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  2. What a shock that must have been finding out all the reports are gone for every one concerned šŸ¤¢
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  4. Hi there ! That's similar to what I thought but just wanted to check I wasn't going to do anything wrong! Many thanks for the reply I appreciate it šŸ˜Š
  5. Yes and no. I'll try to walk you through my view of naked Chod or Helicopter setups, over around 25-30years of fishing. If you have a break-off with a helicopter setup, it is usually above the lead, and the rig. The rig must be able to pass over any stop knot and any bead to come off the broken line. By having the lead fixed in place, on a quicklink it can do so, you DO NOT want to drop the lead. Problems with naked chods and helicopters are using a swivel straight to the mainline, they get scratched and can eventually scratch and break the naked mainline, so that swivel needs to be on a proper helicopter bead, in simple terms a dumbell shape bead, or you need to use a stronger leader or tubing. Which brings us back to the rig needs to come off the top end, and the leads needs to be fixed.
  6. This probably sounds stupid but when using naked chod set up using mainline straight through and I see people use a quick change clip to attach the lead isn't then classed as a fixed lead?
  7. TBF I never collected them myself neither. My dad collected them. They're definitely worth revisiting if you can find them.
  8. Somewhere, no idea where, I have the entire set. I can't claim to have collected them myself, they were a gift from a pal who was moving house and downsizing. Wonder where I put them............. Ian.
  9. Mines probz not complete as only got 5 folders. It's like a encyclopedia of fishing. Picked up a little tip about using paste on the hook from 1970s. Bit of bread crust on the hook then mould the paste around that but best of all I like the club rules especially rules 5 & 6
  10. norakhann34

    Dogs and fishing

    The best service for dogs and cats is CodaPet in Superior WI. It gives the peaceful passing to our domestic friends.
  11. Stopped doing too much on line when my old photo hosting premium account went south years ago 10 years of hard work vanished over night, when it corrupted my web site and everything. Lesson learnt but I just donā€™t bother now.
  12. Bought a few when they first came out
  13. Woooow, going back a while there now, jeez. I had 6 binders and (I think) I collected every issue, I can remember they were heavy when full. Had everything in from Seafishing, were to fish in what weather conditions, what rigs and bait, tactics, tackle...
  14. Anyone remember these. Tired of watching the likes of korda masterclasses lol, so gonna have another look through these. Its been over 20yrs since they were last opened. Either gonna learn something new or remember something old.
  15. Cheers Barry, Looking into the advice to start small shall i say haha. You might be right, i think having a basic foundation of what im doing will make sessions better. Cheers
  16. I would say a tackle shop gift voucher. Most anglers, fishing tackle is very personal to them. I have a brand aversion to a couple of manufacturers after shoddy tackle and personal ethics, and brand loyalty to others. There are a couple of exceptions, my eldest daughter as a Christmas present bought me a Moka Pot Bialetti coffee maker. It is my fishing coffee maker. My younger two as a Fathers Day gift around 15years ago bought me a camping cutlery set and a thermal mug, both of which are still in use.
  17. Hey, if you're aiming for big carp, these tips might help: Pre-baiting: Start baiting a spot a few days before you fish there. Carp will get used to finding food in that spot. I like using a mix of boiled corn, pellets, and some small particle baits. Find the right spot: Look for areas with overhanging trees, weed beds, or gravel bars. These are prime spots where carp like to hang out. Stay quiet and be patient: Big carp are smart and wary of anglers. Approach your fishing spot quietly and avoid making too much noise. Patience is key; sometimes you might need to wait hours or even days. Choose the right bait: High-quality, nutritious baits can make a big difference. I usually go for baits that mimic the carpā€™s natural food sources. Use technology: Tools can really give you an edge. For example, the CatchX Mini GPS bait boat is awesome. It can precisely drop your bait where you want it, especially in those hard-to-reach spots. It makes bait placement super easy without disturbing the water too much.
  18. I think ripptonā€™s headlamp is good. Itā€™s super light. If your friend likes night fishing, maybe he will like it.
  19. My Scrambler will be my last bike... I'm 66 in a few weeks so I'll have this one a while till my back says "beggar off, yer done sunshine"...šŸ¤£
  20. i came to carp after years of being a maggot drowner and as much as i was clueless to begin with i knew some of the basics of fish care and such like. i picked up some cheaper carp rods after using my feeder set up and from there have used this forum and other places to learn rigs and presentation and am now having loads of fun. i reckon if i had started fishing just going for carp i doubt i would have lasted long at it but follow the aboves advice and i reckon you will have both more fun and luck
  21. i know what you mean, i cant see myself getting rid of my STR. It does everything i want very well. not the most top end but you can really rev it without fear of losing your license before 3rd gear
  22. Welcome to carp.com My personal advice, fish for 'other' fish in waters with carp in. The way I started carp (and tench) fishing was fishing one float rod for silver fish with maggots, bread or worm, and then a ledger rod to one side with a bigger bait, sweetcorn, luncheon meat or boilie. I don't know the Surrey area at all but I'm sure that there is a water around that fits the bill.
  23. That is your choice. I didn't intend it to happen, I'd much rather it hadn't happened. I do know that people have spent ages writing posts for their own computer to have a freak out and lose the lot, or as my mate did who designs websites, hit a button and wiped out a whole website because one server is used for a couple of sites who 'piggyback' each others design. It is also some of the same reason that Karlos had so much problem getting his forum back on line, so much data on the server that that could not all be backed up. Normally when I edit a section I can shift it offline and then quietly edit it with no problem, but because Catch Reports is constantly live I didn't. The amusing and annoying thing for me is that as much as I dislike Facebook, it is my back-up for pictures and stories. I have gone through 3 tablets, more phones, pc's and laptops, and once one dies I've lost those pictures, which include 3 20's in a night from the 450acre Alton Water, and many of my slides and prints from my partner and my children. What goes in here on catch reports has gone on the Syndicate Facebook page or my own Timeline since I refuse to pay for a photo host after photobucket started charging. Again, a major annoyance as I do or did slideshows, talks and presentations for work and various PAC regions, I've personally lost pictures related to life, work and fishing.
  24. Hard work this fish, spombed out a bucket of hemp and pigeon conditioner and a pike decided to chase the Spomb and then sat in the margin. I got the rod sorted and the pike got caught up in the line eventually biting through it and fragging around 50metres which I had to take off. Rerigged and had a frap up and crack-off. Got sorted again and took another 3 casts with PVA bags and a Multi-rig to get it right. 20lb 2oz We've also been through the stocking lists of the syndicate and found it was stocked 2 years ago at 15lb 8oz and apparently there are no other capture pics by anyone else.
  25. Yeah Iā€™ve watched the majority of Carls stuff, very useful cheers. i didnā€™t think of second hand tackle, just assumed a Ā£50 rod new would be as cheap as it gets? Iā€™ll go back to the drawing board šŸ‘
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