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Everything posted by salokcinnodrog

  1. Don't know if you will like this thread on Cobbleacre: http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=19062&highlight=marios
  2. Korda Kurv (released recently), Carp-R-Us Nailer (about 9 years old) pretty much the same style hook (probably are the same hook ), are Curved shank hooks http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=22185 The pics in this thread of mine is a Carp-r-Us Nailer Coated Braid with a Line Aligner: Even then there are various different types of Longshank hooks. Partridge Piggyback was one that was a potential danger to fish. An inturned eye (as on the Bent Hook rigs), almost the same as the Fox Series5. The Carp-R-Us Longshank Nailer does not have an inturned eye like the Fox. Then you have a B175 by Kamasan, that is a totally straight shank hook, but it is a longshank style with an inturned eye
  3. Read carefully: Think the only patterns that were used were along the type of B175 which adapted into the Bent Hook rig, or the Partridge Z13 Ritchie MacDonald hooks, which already had the bend/angle installed in the shank.
  4. as you may or may not know, i did a tuition session recently and this was the way that i was told to put single fake corn on the hair ! i will go and try it out in a minute- you made me think about it ! Thats good then, thinking about it End to End may be best if corn itself is on lakebed, but may possibly be worse for hooking if the corn is hiding the hook and all the free corn is flat on the bottom. If you see what I mean Hmm, think you're right time to think about it and start watching the Carp's feeding behaviour again.
  5. jeeez i only asked a question, dont bite my head off HE DIDN'T, but for being a trifle insecure I will. Tony gave you an answer, and an honest one. Don't be oversensitive, all his questions are pertinent and relate to YOUR fishing, which he tried to help you with. As has been explained MANY MANY times before, the best way to find out is to get out there and do it. Watch, Learn and even Experiment to find out what the Fish want. maybe i interpretted it wrong... thanks salokcinnodrog, i feel better now and thanks cal35, im not alone then No problem, glad you took it as intended after reflection If what you have been doing is continually working it can be very hard to change what has been a winning formula, its just also very difficult to work out when it is time for change Just been looking at 1 of my Artificial Corn rigs, and I have a large B175 (size 4) with a long hair and 3 fake pieces of corn (2 buoyant and 1 sinker) and a plastic bead (the type used in those childrens "heat patterns"; sorry can't think of another way to explain it). I had a number of fish all on that over Vitalin and Sweetcorn a couple of weeks ago. That was a session that upset someone , they didn't think I should be spodding on the lake as it "killed" it for them. He had 1 fish on sweetcorn compared to my 6. The Carp just wanted loads of bait and he hadn't put enough in to hold them. Cal, I have a question for you. I know that the majority of us go through corn from side to side, do you find any difference in takes with the corn "end to end". It just seems a bit strange as it wouldn't land that way on the lakebed.
  6. As Sharpy has said The Bent Hook rig was basically a Long Shank hook that had been bent approximately halfway down the shank to assist in the hook turning in quickly. Unfortunately due to misuse, over use and the fact that on many fish it caused serious Mouth Damage it has been frowned upon in Carp Fishing and in most cases has been banned.
  7. jeeez i only asked a question, dont bite my head off HE DIDN'T, but for being a trifle insecure I will. Tony gave you an answer, and an honest one. Don't be oversensitive, all his questions are pertinent and relate to YOUR fishing, which he tried to help you with. As has been explained MANY MANY times before, the best way to find out is to get out there and do it. Watch, Learn and even Experiment to find out what the Fish want.
  8. Well spotted! it may be that the Club have a Ban on Fixed Leads where the Lead cannot release as in the lead jammed on a swivel or fixed between 2 swivels which do constitute a Death Rig if cracked off. They may allow the Semi-Fixed set-up where the Lead can pull off a Lead Clip. Think you may have to do a bit of checking on the rules very closely. Incidentally a Paper clip can be used to attach the lead to bottom Swivel on a Heli-Set-up (and any Running Lead), although you will need to PVA it from Lead to swivel to prevent it coming off on the cast. Yet when the Lead snags, the Paper Clip opens up and the lead will release. Nick
  9. That means your only option is to use a Lead Set-up that the lead can slide up and down the line, i.e a Running Lead (d'oh, sounds a bit obvious said like that doesn't it ) There is a picture of a Running Lead set-up Here, although you don't need the tubing, although it can help prevent tangles it does also reduce indication slightly
  10. Can't argue for keeping it simple any better than Ouch', Tony and Tryzard There is very little need to tie up super complicated rigs in most cases, there is a lot more that can go wrong. The majority of my fishing since the early 90's has been with a basic Line Aligned or knotless knotted rig. To me the only things that I really need to change for most of my fishing is the Hair or rig length (both of which I believe are covered in The Rig Tying Stickies section). The most important thing is actually getting location right, and as Alan has said, would a basic rig in the same position as his Pulley rig have gotten the same take. Get your location and feeding right and then the fish will often prove that simples is best. Does this help any? http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=9536 It is a fairly long thread with extensive ideas, experiments and opinions.
