Use 2 setups
1, The type of reel you use (big pit /baitrunner)
Wychwood signature freespirit 50 baitruñner
2, what lb line you use and if you use a leader
10lb diawa sensor
3, the distances your are achieving
Probably up to 30 - 50 yards
4, the size water (feel free to give multiple answers r varying sizes of water
Up to 8 acres
5, the length of rod
9ft 2.75 t/c
Other one is
1, The type of reel you use (big pit /baitrunner)
Shimano biomaster 8000 xta
2, what lb line you use and if you use a leader
15lb daiwa sensor
3, the distances your are achieving
Probably 80+ yards
4, the size water (feel free to give multiple answers r varying sizes of water
Up to 72 acres
5, the length of rod
13ft 3.25 t/c