A couple of lads had 3 between them off the top on Kingy to 46 I believe on scorching hot Friday afternoon whilst I was setting up - inspiring!
Need to refresh my floater skills 👍
I did some googling after this and high temp does seem to be bad. This Thursday it looks like it'll be high 20s around Farlows where I'm going. Unfortunately the bait is brought and I'm committed as the next time I'm free to go is September. I decided I'd rather go and blank than not have gone at all. I'll probably regret that when I'm a red sweating mess on Thursday with no fish :).
Ah well worst things than been out in the sun. Maybe I'll even be lucky and get one or two.
I've had similar situations. One water I was catching on the deck getting good drops but to look at from above you'd not even consider putting a rig there. Sometimes you're better off not knowing imo.
I only say that as the first time I went out on to dinton in a boat to retrieve a fish opened my eyes considerably. The picture I had in my head couldn't have been further from what I saw. To such an extent that I started to change the way I fished even though I was catching and obviously doing it right already.
If you are fishing with a heli setup and casting on something not rock hard, like silt or soft clay the lead will often bury a bit in the debris. When you pull the line the lead will therefore be harder to eject from the bottom but after you have "unplugged" it, it will be easier to drag across the bottom.
I wouldn't recommend moving the lead at all though unless for recast since if you do you have no idea what your rig is pulling into. You might very well pick up debris or blunt your hook if fished on gravel or such.
Even if you 'land' on gravel there is often a layer of silt on it. The lead plugs in, you drag it free, then you tighten the line.
Best bet is to cast, gently reel in, slowly, until the line tightens, do NOT move the lead.
It might be due to being plugged into clay, sand, silt or in between/on gravel. Absolutely no issue with it at all. I cast out and leave it, never pull back after casting as when you pull it after casting like you do you could easily drag the hook into debris or into gravel and damage the hook point. Cast it in and tighten up to it, that's it.