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Showing content with the highest reputation on 16/04/24 in all areas

  1. framey

    New purchases

    Surely the latest version should be classified a mk3 and it would save these kind of headaches!! effing manufacturers
    3 points
  2. salokcinnodrog

    New purchases

    How many times have I said updates and upgrades are not always better? Nor me. That's not a mark 2, it's a mark 2.5 or 3. I hope you get it sorted, you can always use the return of item as not suitable for use described. It is one you could win especially if you got Trading Standards or CAB involved as the description is not clear.
    2 points
  3. kevtaylor

    Power bank

    I've got the Powa Pacs Atom which is good but expensive, bought for the plug socket and bait boat charging on the bank. However as has been said you cant beat Anker for a good reliable power bank, got one of those, highly recommended. 👍 Anker is a good brand full stop
    2 points
  4. B B

    Power bank

    I’ve got a Anker power bank cost around £30 ish off the bay of e which I’m happy with 4 charges on a iPhone and used it with my heated sleeping bag ok. It’s old technology got to be 3 years old but does the job takes a while to charge it back up tho
    2 points
  5. framey

    New purchases

    Could use that part of the CRA. would also help if you could pick up the advert to prove it doesn’t mention the fact it will only fit pre or post 2017 model.
    1 point
  6. framey

    Power bank

    Almost any should be good enough for you then The anker ones as mentioned are highly regarded and not a lot of money
    1 point
  7. framey

    New purchases

    Bet not many knew that I didn’t
    1 point
  8. commonly

    New purchases

    Ice to keep the beers cold for my 7 nighter more like😉
    1 point
  9. elmoputney

    New purchases

    Just take a wheelie bin mate could double as a Bait bucket or ice bath 😂
    1 point
  10. B B

    Reservoir diary

    That post got to be the funniest Iv seen …choked on me coffee 😄
    1 point
  11. framey

    Reservoir diary

    French stuff has garlic Chinese stuff has sweet and sour best stuff is the Jamaican 😂 😜
    1 point
  12. B B

    New purchases

    How much do you pay the guy from Trakker to carry your water ? ….. as you can tell from my posts I’m bored got rained off in work today 😏
    1 point
  13. Another weekend blank, racking them up. Left what feels like my peg alone (West end, back of the wind) as there were others either side and only one down the windward end but out the way (East end taking a westerly). Did Friday night in one swim and had a couple show over the rods at dawn but far more were showing in a vacant swim round the corner, so I planned to move midday get the rods in place early afternoon once it'd gone quiet. I knew the swim a little and placed rigs all around the edges of the plateau with as little disturbance as possible. Was absolutely gutted to wake up and nothing showing, just one tiny liner, area seemed dead and noticeably colder than the day before. That's carp fishing in spring, never kind to me, onto next time. Oh and pushing that barrow through floods and sticky clay holes full of random brick ends is not the one and will finish me off pretty damn soon, where's that power wheel 🙏🤣
    1 point
  14. ouchthathurt

    New purchases

    job done 👍
    1 point
  15. B B

    New purchases

    For all the members that have difficulty owning up to tackle purchases to their better half’s here’s a trick I came across …but be warned tho if you get greedy and abuse the said trick you could end up permanently damaged …
    1 point
  16. framey

    New purchases

    Never had you pegged as a handbag type of girl lol
    1 point
  17. salokcinnodrog

    New purchases

    Sell stuff, never gonna happen again
    1 point
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