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Everything posted by yonny

  1. @muftyboy, is there a reason you're after a milk protein mate? Is it because you're worried about fishmeals turning over the course of the week or do you just like milk protein baits?
  2. I get in trouble with my Mrs because when we drive past a lake I'm never looking at the road ahead๐Ÿ˜‚
  3. Exactly ๐Ÿ‘ Just walking a water should be exciting. Hell, I get a buzz just thinking about the lake lol. If that's not there then what's the point.
  4. @oscsha, they don't appear to do a milk protein bait dude? It's all fish and nutmeals?
  5. Trent Baits SSD PRO9. I use Trent for all my boiled baits. Their Freshwater Shrimp is the best bait I've used, it's a bit special. But it's a fishmeal.
  6. Stop going mate. One of two things will happen: 1 - You don't miss it, in which case not going is a win. 2 - You miss it, ergo the bug is back. Win. It's supposed to be fun, if you're not enjoying it just stop going buddy.
  7. Hard work but very rewarding buddy. I'm due to go fishing tomoz, just a day session, for the first time since the wee man joined us. I came off my bike 2 weeks ago however and have a nasty chest injury. Plan is to head over later today to bait up. The way I see it if I'm able to spod, I'm able to fish, Time will tell.
  8. Absolutely buddy, no good putting all your eggs in one basket, you have to be adaptable to really succeed on any water.
  9. The biggest risk is other anglers spotting it and capitalising on your hard work. Carp can make it very obvious what they're up to when feeding on a spot surrounded by weed. Hopefully you'll pull it off mate, best of luck to you.
  10. Spot on, that's the one situation where the rig comes into its own. I think people are slowly realising its not the chuck-anywhere rig that they once thought it was. There are better rigs for every single situation other than the thick weed scenario mentioned above.
  11. See for me the chod rig is only useful on spots that you literally could not present on with any other method. I can't see why anyone would cast one out otherwise, the compromise in mechanics are clear as day to see, the only benefit to it is it allows you to get bites from spots that couldn't otherwise be fished effectively.
  12. I think the screamers occur when a fish panics i.e. when they hook themselves against a lead and bolt. With the chod they don't really do that, rather they take the rig and it slowly penetrates as it moves up or down the leader. Now I think about it I very rarely, if ever, get a screamer using chods (not that I use them a lot). Ultimately it doesn't really matter to me what the run is like, it's landing the fish that counts.
  13. Are you fishing it over a clean bottom?
  14. This is why, when you do get a pick up on the chod, they tend to be absolutely nailed!
  15. I don't think there is such a thing as a finicky pick up on a chod tbh. They either nail it or they don't imo. Carp feed by sucking/blowing with various degrees of intensity. If intensity is low we don't stand a chance with a chod, zero movement, no potential for hooking. Whack the chod on a boom and bingo, you have the HSR, which is a great rig in a low intensity feeding situation. I only ever fish chods over weed or really, really heavy chod and even then I'll fish it on a tiny 2-3 inch boom. This makes it 10 times more effective imo.
  16. Not in my opinion buddy. The chod by it's nature is a compromise as it offers no vertical movement i.e you need the fish to really, really nail it in order to get a decent hook hold. That compromise is worth it if you're fishing a spot that couldn't be fished otherwise (over weed or the heaviest chod), but not if you're fishing a spot that is clean enough to fish a very short rig on a lead clip. Imo a bottom bait or wafter rig would be miles better for a cleaner deck or at the very least a boomed pop up rig (ronnie, hsr etc).
  17. That's just mint @chillfactor. I have watched fished sucking baits up from afar, along with twigs, chod, all manner of rubbish, they manage to filter it all somehow. I believe a lot of the rare'n's, those fish that hardly ever come out, simply feed differently and the feeding behaviour described above is just one example of that. There is huge variation in the mechanics of how individual fish feed.
  18. I completely agree. I gave up debating the benefits of hook sharpening on forums some time ago. Anyone that needs convincing that a sharper hook is a more effective hooker needs their head tested imo.
  19. Farlows and Northey Park both spawning.
  20. I think they were made by Osprey. Long gone now I think, not seen them for years.
  21. I think I posted this once before but it's pretty interesting so I'll posy it again. It's a scientific study that pretty much proves that dropping leads has little to no influence on water quality/pollution. I'm not saying it'as ok to drop leads, it is in the very least littering if anything, but it does make for interesting reading. https://gardnertackle.co.uk/2018/05/carp-fishing-dropping-the-lead-sam-meeuwissen/
  22. I think the biggest challenge is the manufacturing process i.e. moulding. There's loads of suitable materials that could be machined or turned but that's not cost effective. For moulding, plastics don't have the weight and glass is difficult to work with due to the high working temp/viscosity. Imo you're spot on that some kind of resin must be suitable but it's just a matter of finding it.
  23. If any dedicated carp fishery in the UK bans leads next year I'll eat my hat lol
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