Hi Ian, I hope you are well. In my hiatus, I went a bit off the rails and ended up going to university at the ripe old age of 27. Whilst there, an Albanian girl thought it would be a wise idea to hide my teaspoon (not a euphemism). Suffice to say that when she found her own teaspoon embedded into the centre of a hollowed out cucumber - again, not a euphemism - she realised she was dealing with a professional. She conceded immediately and I am now, in my own mind, the world champion.
I don't spitefully hang toilet roll incorrectly anymore. However, I have been known to turn a microwave upside down to see how long it takes people to realise - you'd be surprised at my results.
Although I'm becoming interested in carp fishing again, it seems that finding unkempt and underfished lakes is getting increasingly difficult which is making me hesitant. I suspect there is a few little unearthed gems on some cheap club tickets, especially given I don't really care about the size of the carp.