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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. I am looking forward to it already, I did think maybe one night I could nip out and pick up a Turkish meat feast for everyone from the best kebab van in the world 5kg platter 😍
  2. Sounds like a done deal, you deserve it and a PB if its your birthday 🎉
  3. We need final confirmation of numbers We have 5 definate I can see Elmo Chillfactor Commonly Dale Kev Anyone else? @Highy????
  4. We are pencilled in for the 22nd and 23rd And I've also asked about Sunday for the two that wanted to stay on, so we just need to confirm numbers then he will send me a confirmation?
  5. Yep will do, i think hopefully we will all get a chance of a bite, if its anything like the lakes over the road they can be found anywhere and everywhere usually at that time of year
  6. Did anyone notice there was a swim on an island 🏝️ Draw sounds like a good idea I have emailed again incase it went into his spam folder, will let you know as soon as I hear anything
  7. I'd slip it back without weighing it, if I thought a bucket was coming,
  8. My plans for the year still catch a 30lber but also a few of the A team I wouldn't mind catching (the sheriff, the mole, the scar common, and the box common) main target is to be secret squirrel, quick work overnighters with some regularity and stealth, under your hat know what I mean, with some heavy pre baiting in the dark when the time is right 🙄🙄
  9. I got a hose in the garden will that do 🚿
  10. Now I feel bad 20 mins if there is traffic 😂
  11. I've emailed and asked about exclusive 22nd 23rd, I said we have 5 confirmed and 2 still tbc and asked the other relevant bits and bobs, will let you know once he replies, once we have the 2 nights sorted I can ask about any further nights etc for those that wish to do them
  12. So we have 7 definate then? I can message him and see what he says about it? And easiest way for payment 22nd and 23rd?
  13. I've wanted to fish it for a while tried too join the syndicate for a while. All been otter fenced and stuff now. Looking nice tbh
  14. I sent a few emails and for 6+ he said 25pppn so my reckoning we would have to pay for 6 unless there was more of us then it may be 25 per person on top of the 6 too
  15. 22nd 23rd would be better for me i think of the alternatives, not sure I'll be able to stretch out anymore than 2 nights tbh, but if anyone else wants too I guess it can be booked and added on
  16. All Sept was free other than the 15th and 16th, 😳 6 or more for the exclusive £25pppn so we'd be looking at £300ish for a 2 night exclusive
  17. Still haven't cracked them all lol pb broken 3 times 27lb3 - 28lb4oz one trip, another last year I caught a usual 30lb at 29lb4oz lol still plenty to go at though and I'm still learning
  18. That's the one it's a lovely lake, just up from the syndicate i fish, lovely and peaceful, @kevtaylorif booking exclusive it's dog friendly too
  19. Had a reply from ashmire today exclusive booking for 6 people can be arranged but also can be booked seperate depending on numbers, some availability in sept to for exclusive
  20. You probably wouldn't to be fair, people just need a human to listen. I did a mental health first aid course this year, I like to think I've always been caring but that gave me some tools I didn't have, and it's been really eye opening. Little tip Just listen, don't try to tell them you know how it feels, just ask open ended questions that give them the space to talk, be calm, reassuring and patient, you have all the tools already, I've been helping a girl at work with anxiety through some tricky times and I went to a disciplinary with her last week, after that she went to her boss got talking honestly and got things sorted out and is happy again and less stressed, she bought me some chocolates as a thankyou, made me well emotional lol, but it was nice to have made a difference
  21. Well done mate, very good thing you did, glad it was a good outcome too. Hopefully she starts to get some help and get better
  22. Just does depend who and where now doesn't it really I think the longer we leave it the tougher it will get though to find somewhere. So I guess wait a week or two see who is still interested and go from there?
  23. Yeah my only concern with horseshoe would be what if we turned up and it's rammed and we're all just camping, I know what you mean though, exclusives might be hassle if people back out, I don't mind driving I just wouldn't mind knowing I've got a swim when I get there if that makes sense
  24. Couple more venues nearer me that may be available well the top one is at present I did enquire about the other to check, both available exclusively, Bedfordshire and cambs, just thought i would put them out there incase we struggled to get any others https://www.tedwhitemanwaters.co.uk https://www.ashmire.co.uk/
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