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elmoputney last won the day on March 24

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  1. Nah baiting pole would be more stealthy 😂
  2. The OG BC from ITV 😂 Worm zig in its face, Surely irresistable?
  3. I've been watching this instagram short and this comedian does post match interviews for things like dates and Christmas board games, it makes me chuckle so I thought I would do a fishing one 😂
  4. Will do next time thanks for the tips. I think it's been a good learning curve this weekend. I made some mistakes but got the result, will regroup and be ready to go again next time,its a long season just got to kick on now and take the positives, and hopefully we can be there or there abouts at the end of the season 😂
  5. Bought some more zig stuff today Atomic zig bugs and kickers red and black Thinking anglers barrels brown and black and some more size 8 hooks Some 12lb zig line I think I've caught the zig bug (get it)
  6. Ha ha I somehow accidently turned vibration on this weekend I had to Google how to turn it off was doing my head in 😂 Nah small and simple love em, I get tempted by snag backs from time to time but haven't yet.
  7. I had some optonics, they always use to end up tilting to one side. I've seen the new atts with speaker they look awesome and sound great too. Come with snag backs as standard they look mint.
  8. Thanks, the reason I doubted myself was that I had dismissed them as single bleeps and not even bothered checking them for clues tbh, which is something I should have done in hindsight, it's all a learning curve still and good that I am learning, next time I will keep the tips out the water and will be looking for the clues. You might notice the line pick up before the alarm fishing slack too, I've hit into fish before I've even had a bleep before watching the line, it's a good way to spot what's going in the swim. I love short range fishing watching for any little sign, nothing beats it tbh,Good luck .
  9. Good luck, The swans and ducks seem a lot more active than the fish at the moment, I still think they are chasing warmth.
  10. Yeah it seems very safe, worst case scenario, you leave a rig in a fishes mouth, I was impressed when I saw it.
  11. I once taught the owner of that golf club how to hit a ball 😂 they had an open day and I went with the in laws, had 3 pints in the bar then we all went to the driving range, I was hitting the balls miles with a driving iron (that I chose because I had never used one) and the owner and the bro in law couldn't get close 😂 I was on fire that day, couldn't beat the satisfaction level from that day, so have never played anything other than crazy golf since 😂 I am not claiming I was good BTW, I wasn't but he was terrible 👍
  12. With 2 magnet rollers? I do much prefer the 4 mags tbh, 6 would be overkill for normal fishing I think. But might be useful if max sensitivity is required, I think it's too easy to just write a single bleep off as an anomaly, whereas 2 bleeps would make you notice, When I was at the Essex show I got shown the PB Products hit n run lead clips, I haven't tried them yet but they kind of act like a running rig, the fish can't use the weight of the lead to discharge the hook, quite different and I am an easy sale so naturally I bought some 😅
  13. As alarms I love them tbh simple and great, not sure how much they will change the sensitivity as the 4 mag roller is every 0.5cm and 6 is 0.33cm so essentially the 6 mag roller is 17mm more sensitive. I think a lot of it is me adjusting to check out every single bleep when zig fishing as in hindsight I feel I may have missed a few chances. I also had my rod tips underwater which won't help me see what's going on, learning all the time thanks OldBoy
  14. OK cool let us know what you find out, I have an in law up that way, might be a way of getting an extra fishing trip in 😂
  15. I have used the 2 and 4 (always use now) has anyone used the 6 magnet roller wheels, I had a couple of single bleeps on my zig rods that I am starting to think may have been bites in hindsight as I was fishing bow string tight tines, was thinking 6 might be better for zig fishing can anyone tell me if they noticed much difference between 4 and 6 please?
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