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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. Well it looks like I may not get any time to fish for the next couple of weeks so i suggested I might do a quick sunday overnighter, this was met with a pretty good response so I'm going tomorrow 😁 I'm going to keep my options open this week and try and fish anywhere but the usual, i haven't got any plans, a couple of swims I wouldn't mind trying, but I may just do something new, and see if I can't learn something else about the place
  2. Thanks guys I will have a look at Suffolk water park and taverham Mills, have you ever been to catch 22 nick?
  3. Who doesn't love Carl and Alex, they have done so much for the sport already,
  4. Lenard, Leonard, lenster, Lenton, Lennis, Dennis, Jeremy paxoman,
  5. Must be a paste made of paxo and custard powder then
  6. Its probably some dull old particle, yawn
  7. Potato salad is a bit wrong though isnt it, when you think chips, roast, bombay potatoes, even mash, potato salad is never the one I would reach for, I'm sure carp would agree 😀 I've tried hook swivels before and find them a bit of a faff, I think rig rings may be the same, I really want to try and keep it simple and quick, I'm starting to think a hair or bait screw is probably about as hard as I want to make it, I quite the elliot gray one on my last pic simple and easy to tie and with less added bits on and I can adjust the hair length if required
  8. Must have been tricky getting the fish to feed While they were still warm cos no one eats cold potatoes do they?
  9. So what did Richard walker use then? A lot has changed in 60 years And also what would you suggest to use I am open all ears?
  10. Cheers elsons was a nice place, I might have a look into it when we can get the dates sorted, lots of places do seem pretty booked though but hopefully there will be a vacancy or 2 somewhere
  11. That does make sense tbh I wasn't sure if that would be the case still I did like elsons (blanked and it froze though) went on a carp. Com social years ago
  12. Hi guys I'm thinking about trying to get my bro in law out for a 2 night session somewhere, in the week somewhere between cambs and the cotswolds Don't mind where really thinking Linear Stanwick Bluebell East Delph Norton Disney Somewhere like that with a chance of a few bites probably in October any ideas? Or suggestions I generally don't tend to fish these types of water but quite fancy having a go at something out the norm, and I wouldn't mind having to cast a bit further than normal, and doing some more active carping lol,
  13. Most things that attract carp also attract other cyprinids though unfortunately, I think it's almost best to feed them off, it will also pique the interest of the carp
  14. I fish a lake with bream and tench and I've been using 11mm pellets, I find they attract the bream and tench, but I also think by using them and 18mm boilies or bigger I still catch carp and actually haven't caught a bream or tench for ages and they are present , not only that I don't think I've caught as well when I haven't added pellet, I would only use 11mm or bigger pellet though as I think small ones won't feed them off as quickly,
  15. Definately the numpty that left it, if you are gonna be sneaky at least be careful 😁
  16. I've been watching through the crypography back issues when I get a chance, I happened to chance upon one with elliot grey showing his rig off, so I made one as its not dissimilar to the one I made but using a knot less knot hair and a proper line aligner (as suggested by framey) this is both of them in a jug, I quite like the hair it just looks less blatent and it doesn't rattle, just a bit more delicate and tuneable if required
  17. Well I switched to Ronnie's but back onto the curves not sure If it's still the bait screw or the actual hooks, I think I've found a way to overcome it, change hook brands , and switch to a multi rig but use heat shrink to create the kicker, this will leave the bait screw farther away from the shank hopefully causing less issues 😁 Overthinking it maybe, need to change it somehow definately, gonna be moving swims so a fresh start won't hurt with rigs too, nice and simple pop up rig which should hopefully reduce the number of hookpulls
  18. Its nothing personal I just don't think it's helpful if people ignore the rules put in place,I know it's messy but we all have to try still, I understand people dont all see it like me. but once it has affected you personally, then you realise it is real, I see too many people that just ignore all the guidelines, being rebels and it will be everyone else that suffers for it unfortunately
  19. Well I lost my dad to it. So I remain serious about this issue, his life was too short because of it, and now my kids don't have a grandad it isn't that funny to me tbh I just want people to follow the rules set out, it's not that hard and it may just save some lives.
  20. Just be at home and be safe, I'm sick of the covid heroes that think they know best, believe me. Its fine till its someone you know that dies from it
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