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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. I'm not gonna be shy with the bait this winter I am thinking fish little maybe bags or single chods but pre bait quite big for when I am not there, it might not pay off but if I can get them visiting the spots then I may get a bite or two, I've got a bucket of pigeon Conditioner in the car for a spot that needs some TLC, will check it Wednesday or Thursday to see if it's any firmer if not will add another bucket elsewhere if I can, I am going to try and have 2 or 3 spots working for me and using mainly particle will hopefully keep them visiting, my old swim and that area will probably see a lot of pressure so I am thinking if they get pushed out into the open water I can keep them there for a bit with less pressure and freely available food. We can but try there can always be a plan B 😁
  2. I've just used my mini urnie for the first time, you were certainly right, boiled up some pigeon Conditioner, so much gloopier, I was thinking I would have a load of excess water to deal with but none, ain't no going back now will be experimenting with all sorts next year I think 👍
  3. We used to have massive bonfire parties when we were younger my mate had a big garden we used to collect stuff to burn for weeks, they were brilliant fun loads of booze loads of fireworks, loads of fun, and that's why I still don't think I should be allowed to be a responsible adult with fireworks 😁
  4. Had a little firework display In the garden tonight, I thought the kids have missed enough this year, was strange being a responsible adult in charge of fireworks, but the kids loved it, We have a little path to the woods behind our house just after I let the first rocket off, I heard a JEEESUUUUS CHRIST 😂😁 I didn't think anyone was there must have scared the stinky winky out of the poor guy 😳
  5. I used to use the Pro clear many moons ago, I quite liked it, I use Gardner hydrotuff now, I don't think I would change back I would have a look at any Gardner lines, people always seem to have a decent word to say on most of the range, hydrotuff suits me for now but would happily try others if I needed too for another purpose, I also really like the Kinetic spod braid, 👍
  6. OK if you are hell bent on using this method, I would use a different liquid that won't just float straight off out of the area like a hydro for instance , and also why not just spomb the sand out or make groundbait balls with it, and create a bigger area of attraction
  7. You don't have to catch them though, use bigger hookbaits or pop ups there are ways to avoid them to a degree, you may catch the odd one or two but you don't have to catch them all, you could even fish off the main baited area, you see nuisance fish as a negative I try to use them to my advantage 👍 Blakes baits 25kg pellets £33 good deals on particles too doesn't have to cost the earth 👍
  8. Why not just feed off the bream and use them to your advantage they will create the attraction for the carp to come and investigate, and also help clear any spots you may wish to create, I found 11mm pellets feed them off quite quickly, then the carp move in
  9. Great review smufter, I think next time I may take your wise words into consideration and think more about Headroom, I'm always banging my head on the door or bivvy light in my bunker 👍
  10. Why not just use a pellet or groundbait that would still carry the liquid? A normal bag in the right place will still catch fish, I caught this one within 5 minutes of casting a fresh bag into the spot If you need to use sand why not mix some pellets in to help break it down? In my opinion though just keep it simple it still works 👍
  11. I've only used it once so far but Gardner Kinetic spod braid seems a great product to use , it seems different from most other braids I've tried seems to have an almost waxy coating on it, doesn't need much wetting to be usable, 35lb bs so it's no so weak but still very castable, I had a few issues with the fox exocet breaking even on a relatively controlled cast at 6 wraps, the Gardner got a good workout whilst spot finding and also spodding and it performed like a dream and at £21.99 for 250m it isn't rediculously expensive, a good purchase I think didn't frap up or get any of those annoying wind knots, Camflex leadfree leader is also a nice product to use easy to splice and sinks really well Feel free to leave a review on anything you want to share 👍
  12. I still think it's mild enough to have a go at starting something if I get cracking ASAP 😳 but also I think if it's mild like last winter there may always be a slight chance if you can get them visiting a spot maybe
  13. Well nothing on the proper fishing lake, all 3 of the rigs came in with detritus on them so may not have been fishing at all tbh which isn't ideal , next stop chods all the way if I'm in unfamiliar territory, they all seemed to get a drop of some sort but not a firm donk, Does anyone think its mad to try and create an open water spot at this time of year with a load of particle? I want my own little slice of big lake 🤔
  14. Thanks It wasn't an easy choice tbh, sometimes you have to just suck it and see, I don't feel like I've chosen too badly, the wind is hacking into the other half of the lake behind me, while it's windy the big part is fairly flat calm, I would have expected surf to be up, but it doesn't feel bad. had one savage liner so far, I've decided to call my rods. Rod, Jane and Freddy just waiting now for one of those to zippy off so I can bungle one into the net 😳😁
  15. I had a chat with the owners when I got here they seem keen to keep it open, I am the only person on the whole 25 acres tonight nice, Couldn't decide on a swim so I plumped for a new one in the big lake, just spread 3 rods out right across the swim, covering a good chunk of water, I couldn't find any other signs of life so just taking a chance they've moved into the big lake and on the back of the wind @framey 2 rods cast to far bank markers at 11.5 wraps, 😂 bit soft and silty but you never know, might be something to work on, couldn't find a lot better and it was dark before the bivvy was up so I've tried 😁
  16. I've started to really quite like him lately been watching his cypography episodes, I am off fishing In a bit will have a look, my c clips didn't arrive so will be just using a clip today if I use them anyway cheers 👍
  17. I don't think they will necessarily close everywhere, but the people that run my syndicate live on site and they are elderly so more at risk
  18. It turns out I had to buy one, my local fishing shop had 3 that had been used a couple of times as a main fishing reels for sale at £50 each virtually new, seems quite a nice reel, and a good deal so will let you know how it performs 👍
  19. I think it's a steady progression from olive to Camo, you don't really notice it then one day you've become a full Camo carp man 😁
  20. Well it is starting to look like we are going for a full lockdown so I am going to get another night in tomorrow just incase they close the lake again,it's family Halloween today which is going to be different without the tricking and treating but we will be trying to make it fun for them anyway I'm going to try and make a sloppy, cloudy spod mix that will sit on the weed and try out the chod rod on my 3rd rod, with this moon about I want to be there and fishing well Tight lines all
  21. I now have some Camo trousers, I am slowly morphing into Camo lol, still very much an olive man though, it does look nice though,
  22. A few of the new things look like something others have done before, nothing really exciting to me this year That 2 man is massive though, you would need a big swim for that, and planning permission
  23. Have a look at the fox tadpole inserts, I have posted about them before I use about a 3 - 4" rig in bags, kd set up but I prefer to use some shrink tube to help it turn, might seem pointless to some but I find the kd tied hair kicks away from the hook better and causes less tangled rigs than a std knotless knot, I also recast at least every 2 hours so I know they still have a chance of baing presented with the contents still around the hookbait
  24. I've gone for some Gardner c clip chod drop out lead things, they seem to be the solution I wanted, should work when i need them too and not drop the lead needlessly
  25. I really liked him, never fished with him but he didn't mind sharing, I caught the pond record after chatting to him about it, that was 17lb, after that I was a noddy with a dream 😁
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