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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. Deep pan Pizzas cut up into floater size chunks might work,use a dominoes for the oil slick it would create
  2. A kid I knew at school did that and we saw him bagging up on chub in the town centre river I remember being quite stunned at how effective it was
  3. This video has some useful tips and equipment for scaling up
  4. Just incase you didn't find it this is the video, this may help you to work smarter
  5. Have you ever seen the carpcatchers bait making video on you tube that may have a tip or two to help you speed it up a little? He has a production line going on In his kitchen, What set up are you using, I guess next level is pneumatic gun and one of these looks a lot quicker even with the manual version there is a video on the page of it working https://www.boilieroller.co.uk/bait-making-equipment Have a look at caulking guns BTW you can get pneumatic ones of those and they may be cheaper and just as useful
  6. I think it will do the job but I used mole grips the other day and they seemed to work well enough
  7. Thanks chillfactor have bought some to try, looking at them I think that may be just the ticket, I did try a running rig buffer but it doesn't quite cover the quick link and that's not good enough, hopefully these should work a treat cheers
  8. Will have a look at those thanks, I have done pilates in the past and it is good for core strength, so I will try some of those exercises when it's a little better
  9. Going for physio next week, hopefully that will get me back on track a bit, maybe after that I will get on with the exercises, until then it's gin and painkillers for me 😁
  10. Quick question about the avid leader if I may, I've just bought some leads without swivels on, if I tie one on the the end of the leader I wouldn't have a swivel is that going to cause twisting on cast? I have tied on a quick link but don't really like that either Happy with the rest of it bank tackle sinkers with Tungsten beads seem good they shouldn't move without a bit of force, and the fluoro leader looks like a winner, but just not dead happy with the lead end? What's the solution please?
  11. A back massaging bedchair, I've just done my back in again I was set to return to work tomorrow littlun decided to jump at me today and its gone again, I'm getting so bored of it now it gets better then goes again when you least expect it, either that or I need a ghillie, not fishing is killing me, 😭
  12. I thought it was well shot, showed some good potential, you caught some nice fish and showed how you did it , and there was a little banter, Negatives Music was very similar to other videos, and maybe a few similarities to other vids More banter is a good thing, I guess that comes with experience, but more importantly just show that you are enjoying or not enjoying it, just be yourself, great first effort though I would definitely watch more
  13. That is kind my point tbh each lake is different, each angler is different, it seems silly to try and make classifications of what is or isn't stalking
  14. So where does a roving session angler fit Into this equation? 🤔 And what about an opportunistic angler? He simply seeks opportunity wherever it may be I think just do what you think will give you a chance on the day and call it carp fishing too many things in life need a pigeon hole these days, also what if you cast 100+yards at a showing fish? Surely that's stalking as you've cast to the area you saw a fish??
  15. I did a bit of research Into that, unless your boilies are all the correct size it would end up knackering the barrel pretty quick and also the noise would irritate people What I am thinking is a pva bag that has some water stored somebow that when it reaches near the spot releases and explodes the bag mid air, haven't got a clue how to make that happen though
  16. Or angling? I think stalking is generally frowned upon in other circles anyway, A non angler would look a bit worried if you said I am a stalker and I am off to stalk my prey I think if you catch one from the margin, you should have to say "I winkled one out from an overhanging BUSH"
  17. Thanks Dicky just had to find a courier for some rods UPS Were cheapest £15.95
  18. An item I would like to see invented a bivvy light and headtorch, that repelled mosquitos so when it was on they wouldnt all attack the light or worse me
  19. Where does it say you can't take a chair and be stalking? I think you also assume that these would be used all day when they might just be used for a quick downpour or stopping for a spot of lunch, you know maybe the stalker In question might still wade through 10ft of brambles most of the day in hardcore pursuit of the carp but may just take the opportunity for a sit down in his lightweight chair if he got the chance
  20. Angling means different things to different people, I don't think it's stupid wanting more lightweight things like a brolly for when it rains that is small and light that you can set up to stay dry that you don't need a quiver to carry or hold all day , and when you get older you don't want to be crawling on your knees all day or sitting on a damp Bank for a while you just want a little comfort, mainly because you want to enjoy your fishing not go home with a bad back,or aching knees or whatever. I just think you can't always be that hardcore if it stops your enjoyment in fishing, Each to there own I say
  21. I was once Messing around with a putter on a driving range, that made the golf balls fly, one swing I snapped the head of the putter, that went about twice as far as the ball, 😀 That just reminded me of that so I thought I would share it, It would be quite handy having a driving range to practice casting on though
  22. https://www.amazon.co.uk/imuto-Portable-Charger-20000mAh-External-X4-Black/dp/B017U9ANJQ That's the one I got, it does say that it would only charge an ipad air 1.2times though so may not be ideal for tablets, but it's fine for my phone, it is a little old now so there may be newer better ones out there
  23. I would get a powerbank off amazon my one does 5 phone full charges off one full charge, so unless you need a lot more than that I wouldn't worry too much they look bulky, powerbank fits Into your bag
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