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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. I think there has never been a better time to learn how to fish than now tbh, if I had been a kid now I would be a much better angler than I was when I was a kid, all I had for knowledge were John Wilson books other books from the library, mags and TV programmes, we learnt how to fish by ourselves because there wasn't an alternative, I just used to pester anyone I could for info, but now I can Google search or watch some videos that will teach me how to tie knots or set up a rig that isn't a death trap within minutes, yes my childhood angling was magical and I can and do look back with rose tinted specs, but I have a thirst to learn all I can and God bless you tube for that, it's free I don't have to get up in the loft to dig out the crate of festering carp world's or go to the local newsagent hoping they have still got a copy, I can just use a computer or phone But I will try to make my kids fishing as magical as mine was if they continue to want to go but that's mainly because I want to be a good parent, but I would happily let them learn from watching you tube as they will soak it up like a sponge and learn things u wouldn't have known about as a kid
  2. Ouch I did similar holding my little one, I slipped on a toy, she was fine but I did my back in so I feel your pain, hope it's not too serious and you are milking it for all you can, 👍
  3. Probably too much coating over the insert tbh,
  4. It could work but tbh I think I woukd feel happier with a lead that just run free, the lead should assist the take enough with sharp hooks then in theory the fish wouldn't be able to use the weight of the lead to get the hook out again as it would detach and be a free running lead, that's the theory got to get a take or two to see what happens in practice,
  5. Not really I think that seemed to cause most of the problems I tried putty that gummed up in the lead not too keen on putting anything else behind it really would rather it could come off easily is need be, Good thing abiut the tadpole sleeve it grips the lead just enough to hold it, but I think any amount of shaking from the fish and it will detach from the sleeve and be free I had a chat with the guy in the fishing shop when he saw them in action he said he would change to them from the korda alternative as its a better set up 👍
  6. Sorted it I think, fox leads and tadpoles, the lead will detach from the rubber before the swivel releases, meaning the lead is free running pretty much from the off I think and without an insert , I am pretty confident it will be fairly safe even quick change with a leader 10/10 times the lead pulled before the swivel and I am quite confident that lead wouldn't get stuck unless it was super weedy but then this probably isn't the right set up for that anyway
  7. They didn't have any avid spods in the shop unfortunately, but have a look on you tube there are a couple of vids they look good for an easy loading I think
  8. I tried pulling the insert out of one of my ebay leads didn't want to come out, they will need drilling I think 🤔🥴🤠 I think seeing how i won't be losing them I may splash out on a few fox ones to go with the tadpole set up as apparently they are slightly bigger holes so should be perfect, I am taking rapunzel to the fishing shop now wish me luck 🎣🐟
  9. I would try to get as close as possible, its not much fun trying to cast something too heavy or light for the rod tbh for my 3lb rods I like a 3.5oz lead, i tried a wide pva bag with a 3.5oz lead in the other day was fine for shorter distance but I wouldn't want to launch one too far, If using a 3lb rod I wouldn't want to cast much more than 4oz ideally I might have a look at the little avid spods today they look pretty nifty
  10. Looking into the bag stems a little closer they seem to be made from a bag insert with some kind of loop made from some kind of leader material, there seems to be options again anyway Fox do a tadpole insert that looks by far the safest set up, as the lead comes off the insert not the swivel, leaving you with a bare lead with no insert running up the line, I can feel a trip to the tackle shop coming on 😁
  11. The Tackle box do a couple of 10ft utility rods in 3.75lb tc
  12. Is there a shock leader that's ready for my shocking casting 😁😁😳
  13. Point taken so they are out, shame though as it would've worked from a diameter point of view I reckon, but going forward the dream is a quick change pva set up that is safe so there is no point continuing with that li e of enquiry I did say uncoated, Its those knots that are causing me a few issues at present, if there is a way to fish it safely I hope its findable, The thing I think that puts me and probably most off using pva bags normally is the faff everytime you want to recast, you need to dry your rig out make a fresh bag tie it up and I'm pretty sure it's why most people use mesh bags just hooked on and chucked out The best solution so far seems to be just to use an avid bag stem or similar it seems pretty safe only one loopknot in the mainline above which a bored out lead would easily pass over and even easier if you could slide a piece of tubing over it, which would then take out the knot risk completely 😁 I think sometimes I really want to find these solutions only to discover they are already there 😁😁😁😁
  14. Also any putty would have to be after any knots tbh the putty has been the biggest no no I've found so far made it very tricky for the lead to pass , I also added a bit of the hook point protection Vaseline stuff to the knot and that made it glide through really easily, This is all pre drilled BTW so should be even easier
  15. Clutching at straws here lol but if I was to make a leader out of uncoated braid hooklink would that be ok? Both travel over the knot easily as its a lot finer, obviously still a no no in weedy or snaggy situations but is this still dodgy do you think?
  16. I just came to a similar conclusion tbh main concern though is the internal diameter on the lead by trimming the tail rubber I could get it to pass over the knot fairly easily, the lead went over the knot also with a lowish pulling force, however with both of these that is FOD free add any FODDAGE to the equation and I fully agree its a bit dodgy,
  17. Will have to have a think, I still want it to be quick change tbh but also safe might have a play with the outline fluoro leader to see if that works 😬
  18. It's probably not a bad thing for me to go smaller though these days though, might help me feel I've put enough bait out with out overdoing it 😁 And actually smaller Spods may better represent the pva parcel I want them to eat 👍
  19. I've got a bit skyliner, I have to say I prefer it a big Spomb, might get a small one now I've been enlightened in the subtle art of spodding I have always been a bomb dropper lol, I've also got an xl pocket rocket, that flies well also, maybe a couple of small Spombs for finesse could be the answer 🤔
  20. Thanks for the replies all, I was hoping you would all say that tbh, I did also read about another rig using an inline that appealed a bit, which they called a shocker, my thought being they took the lead Insert out and treated it as a running lead, which also meant it is safer in theory, now I like to be able to use a bag rubber for ease of sticking the bag onto, would anyone have an issue with me just boring out some of the insert so the swivel wasn't fixed as such, but I could still use a pva bag tail rubber, for the shock effect I would place a tiny bit of putty on the leader as the shock effect kind of like a running bead only would come off better in the unfortunate event of a line break? Cheers all
  21. What are your thoughts? I've read a few articles that tell me not dropping inlines can cause damage to the fishes mouth? I just wondered what you guys thought about this?
  22. Thanks Ian I can't find the box at the moment my garage is still a massive mess, hopefully it will turn up, I could take my reel to work though, there is quite a range of washers there hopefully I can find one that fits, I did look earlier there are no washers on it at present so that may be why it isn't working well, it seems to be loading more at both ends and less in the middle like the spool is concaved
  23. Did this ever get resolved? I am still having a similar issue and was wondering if a solution was ever found?
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