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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/02/25 in all areas

  1. dalej2014

    New purchases

    Some Reuben Heatons that go up to 120lb, and a weigh bar handle Off with some chaps monster hunting soon 🎣😉
    4 points
  2. elmoputney

    New purchases

    Imagine if they end up near 7 o'clock🤔
    1 point
  3. newmarket

    First time EVER

    Ironically a few weeks after my last post on this thread I had a fall and broke my hip and femur . Was off work for 3 & 1/2 months and to this day I still walk with a pronounced limp . Having a metal rod running from my hip’s ball joint down to my knee (with my knee occasionally giving way) probably means I’ll always have it and I’m guessing that the days of me lugging around Bivvies , Carp rods and buckets of bait around are almost certainly gone now but I hope to still be able to take Tj on a few coarse trips when the weather warms up a bit . He certainly bangs on about it enough but it’ll be difficult as all my fishing gear is in storage but that’s another story .
    1 point
  4. I was mooching and found this: https://www.facebook.com/share/r/CtSFibru45ifMqBD/
    1 point
  5. Bit late but i got some tips for taking off line. I set my distance sticks 4meters apart. I take off usally around 230 m, so a 1000 m spool is good for 4 reels. You can also empty the spool complete like that in no time.
    1 point
  6. No I mean these guys 😂
    1 point
  7. Carpbell3

    Today's thought.

    Carful with that I ended up with Pneumonia last November started as a cold not nice at all I'm back at the hospital next week for more tests as the xrays showed COPD.
    0 points
  8. salokcinnodrog

    Today's thought.

    Oh gawd! So for around a month I have had the awful feeling of that tiny piece of breadcrust stuck in the back of the throat, that won't go up or down. When I had throat surgery in September it was explained that scar tissue would take a while and it could happen. However it came complete with the taste of smoked bacon in my mouth. Not the worst taste, but it does mean I'm not enjoying the taste of food or drink. Doctors visit yesterday, it turns out I have a virus that could last up to 3 months.
    0 points
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