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elmoputney last won the day on February 21

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  1. If you crush black tigers do they sort of blend in with hemp or buckwheat ? Asking for someone else. Not me 😏
  2. The main point for me is i don't have to commit to a whole bucket at once and waste bait, and I can mix as much as I plan to put out, also the pellets would just turn to mush and it would end up a soggy mess, also it means to keep it all fresh I only need one bucket rather than 3 or 4. Good tip for carrying less on your barrow πŸ˜‰
  3. Finally filled them all up πŸ‘ That's a kilo of corn would probably take 2 kilos I think
  4. I'm just guessing but it sounds like it could either have a dodgy connection, or it may be damp or something. Have you tried drying it out in the airing cupboard?
  5. I think it depends on which ones, I use proper job pop ups because they are really buoyant and I like the range of additives and ingredients they contain. I am yet to be convinced I need to pay much over a tenner a tub though. Although there are one or two baits I can understand why they charge more and can appreciate the effort and reasoning behind the cost, some do just seem like an expensive tub of hookbaits. And let's be honest the carp don't know they cost Β£40 for a tub, trick is to be confident in what bait you are using,then you are more likely to put it in the right place.
  6. I try to have a declutter every year, it's amazing the amount of stuff we take that we don't really use. If I use the barrow I really try and minimise. Can be more carefree if I can park at the swim but the less I have to take the better.
  7. The new sonik banktek beds are rated to 150kg, I have an axs duralloy that has survived me so far apart from a bent leg, but sonik replaced that by sending me almost another bed as spares.
  8. 8 leg you are probably looking at Avid revolve x JRC Cocoon ii Trakker RLX 8 Leg https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/235391171203?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=8py9PnHURjO&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=yW-jXGLIRqK&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY this is rated to 25 stone and a sleep system too. Seen one at carp show but can't vouch for it. I guess if you can go to a shop and try one maybe?
  9. And then you need bags for within the bags πŸ˜‚ I tell you what though I have a couple of the korda pencil case accessory pouches , really handy bits of kitπŸ˜‚
  10. Arrived today 3 days from Holland pretty decent service, the stuff I bought from Essex is still in transit πŸ˜‚ Seems a nice bag, well made, good zips, pretty thick but still lightish for 5 season, can't wait to give it a test run
  11. There seem some well thought out bits of kit. The xl carryall Is pretty tarty.
  12. I'll admit I am taking a bit of a punt but it's pretty light for a 5 season bag and it has removable innards and stuff. It looks like it should be decent quality. But I guess time will tell lol. https://polepositiontackle.co.uk/p/grade-insulator-as-sleeping-bag/
  13. Been buying some bits for our upcoming social Pineapple smart liquid Pineapple wafters ESP chod hammers Avid outline fluorosoft Grade insulator AS+ sleeping bag
  14. Thanks, I have used bread before lol,thats why I know it doesn't last that long. I used to make my own bread and sweetcorn groundbait. Chuck it all in the blender then hey presto, I used to take it in the big ice cream tubs.
  15. Have you tested in water to see how long it lasts? Also you need to factor in nuisance fish, they would destroy bread in seconds.
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