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I really don't need to be spending another night in hospital attached to an intravenous drip receiving antibiotics, painkillers and steroids after having a quinsy lanced.

6months into the year and I have been ill for 4 of them... 

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30 minutes ago, salokcinnodrog said:

I really don't need to be spending another night in hospital attached to an intravenous drip receiving antibiotics, painkillers and steroids after having a quinsy lanced.

6months into the year and I have been ill for 4 of them... 

Get well soon , Nick .


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18 hours ago, salokcinnodrog said:

I really don't need to be spending another night in hospital attached to an intravenous drip receiving antibiotics, painkillers and steroids after having a quinsy lanced.

6months into the year and I have been ill for 4 of them... 

Hope the last half the year is better for you.

Get well soon

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23 hours ago, salokcinnodrog said:

I really don't need to be spending another night in hospital attached to an intravenous drip receiving antibiotics, painkillers and steroids after having a quinsy lanced.

6months into the year and I have been ill for 4 of them... 

hope things improve, never nice having them done

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The strange thing is I didn't know how ill I was.

I know that sounds stupid, but on Boxing Day I had the sore throat from hell a few days after a cold, then within a week or so it was gone, I just felt constantly tired for a few weeks, occasional cold symptoms, sniffles, slight sore throat nothing major though.

In April I had to go up to A&E, 24 hours after seeing the GP, with the quinsy, which is an abscess in the tonsils, in the throat. While I was there, it burst, which the ENT doctor thought had 'cured' it as the infection was no longer in the tonsil. I finished a course of antibiotics a week later.


Then this week, it came back again, from nothing to full on struggling to breathe as my throat was almost completely closed up within 18hours from Saturday morning to Sunday.

The general lethargy from Christmas to now is quite likely a minor 'blood poisoning' as the abscess obviously is an infection I was fighting.

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40 minutes ago, crusian said:

Hi Nick .

Just playing catch up .

How are you feeling now ? .


I finish my antibiotics today, so that's good. The hospital has sent me a follow-up appointment to discuss tonsils out for next month.

I've managed to actually stay awake for a whole day.

I had been getting up, breakfast, ablutions, walk Sky and fall asleep, lunch, take Sky out, fall asleep, dinner and take Sky out bed then a rough night's sleep.

Fishing this week, although cursing at how quickly the weed has come up. On Sunday, only a few weeded over spots, within 3 days the surface is covered by blanket weed and any that breaks free drifts into the lines.

I'm going to have to go out in chesties to clear some of it. Not fun as the water level is still high.

On a positive note I have seen the big uncaught common that I would put at big 40's, and I managed to retrieve the line and rig that the pike bit through a couple of weeks ago, still with bait attached, but negative is that I haven't caught this trip.

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On 18/06/2024 at 17:58, mrmud said:

Good to hear your feeling better n upto to getting out on the bank, or should I say out in the water lol.

Tight lines fella


I spend a lot of time in the water hunting for feeding spots and clear patches when I'm at the lake. I know the course of the old stream bed, and pretty much know when the shallows get to swan reach depth.

The swans can get to be a right pain. There are 3 pairs on the lake, one at the dam and who is extremely dominant and a pair two thirds of the way  up who regularly argue with the shallows pair. We then have as many as 150 to 200 transient swans who are not yet old enough to have a territory that have been ejected by their parents. The dominant pairs (males especially) will attack or bully them.

The Fens on the Norfolk and Suffolk border are a big area for the younger swans. We don't feed them, but some of the reserves do.

For us swans can get onto bait or go through lines with absolutely no idea, yet geese and ducks avoid the lines.


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5 hours ago, salokcinnodrog said:

I spend a lot of time in the water hunting for feeding spots and clear patches when I'm at the lake

Only allowed to wade thigh high at the lake 😔.


5 hours ago, salokcinnodrog said:

For us swans can get onto bait or go through lines with absolutely no idea, yet geese and ducks avoid the lines.

Luckily there's only one swan to contend with. It is strange how a swan doesn't seem to care about the lines (to bold) but the other water birds do.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Feel like I'm getting old, can't handle a hang over anymore 🤣🤣 went out for a few after work on Saturday with plans to go fishing Sunday for a 24... strolled in early hours Sunday, ended up ill on the sofa until last night 😭 also feeling very sorry for myself today🤣🤣

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6 minutes ago, jh92 said:

Feel like I'm getting old, can't handle a hang over anymore 🤣🤣 went out for a few after work on Saturday with plans to go fishing Sunday for a 24... strolled in early hours Sunday, ended up ill on the sofa until last night 😭 also feeling very sorry for myself today🤣🤣

No sympathy lol, self inflicted 😂.

I'm one of them Tea Totals.

To rub some salt in... Sunday was the day you was gonna beat your PB. I just know it 🔮🤣.

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3 hours ago, jh92 said:

Feel like I'm getting old, can't handle a hang over anymore

I know that feeling! I rarely drink these days and then it's only a small one. During my teenage and early 20's years, I went out most nights, nowadays I've had a minor hangover after 1 pint!

I like to think that it's wisdom but probably means I'm getting old! Saying that, don't miss the following mornings when I remember how stupid I was or what I said. If I could turn back the clock, I would definitely fast forward and give it a miss.

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4 hours ago, mrmud said:

No sympathy lol, self inflicted 😂.

I'm one of them Tea Totals.

To rub some salt in... Sunday was the day you was gonna beat your PB. I just know it 🔮🤣.

