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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. Interesting posts guys I am also using the matrix at present even though I've still only managed 2 tench with it I don't think it is the bait,I am confident using it, it just screams great bait tbh the smell the texture, and also I emailed Tony a few times and he has always been helpful, have either of you used the pellets before was thinking of trying those as well might have to try the goo as well now 😀
  2. Did seem to work well, didn't get to dangle any in today though couldn't find any fish that were really up for it, other than a big shoal of randy bream,I did see one that I thought was a carp at first blooming massive old slab
  3. I said to my daughter after cake gate, do you think it will catch me a fish today ? No Do you think daddy will ever catch a fish ? No She is nothing if not consistent
  4. 50% of my house are already moaning about the smell this morning 😬 I'm Always outnumbered but at least I got the cake
  5. It actually looks pretty decent now it's chopped up, I think it's about time the carp god's giveth , I've been a good boy lately, I've worked hard , surely that has to count for something 😬
  6. You will go to the ball cinderelmo 😀
  7. Hi guys After spending a couple of hours stalking without floaters today I quickly decided I needed floaters, I didn't want to have to waste precious time going to the tackle shop tomorrow so floater cake it was, I've only done one before now and I think it may have been better than tonight's effort, it smells weird tbh ,and it hasnt really risen but if it floats I'm going angling again before work, If it doesn't I may still angle again anyway bake off may just have to wait 😀
  8. I dunno I can sort of see the appeal imagine smearing it in paste hours of attraction in that set up
  9. Have you tried feed stims milk b+ , I found out about them from reading a ken Townley article on the haiths site he seems to like feed stim for his additives 👍
  10. Don't worry about playing devils advocate it's always good to see other people's opinions, I've been using the castable rake myself although generally more when prebaiting though maybe worth giving it a fresh rake at the start of a session as well to stir it up, good luck with the zigs though When I was making my own bait a while ago I bought some milky b from feed stim the smell of it is lovely so any chance to use it and I will , I've gone off bait making now though too much effort and too little time for me, plus there are lots of companies that do it better I think it's just a lack of confidence at present causing me to make changes once I get a fish or two in the net I can work on it from there
  11. After a couple of minutes in water the wafters are throwing loads of goodness into the water, that's got to send them wild I reckon
  12. Thanks again yonny , I've been using a lot of mixed particles lately as I went a bit nuts on deals with monster but I may just try a simple boilie approach if I get out this weekend I will try soaking them all in water and liquid first and maybe just feed little and often and have a different hookbait on each rod to see if any work best, I think for me bottom baits are a non starter as I wouldn't be confident due to the silt /weed I've been happy with my wafter rig set up nice and simple and seems to come in clean often enough to be confident it's fishing most of the time and I will try one on a pop up as well so have it all covered now just got to find them ,feed them and not balls it up
  13. Wow some great responses guys and water pressure isn't something I would have even considered tbh , the lake I fish is probably only 9ft in the deeper part though so good to know it shouldn't affect me too much, I am right with you on prebaited spots btw it's certainly my most successful method so far I would assume that a pop up would be more effective in shallower water as it would be more likely to be taken by a non feeding cruising fish if it got close enough to pique it's interest , and also it would be more likely to be sending food signals right through the water column, but mainly you have to think if you have a bowl of crisps right next to you when watching TV , you are more likely to eat those crisps than if you have to go to the shop to buy them first, I always usually like to match my hookbaits with my free offerings emmcee however the lake I am fishing is really silty so I am just wondering whether a more blatant hookbait will get taken quicker and also take on less smelly silt, so in that respect I hope you are wrong but I take your point that it could create a negative taste using too many additives as one may overpower the whole package, I can only try something has to work at some point
  14. I've just added robin red , glm ,betaine milk b+ and glugged in robin red liquid will let that lot soak in then dry them and repeat I think, Although I will be testing some this weekend but it can be an ongoing project, they will at least be boosted
  15. Thanks nick I have been pre baiting with a glugged spod mix including boilies, my thinking being they are getting rehydrated before they hit the water by the munga juice and liquids I am adding, I will have a play with a few hookbaits tonight and see what happens
  16. Cheers Yonny I will try and boost some of the wafters as well 16mm and see what happens, I did order some baitworks wafters and pop ups scent from hell range as well last night to give me some other options, I've found as long as I use a mesh bag or rig foam they tend to come in ok so far but I just want the hookbaits to stand out more in the silt, The other thing that clicked last night was I got a lot of liners on my far bank rods I think fishing closer and slacker may be the answer will certainly help as the fish seem spooky, I'm getting closer just need to keep learning
  17. Hi guys I have been thinking of ways to improve my hookbaits this evening, at present I am favouring a wafter but I want to make some really kicking boosted ones, but I thought adding loads to my std wafters may just make them bottom baits so I have arrived at trying to make the standard pop ups(not cork or anything) into wafters by adding glugs and powder additives and air drying and repeating the process a bit until they aren't as bouyant will this work ? In my head it does
  18. Have a look for local reel service places near you maybe they could fix them, I know the tackle box does reel servicing if you send them off
  19. A lot of people rave about the sonik reels on here I have just used my sonik Vader spod reel for the second time and it does what it should well so far in my eyes
  20. Sonik Vader spod reel performed amicably this evening plopped a good few spombs out with no drama loved the turbo reel in as well,only thing I don't like about it is that it comes with non yellow braid this may have to be remedied asap 🙄
  21. Well that's something good work at least you can start to rebuild your kit, hope you get it all sorted soon
  22. You dont have to delete your account,it's just there have been issues with buying and selling on here before I believe so that is why , sorry to hear about all your stuff getting taken though i feel for you hope you find it, where are you based maybe people could keep an eye out for it
  23. Don't get me wrong I do agree with you but maybe in 10 years time ngt may be developing there own products and doing all sorts of good stuff who knows they may not, but maybe one day they will be in a stronger position to develop and put something back into the sport they have made a crust from
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