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  1. Hi has anyone fished the sand pit lake? I was looking for information on stock and condition of the fish. The website says there’s fish up to 30lb and other sources suggest the main stock is doubles. I am mainly interested in the condition of the fish I don’t mind fishing for doubles if they are healthy and in good condition. regards
  2. Well I had one last night over a handful of catapulted boilies , hopefully have another tonight . cheers
  3. I know I am overthinking things but just thought I would ask for the sake of asking really , thanks anyway chaps
  4. Do you guys somehow calculate of guess the trajectory of your boilies fired with a catapult? I have been fishing a spot in the deeper part of the lake around 12-15ft at 40yards using 15mm boilies . I have been having success with a small mesh bag and a handful of catapulted boilies over the top but I often wonder how the trajectory of the bait changes when it hits the water .
  5. Great stuff thanks guys
  6. Yes I have 15lb Korda touchdown loaded on , thanks mate
  7. Hi i was a after some on spodding advice. I am fairly new to carp fishing and have been using 3lb 9ft Nash dwarfs . theres a spot I want to get bait to at 40yards and was wondering if I put a shock leader on on of said Nash dwarfs and a small spod would it be capable of reaching the target ? Ideally I would like to leave the fluorocarbon mainline on as I would need to set the rod back up with a rig after . This will only be for a couple of sessions until funds are available for a suitable rod and reel.
  8. What rigs are folk on here using in and around weed that offers the safest possible outcome for the fish should you suffer a snapped line .
  9. I have searched this forum but didn’t really find anything. i am off to Newquay tomorrow for a week and was wondering if anyone could point me towards a lake for carp fishing , i have just blanked 2 days at bluebell so a lake with a good chance of a bite would be preferable. fist things first though , how do I pack my fishing tackle without her seeing or smelling it lol
  10. I fished mallard on Friday and had a great day , lost 2 but had 4 on the bank biggest was 22lb I will be going again next week for sure .
  11. I have only been fishing 6months now and I have mainly been carp fishing on mostly runs waters , this weekend I wanted to try a night somewhere where there’s a chance of a 20lb plus fish but without visiting the harder venues that take more experience and skill. I was thinking stanwick mallard lake as it a medium difficulty according to the website . Any advice on places to fish and tips for the venues would be greatly appreciated. regards
  12. Hi , I have only been fishing 2 month now. I try to read lots of articles and watch the you tube videos and at present I am mainly fishing at biggin in oundle. i have been using the method feeder mainly but was wondering if the feeder is likely to sink in silt? i have only just started feeling the lead down so hopefully I can find a good spot to fish next time out.
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