Yeah mate very disappointed with myself. That's me back on the wagon now 👍🤣 quite a few 20s and a couple 30s came out of the water I was gonna fish 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

24 minutes ago, Golden Paws said:

I know that feeling! I rarely drink these days and then it's only a small one. During my teenage and early 20's years, I went out most nights, nowadays I've had a minor hangover after 1 pint!

I like to think that it's wisdom but probably means I'm getting old! Saying that, don't miss the following mornings when I remember how stupid I was or what I said. If I could turn back the clock, I would definitely fast forward and give it a miss.

Looking at the bank balance this morning and seeing the price I was paying on rounds is soul destroying 🤣🤣I'm trying to forget the rubbish I was waffling, hopefully I don't bump into them for a while 🤦‍♂️🤣

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Iv been working crazy lately last break was in early May the money is good but there’s always a price to pay and Iv not renewed my ticket. 

Got used to working 7 days a week and it’s become the norm should get back to normal hours at the end of the month 

Another reason for not renewing and the main reason is I haven’t been fishing with my buddy as he didn’t join the syndicate I plan to change that …

so Iv booked us a couple of swims at Linear on B1 for a 48hr he don’t know yet, he’s had the all clear after having his pacemaker fitted and like I said to him we got to get him a 30 before his battery runs out. 

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Back this morning at 4am from 10 days in egypt, coolest day was 36oC hottest was 43oC....soon be on a 4hr round trip drive to pick the pooch up from sister in laws at Thirsk....been up since 5.30am yesterday, screaming baby behind us on plane for 5hrs, no sleep then or even today, back in work at 4.30 in morning.

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1 hour ago, Higham1987 said:

Back this morning at 4am from 10 days in egypt, coolest day was 36oC hottest was 43oC....soon be on a 4hr round trip drive to pick the pooch up from sister in laws at Thirsk....been up since 5.30am yesterday, screaming baby behind us on plane for 5hrs, no sleep then or even today, back in work at 4.30 in morning.

Oh what it is to be young , all the above would finish me off 😱.

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6 hours ago, Higham1987 said:

Back this morning at 4am from 10 days in egypt, coolest day was 36oC hottest was 43oC....soon be on a 4hr round trip drive to pick the pooch up from sister in laws at Thirsk....been up since 5.30am yesterday, screaming baby behind us on plane for 5hrs, no sleep then or even today, back in work at 4.30 in morning.


1 hour ago, Higham1987 said:

I'm still at it 🤣🤣, just got back with the Pooch, shopping next then hopefully something to eat, power nap, then sort more later on....needa week to recover from 2 weeks holiday 🤣

Id be sleeping. The pooch n shopping could wait. 

I need a week to recover after a weekend fishing 🤣

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2 hours ago, mrmud said:


Id be sleeping. The pooch n shopping could wait. 

I need a week to recover after a weekend fishing 🤣

Need it all done for tonight, all back at work/school in morning (4am me)...Cupboards like old mother Hubbard cupboards 🤣🤣....everything practically done now 😀 

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1 hour ago, Higham1987 said:

Need it all done for tonight, all back at work/school in morning (4am me)...Cupboards like old mother Hubbard cupboards 🤣🤣....everything practically done now 😀 

Fair play. U atleast deserve a sticker lol. Bet even in the heat it was amazing out there.

I've never left the good old UK. I get travel sick on a merry go round or pedal boat 🤣

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2 hours ago, mrmud said:

Fair play. U atleast deserve a sticker lol. Bet even in the heat it was amazing out there.

I've never left the good old UK. I get travel sick on a merry go round or pedal boat 🤣

We're the hotel was, there was only 4 hotels in the area, ours included....but getting there from the airport reminded me of the film American Sniper, in how they traveled around the city in there little vans and bikes, 

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On 02/07/2024 at 13:12, jh92 said:

Feel like I'm getting old, can't handle a hang over anymore 🤣🤣 went out for a few after work on Saturday with plans to go fishing Sunday for a 24... strolled in early hours Sunday, ended up ill on the sofa until last night 😭 also feeling very sorry for myself today🤣🤣


On 02/07/2024 at 13:21, mrmud said:

No sympathy lol, self inflicted 😂.

I'm one of them Tea Totals.

To rub some salt in... Sunday was the day you was gonna beat your PB. I just know it 🔮🤣.


On 02/07/2024 at 16:57, Golden Paws said:

I know that feeling! I rarely drink these days and then it's only a small one. During my teenage and early 20's years, I went out most nights, nowadays I've had a minor hangover after 1 pint!

I like to think that it's wisdom but probably means I'm getting old! Saying that, don't miss the following mornings when I remember how stupid I was or what I said. If I could turn back the clock, I would definitely fast forward and give it a miss.


On 02/07/2024 at 17:27, jh92 said:

Yeah mate very disappointed with myself. That's me back on the wagon now 👍🤣 quite a few 20s and a couple 30s came out of the water I was gonna fish 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Looking at the bank balance this morning and seeing the price I was paying on rounds is soul destroying 🤣🤣I'm trying to forget the rubbish I was waffling, hopefully I don't bump into them for a while 🤦‍♂️🤣

I used to be terrible for drinking, Friday and Saturday clubbing, along with student night in the pub or club, as well as after American football on Sunday.

Then when I got my Pub, Hotel and Restaurant Manager HND and saw the state of people after a night out I basically stopped drinking. I might have the occasional drink, but where 10pints and the occasional short and a slight hangover next day was normal, now its only a beer or two at the most, maybe a glass of wine with dinner.

Part of that is I drive and so won't drink the day before a journey, and if I go to a PAC meeting in the pub it is 1 pint of shandy and that's it.


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