  11. Preconceived ideas? There are times when I go fishing with the intention of trying something specifically and will stick to the plan with the want to learn something new. I fished a couple of weeks ago over groundbait and used Fake Corn as bait to see whether it was a viable tactic for a particular fish, but although I caught, I got the area wrong and ended up with another "bag" of small commons. My corn set-ups usually involve 2 or 3 real pieces on a hair with just 1 fake piece to give it buoyancy and "stack rig" it, although the session the other week was all fake corn on a large (size4) B175 fished knotless knotted. It doesn't even need to be hair rigged, if you can find the right hook, then a single piece shank mounted is just about balanced. The 2 Carp this week came on my "experimental" bait tipped with a piece of fake corn as the hair stop. Rigs were a Combi link Amnesia to braid, and a straight braid hooklink, both to a size 8 Nailer and Line aligned.
  12. It may be worth trying them. I didn't have any takes on them, but I haven't spent much time learning the water. All my sessions were only Day trips and have been limited, and seemed to be in the early part of the year up to April/May. Other than a few fish on floaters at the shallows I saw more fish hanging around the pump near the Dam wall (a bright white ghostie giving the game away), but it does not look like a safe area to fish as there were a few snags in the form of pump, a platform and some branches on the lakebed.
  13. If your tubing is coming back whole, but with small marks in then it is doing its job! If you use a long hooklink then a Heli arrangement may well not be the best set-up. If that means that you have to use a Semi-Fixed or Running set-up then Leadcore is NOT an option. I've actually fished a couple of venues knowing that with snags (mussel covered branches and gravel) I needed to use 2 metres of Tubing to prevent problems. The best tubing I found to avoid being cut up was Armourtube, think it is now sold by Solar, although as with all tubing the threading may cause you grief. not sure what you mean with the heli set up and long hooklinks? have used them in the past with no proplems. What do you mean by long? To me a long hooklink is above 20centimetres at the moment, although I have gone up to 60centimetres in the past (not with Heli Leads). I found that hooklinks above 20centimetres with Heli Rigs were more likely to tangle, and that also depended on the hooklink material. Braid is definitely more likely to tangle than mono/fluoro. The only way to use longer hooklinks in my opinion, on a heli is to tie them back, which meant I may as well have not been using heli set-ups anyway as I can do as neat job with a Running/Semi-Fixed Pendant arrangement.
  14. I have only fished it a few times, but every time I found the fish at the narrow end it was floater time, until the swans came along. Baitwise I'm not really sure what has been working on there. It didn't respond to bright pop-ups on any of my day trips. I never had the chance to get the fish really confident in any bait as it was only a "quick" trip just to see what it was like. The Bailiff was only really interested in getting his Day Ticket money and not giving out information. It may pay to get a food bait properly established as I have never seen any of the same anglers on there other than the Match Anglers
  15. Do you mean Kirton Hall near Felixstowe in Suffolk? If so, then there is no substitute for spending time on the water watching and looking for the fish. The shallow margins on the High bank mean that the fish do not come in particularly close. Fish often hang around the Pump, and the narrow end, but the swans did make fishing difficult up there.
  16. If your tubing is coming back whole, but with small marks in then it is doing its job! If you use a long hooklink then a Heli arrangement may well not be the best set-up. If that means that you have to use a Semi-Fixed or Running set-up then Leadcore is NOT an option. I've actually fished a couple of venues knowing that with snags (mussel covered branches and gravel) I needed to use 2 metres of Tubing to prevent problems. The best tubing I found to avoid being cut up was Armourtube, think it is now sold by Solar, although as with all tubing the threading may cause you grief.
