longish wafter rig on a helicopter 🚁
  5. I was just offering you some advice on what I think might work I will go back to my pen πŸ‘
  6. Use a dumpy distance lead on a helicopter set up, use a chod bead and set it a bit higher up the line/leader so just the rig settles on the top of the silt but the lead gets plugged right in and just use a longish wafter rig with a mesh bag to slow it and that would work a treat I think, πŸ‘πŸ€”πŸ˜
  7. I've just had a play and made a new rig with the swivel bait screw I also had a play in water and noticed it didn't always turn quick enough or the right way, so I am going to strip the end of the rig so it turns quicker maybe even just do that first, you almost need a pop up to hold up the swivel screw anyway, the wafters I am using are buoyant enough but I'm not convinced using one on the wafter rig is a great idea will probably Improve the pop up rig though so first stage is stripping some coating off its probably what it needs anyway tbh
  8. My thoughts were just ditching the lead may help as the inlines can sneak up the line I'm mot ditching those tbh they are fox ones 😁
  9. Thanks I may try 2 mods next time switch to leadclips, 4 oz leads and use the longer bait screw, only been using 3oz leads lately
  10. That's one off the list then it wasn't my main concern tbh I don't think I give it excessive force I lost one in the pads bit slow getting to the rod that time though my mozzie mesh wouldn't let me out quick enough, but mainly dropping off once I'm in the safer area, they do fight hard and go for anything that could make life tougher, but very strange times they've pulled out tbh I noticed one yesterday came in burred over, that was on a wafter rig though,I do get more bites on those 😬
  11. I tend to work on smell with silt if your lead and bait come in stinking it's probably not the one, I seem to recall Rob Hughes on an underwater vid saying that silt always looks lighter and sandy when you are in the water, so it may be just the fishspy sees it like that
  12. Hook holds have usually been quite good, when I've got them in tbh,mainly bottom lip somewhere,and if I land them they are usually OK, I think it's one of four things Fishing locked up and having to bully them a bit from the off I usually walk back to help this , using an inline and not dropping it, the bait screw, Hooks blunting maybe could try a beaked point, or always use a mesh bag to soften the fall through the water, my lead does land with a crack these days πŸ˜‚
  13. Thanks for that I take it you just splice them onto the leader?
  14. I used to have some regals back in the day, they worked fine with no issues, not sure what they are like nowadays though
  15. If I may I would also like some recommendations on decent lead clips suitable for lead free leaders?
  16. Hi guys thought I would start a thread about hook pulls and see if I can't learn something about why they occur, I've been having a few lately on 2 rigs both using bait screws, I wonder if this may be leaving the hookbait too close to the shank and whether a longer gap may solve this, I've had a lot more takes on wafters but have had a couple of hookpulls on pop ups and wafters I think a lot of the carp in this lake have big overslung hoover mouths so I really think that is why I get more takes on the wafter as I don't think they are tipping more feeding almost flat to the deck I'm using a semi stiff coated hooklink kind of like a German rig at the moment with a baitscrew with a piece of shrink tube to help it turn, I know what I am going to try next and that is a bait screw with a swivel attached, that will push the hookbait slightly further and also allow it to swivel, I'm only changing 1 thing at a time 😁 If anyone else wants to post up any rig woes, I don't want this to just be about my rigs but more a general problem solving thread that may help anyone
  17. 1st 15lb one looked a lot darker in real life This one was a real scaly one, I had an occurance on my rods 😁 2 hook pulls though need some fine tuning I think this week, especially as I've had a few lately and lost a couple of real good uns 😒
  18. Well finished up with 2 fish and 2 hook pulls, the other one I caught was just over 15lb, the 2nd one i lost was a bottom hugging beast, i had got it out the weed Into relatively safe waters when the hook pulled, gutted it was a bigger one for sure 😭 When I checked the rig the hookpoint had slightly burred, not a bad morning though pics to follow 😁
  19. Had another run on my right hand rod, had give it a bit to keep it from the pads and the hook pulled 😭😭 Still got an hour or so, there is still time for another, I've switched to a ronnie rig on my right hand rod now, let's see it may just be the right rig for this situation πŸ€”
  20. Just under 15lb of black mirror, let's hope there is time for another, twice the size and just as dark please 😁
  21. Good decision to come this morning got a nice dark one in the retainer 😁 Not a massive one but pleasing on the eye πŸ‘οΈ
  22. Doesn't time fly when you are fishing? I looked at my Clock what only felt a moment ago, all I've done is sat back watching the water and it's now 25 minutes later, I'm poised and ready though fully reclined in the transformer chair, thinking at what point did I decide i didn't need the tea making kit this morning, that was a bad idea, I bought 2 tins of fizzy pop a few brioche rolls and banana, it will have to do, i think there is a chance though, and it's lovely just to be back in paradise, even if its only a fleeting visit
  23. I never made it to bait up yesterday what with one thing and another so as the kids are at nannies and Mrs P is off out later, I snuck out before it was light and now have 3 or 4 hours to try and winkle one out 😏😁
  24. Well that's a healthy amount I'll still have less when my next lot comes in 😁
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