  17. Last thread on Shatterford: http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=5500&highlight=shatterford
  18. I agree with all that Shakey says, although beware there are a few Swim Jumpers about who will go off your efforts I was doing the same, mostly overnighters with a few longer sessions put in. Bream can really clean you out if you pile much bait in, or just as easily they can leave the bait alone for a couple of days if the Carp are in the area. I have had Carp out over massive baited areas (and I mean massive 10kilos at a time ) or just a stringer or small bag. This was on the first night or after a couple of days. It can appear to take the Carp a few days to find any bait and they do move around a bit, but as Shakey says, just concentrate on the location, walk as much as you can then get into your fishing, and multiple catches are a possibility as they may well get into a few shoals. The way I found to pick a swim was park at the lodge, walk down the bank to Lodge Lane, go back to car, then park at Lodge Lane and walk down to dam at Wick Lane and then the same along the other arm, and then decide on weather and sightings (not many sightings). Lots of walking involved. The Leather in my avatar is an Ardleigh fish, as are a few more of the pics I have on here Again, like Shakey I would like to get back as I have somethings I would like to catch up on, especially the Social life as there are some good guys on there. I think when the anglers know you, the kettle goes on almost immediately they see you come past. One word of warning I found though, try to avoid Friday/Saturday nights, especially if you are parked on the A12 side as I did have an occasional problem with drunken squaddies being a bit rowdy (not fighting just rowdy and some of their habits were a bit crude)
  19. I believe that due to problems with certain parts of a foreign community and some fish going missing and aggression aimed towards the Bailiff who works at the factory the Day Tickets have been stopped. They were only available from October until March anyway, and a close season has been enforced I do know that ICI are looking to get a Full time guard going around the venue. I have heard that at the moment the Factory workers have the right to fish it, and the syndicate is not yet totally up and running. This is only the current rumour though, and until I hear anything else I don't know any different.
  20. Some days my timing is just plain awful Give me a windy day, usually a headwind, and I have no end of problems. I either mistime it or force it extra hard and lose gear. That happens when I'm Sea Fishing as well. Either that or you are a gentle gentleman caster and I'm just plain brute force and ignorant
  21. I've never lost any tackle using a commercial brand of marker braid straight through. Adding a leader is more likely to cause losses as you'll then have a weak point i.e. the knot! Was the other way around for me, I lost more because I wasn't using a Leader Give it a real whack and because of no stretch and a crack-off I would end up having to re-tackle. 3 or 4oz leads on a 30lb braid is not good, you actually need close to 60lb strength with a 3oz lead to reduce the crack-offs, whereas with an Amnesia or Greased Weasel leader I can keep at the 30/40lb (10lb per ounce of lead). As for the knot catching, tie a good knot, and position it at the back of the spool and you shouldn't have problems with it. The knot I use is to tie an overhand knot in the leader, don't pull it tight, thread the braid through the loop in line with the tag end, then Uni knot the braid down the leader, lubricate and pull tight. Never had one give way unless I have hit a snag, or been cut off. The cut-offs I have had have actually cut the braid rather than the leader as well
  22. Sorry, I definitely don't agree that Leadcore will protect the fish, or even pin the line down better. In the Leaders or Not thread link above, we had a long discussion on Leadcore and it is not good stuff to be using. http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=39794 This new link gives a pic of what can happen with a leader, and it does not need to be leadcore to be a risk. A bead that can't slide, or a rig that can't release. Even look at the pic in the thread that Tony started in this section. Now please tell me, why use a leader? There is no need except for long distance casting, when you are using a Shock leader to prevent the mainline snapping on the cast. When you do use a Shock leader then the lead, and rig must be free to come loose and ejected. So a Running lead is the best set-up. On top of that if there is weed or snags present, then a leader can tangle up in it, so basically forget fishing there. All fishing must be done as safely as possible, and leaders, especially leadcore, are not the safest items to be using
  23. I'll go with what others have said in their posts, learning to tie your own rigs is an important step towards your fishing targets. To get making your own rigs all you need is a pack of swivels and/or quick links, hooks and a hooklink material, and obviously a pair of Scissors/Braid Blades or nail clippers to cut the hooklink material. Not an essential, but may be useful is Silicon tubing, large enough to go over the eye when you have your hooklink knot or knotless knot and the hook tied on. I'll give you the link to the Rig Tying Stickies which has a number of pics and a couple of diagrams. While there are some more advanced rigs shown in there, my advice , again, as with others, is Keep it as Simple as possible http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=22185
  24. I still occasionally lose tackle Even with a leader! I lost (eventually getting back) a lead, float and leader on a snag that had been "dropped" into the lake this winter. I'm more concerned about my fingers with the leader than losing tackle. A mistimed braid cast can cut to the bone, and I suppose because of the lack of stretch it may also mean a mistimed or off cast can crack-off. Might also be easier for you if you just type in Nick, instead of SALOKCINNODROG
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